well... perhaps i am naive enough to be stumbled upon this mlm issue the 1st time.. lk frog in the well.. but i wanted to share my thoughts even tho im a newb...i read some pages regarding this mlm, enyouth etc , i admit i am just a student and dont know much bout such issues ( everything including marketting, prodcut all those )but stumbled across this 'mlm' issue through a so-called friend. i dare say, this friend is putting our friendship on the line, perhaps hes boss, sdm, dm or what teach them such tactics to pull people to come up to their building( im a victim, naively believing that he just ask me out for lunch, ended up in their office with lots of people sharing their succues story, then apply alot of peer pressure on me, and me being naive and not strong-willed, had no idea why i agree to buy their mattress! ) sorry if what im saying is very 'luan' , i just want to share my thoughts ( good and bad )
firstly, i feel that my so called friend has breached my trust, he made no mention of what i ll go through, allowing me to succumb to peer pressure and ultimately, he is going to profit because of my joining! so its like my fren is taught to forsake frenship? they mite say " oh we tink its a good opportunity to earn so we share wif u " well...wad can i say bout buyin the product? okay to be fair, ey gives u a choice wan to buy anot, however, ppl who lk me gullible, ll den listen to the od and dd stuff, and decide to buy on impulse. so its for an individual to dcide if he joins ey, but he shud reli be calm unlike me..yep im not trying to say ey is bad, but its for 1 to decide if he want to try and earn lots of $$ there but i ll discourage buying their products personally, perhaps they got lots of proof the product very good, lk sitting on tt pillow cover helps.... they mite oso say its very easy to earn, jus go n listen at d dealing, keep nodding and the dm or whoever ll help to make d deal successful, but i dare ask, how many ppl r willing to fork out tt amount to buy the mattress" end up oso asking own fren and relative to buy. Personally i feel uneasy to ask fren n relative to buy cuz its lk bluffing la...jio more ppl n pay mehs.. make use of fren?true fren? but maybe some ppl reli ve real cases to proof its good.. but for a student lk me to wan 2 buy -- im 2pid.. so its for u whose reading this post to dcide=) i strongly discourage students to wan to work in such an environment cuz he mite b easily influenced if he has no idea wad mlm/slm is and fall prey to peer pressure and smooth talkers tt talk bout success..
secondly, after going through their marketing strategy and product, things seem good right, this executive will find lots of people to intro me to, all young and 'seem' to be doing good and these people will encourage you to work hard, '' dm : come find me directly, YOU only, other people no '' , and another sdm : '' don tell family , frens '' well, why don tell?! cuz u scared kena expose u trying to profit from the newbie? ok, ppl successful ll say good, those tt failed to earn mayb blame the company or wad, such thing hor... well u won really know based on wad ppl say who good they r doing/earning but rather, personal experience by working at the company but not pin-pointing at the system, for me i ve absolutely no intention to work even tho the manager ll say, nvm u slowly pay back d money, we ll work out a plan to help u earn back in a few weeks! my 'fren' alreadi 1 mth oni earned 200 ( single - 1600 ) tts so incredible right, 'fren' stil giv excuse say he nvr do as the ppl tell him to tts y d dealings failed. sigh.... even tho they ask mi don tell ppl but i stil ask my bro cuz i felt 2pid later on tt nite and tts when he told mi bout mlm which i nvr knew bout.....
thirdly, i canot get back my money deposited, since they say what under dsas rule, money submitted canot get back ( which im not sure, can any1 help me clarify dis issue ), now another manager wan to giv mi this fir nano watch in xchange for d money i deposit and d mattress can don care le.. haix i really am angry at myself...
fourthly, i feel rather confused, since ey is under dsas , got iso cert blah blah, seems can be trusted 1 right?but still i feel cheated into this company since it wasnt my intention to join, but rather, kena pure pressured. ermm if since ey is really a good slm company, promote health and help ppl, do they ve to resort to peer pressuring to ask people and join? im a easy victim of peer pressuring myself..
tts about all, maybe i mite add more things cuz this thing happened in just a flash... i ve no time to sort out my thoughts and they alreadi keep finding dms or any1 working there to tok to u bout their story ( come out pia, fight for car, muz dare to pia since u stil young only, live a good name at a young age , dcidde to work at ey cuz reli tink its good ) and encourage u to stay on n fight, anything go n find them... its exactly wad some forumers here ve posted too...yep its all for u to dcide if u wana work or come across ey or any other companies.. ve an open mind n listen, stay calm, do not succumb to peer pressure and just say u wan to consider at home ( the person mite say , consider for wad?! reli good d). DON BUY PRODUCTs too...they mite say wad xiao4 shun4 parents but i dare say, taking money n don let them noe bout it? finally, things lk money-easily-earned is too good to be true, as proven by my ''fren''. perhaps i dowan work=no effort=tts y no result to prove but i kena cheated by this fren if i stil say i wan work i mite as wel donate d money to charity already... im stil veri depressed over this issue due to my naiveness, my so called fren tt breach my trust, angry wif myself... tho i actually wana tell him tt he mite not earn back in a short period.. i did tell him hes earning crap..but he seems to firmly believe in the marketing plan so i ve no idea how i can help him ( theres another fren too ) get out of the idea..all the best to him....if he successful in a few mths or years den good lor...if nt he jus waste tt money, effort,studies, time....
so its for u to judge la... im nt completely blaming the company but rather just sharing my own experience.. i mite sound reli noobish but tts wad really happened.