NSmen are required to apply for an Exit Permit for overseas
trips of 6 months or longer. NSmen who go overseas for more than 14
days but less than 6 months must notify MINDEF of their overseas
trips through the MINDEF Notification Centre (MNC). The possession
of an Exit Permit or the notification or the notification of MINDEF
Notification Centre does not absolve NSmen from mobilisation and to
report for NS duties when required.
During mobilisation manning period, NSmen can still travel
overseas but are required to seek approval from their unit to be
exempted from mobilisation prior to departure. Failing
which, disciplinary actions will be taken.
(C) Mobilisation Manning
Before you ORD or your first operational manning, your unit will
brief you on the following:
During mobilisation exercise, your NS unit may be required to
move out for field exercises after the normal reporting is done.
Being mindful of your varying commitments, the SAF will make every
effort to minimise disruption to your civilian careers when
mobilisation exercises are held.
How can my family support my mobilisation?
You are encouraged to keep your family members informed of your
whereabouts especially during your Operational Manning Periods.
They should also be informed of how and where they can contact you
to facilitate your speedy mobilisation.
Your family members should also know your NS unit's code words and
be prepared that you are required to remain at the unit for a
longer period if the mobilisation should involves field
If you have any family members that are 16 years of age or above,
they can acknowledge any call-up notice serve at your residence.
Upon receipt, they must contact you immediately.
Source: www.mindef.gov.sg/nsmen
Reservist Call-Up (eSAF 100)
(Fm: MINDEF) You have a National Service Call-Up
Notification. For more details, go to www.ns.sg or call 6446
7636. For assistance, call 1800-eNSNSNS (3676767).
Ops Mob
To listen to the message via IVRS, please call 6242
Call 6373 1114 or pnr_cir@defence.gov.sg
NSF: Find Unit Clerk / Chief
Just provide Name, NRIC No. & a
Simple Reason for
MyORD @ www.ns.sg
An electronic handbook designed to educate NSF on his
responsibilities before transiting to Operationally Ready National
Serviceman (ORNSman).
This handbook comprises the following information:
As a trial, Army will be embarking on this platform to streamline NSF ORD administrative procedures. NSFs in Army Service are to read and acknowledge the followings:-
Click HERE to access MyORD.
Silent Mobilisation System |
i. Primary Means: The eMobilisation system will notify you via the telephone (home, office or mobile) or facsimile. It is therefore crucial that your personal details, especially your contact numbers are updated through eSelf-Update in the NS Portal (www.ns.sg). ii. Back-up Means – Personal Contact: A Mobilisation Order (SAF 98A/B) or Mobilisation Notice (SAF 98C/D) will be served to your home if you cannot be contacted through the primary means. iii. The SAF 98A/B are used only during actual operations, while the SAF 98C/D are used for practices. |
Open Mobilisation System |
The mass media such as the television, radio, Omni-theatres
and cinemas are used to inform you that your unit has been mobilised.
Upon announcement of the Code words, you are required to report
immediately to your Mobilisation Centre for military service/exercises
in your uniform with your personal equipment. |
NSmen are required to apply for an Exit Permit for overseas
trips of 6 months or longer. NSmen who go overseas for more than 14 days
but less than 6 months must notify MINDEF of their overseas trips
through the MINDEF Notification Centre (MNC). The possession of an Exit
Permit or the notification or the notification of MINDEF Notification
Centre does not absolve NSmen from mobilisation and to report for NS
duties when required.
During mobilisation manning period, NSmen can still travel overseas but are required to seek approval from their unit to be exempted from mobilisation prior to departure. Failing which, disciplinary actions will be taken.
(C) Mobilisation Manning
Before you ORD or your first operational manning, your unit will brief you on the following:
During mobilisation exercise, your NS unit may be required to move
out for field exercises after the normal reporting is done. Being
mindful of your varying commitments, the SAF will make every effort to
minimise disruption to your civilian careers when mobilisation exercises
are held.
How can my family support my mobilisation?
You are encouraged to keep your family members informed of your
whereabouts especially during your Operational Manning Periods. They
should also be informed of how and where they can contact you to
facilitate your speedy mobilisation.
Your family members should also know your NS unit's code words and be
prepared that you are required to remain at the unit for a longer period
if the mobilisation should involves field exercises.
If you have any family members that are 16 years of age or above, they
can acknowledge any call-up notice serve at your residence. Upon
receipt, they must contact you immediately.