I just disrupted last year for overseas studies 2 months before my ord date and went overseas and got my blue ic back but not 11B. So at the present am I considered a civilian? And disrupt also need clearance so everything was already signed and cleared before I left overseas so does the SAF still have power to charge me over stuff if any bad thing happened 5 months ago ?
as long u get your pink/blue ic back ur consider a civilian.
Procedure same as per ORD personnel, also need to do clearance.
As long ur in SG, they can send u a SAF100 over to CMPB to answer charge. It's impractical for them to do so when ur overseas.
And what is the exact purpose of clearance if they already cleared you like ippt, arms, is it almost impossible to charge someone months after since you have been cleared of the liabilities months ago.