Hi everyone, i got a question that i want to ask.
Basically, i am currently on JPSDS scheme which i sign before poly 1st year, and recently the deployment letter have arrive and the date is in mid-March and the vocation is Infantry. I would like to ask is it possible to change vocation that is to Commando spec. I am interested in Commando even before i sign on. It is because of my interest that i decided to sign up.
The last medical review i did during the signing up phase, my PES is B and the reason is thin build and the ippt result for that phase is silver. Is it for these 2 reasons that i was not selected to be in Commando. I remembered me putting Commando as the 1st choice. Maybe is because before entering poly, i was quite thin but now, although not alot, i have gain some body mass.
So if now i get another medical review and i successfully get PES A and get Gold for napfa, does it mean that it is possible, even a little, for me to change from Infantry to Commando? Or is it already to late. I am really interested to become a Commando and thats the reason for signing up as a combat specialists vocation.
Please call 1800-3676767 to speak to the customer service officer to appeal.
They don't let you choose vocations when you sign on?
Originally posted by alize:They don't let you choose vocations when you sign on?
Yup, they let you choose. But my first choice was out and so they put me second choice.
Anyway i have call and they say since my second choice was Infantry. Thus i have to serve Infantry.
1) Btw, my BMT starts in May but i have to go to Tekong in March. So does any ex-JPSDS schemers know what will i be doing inside?
2) And i was thinking whether SAF does sponser us for the LASIK surgery, and if they really does, around when will they spon us, as in the rank? Cause if they dont sponser or must wait until like after 1 or 2 years, i rather pay myself and do the surgery now since it will take quite some time for the administrative work.