Hey! im currently in an Infantry unit now. but i thought of sign on. but i like what im doing now, an infantry soldier and thought of signing after i finish my 1yr 10mths NSF time. so if i sign on after i ORD, they will add another 5 years, or just add another 3years 2months? and i only got N level cert. and i wanna be a guardsmen. can i like go to SCS first, then go to a guards unit and stuff?
i am sure some of the bonds can offer you a chance to study and upgrade yourself. as for vocation first you have to be physically fit and pasas the tests. check out the link provided and talkto the mindef admin or HR if can for specifics on signing on and career path with the force..
If you sign on anytime during your NSF time, they will backpay you a certain amount and consider the whole period of NSF time as having served as a regular (since it is already full-time).
Vocation - cannot choose. You can request your preference, but SAF has no obligation to keep you at a certain vocation or give you what you ask. They will freely deploy/vocate you to their needs.
Request to your direct superior to talk to your unit's S1 (manpower officer) or DyS1 (deputy manpower officer). They will give you the advice and details.
The link EAC provided if TS just surf around he can get a lot of infomration about entry requirements and ranking attainment.
but i think guards is a skill ed infantry soldier in helicopter operations. so i guess you still have to complete your basic infantrymen traingins first, before looking out for any guards course intake. speaking to Mindef recruitment is the best to learn more about how you can get into this course while in your active service.