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Having read some posts, I found out that many of the network marketers are deploying wrong tactics of approach. What a network marketing company has in value is not how much an individual can earn per month, neither is it their products. What's so valuable is their Education.
A good network marketing company will stress on their education system compared to any other thing else. Because apart from earning money, network marketing is a business for people who like helping other people.
Being a network marketer myself, I found that many of the new network marketers are injected with a corrupted mindset of network marketing. Instead of uplines teaching them how to face their fears, overcome and grow from it, new network marketers are educated in the traditional business way.
In network marketing, people are encouraged to try, to fail and to learn from their mistakes and grow. The current trend is so money orientated that the core values of network marketing have since been forgotten.
Nowadays, most uplines are so concerned with their own success that they want their downlines to push sales, which I believe is a total wrong mindset. In network marketing, it is often heard and said that the first 3 years in this industry is the hardest to earn because this 3 years is used to train, educate and develop ourselves. However, what I see now is new network marketers forced to push sales. When their sales are not good, they get a good lashing from their uplines. This was what happened to a friend who recently joined a network marketing company.
No doubt sales is the number 1 skill in the world of business, but not when your upline is forcing you to sell so that he can succeed.
For those who had read "The Business School for people who like helping people" by Mr. Robert Kiyosaki, you'd understand what I mean.
Stressing on how much you can earn in a month is only a possibility. Yes, it is possible to earn a 5 digit income per month in network marketing and no doubt about that. However I will stress again that it is only a possibility because not everyone who enter this industry can make that amount of money.
Another thing to add is that network marketing belongs to the Business quadrant in the Cashflow Quadrant, for the many who know the ESBI. We are training to become entrepreneurs in network marketing, not some gangsters. I've seen in posts some network marketers who are no different from gangsters. With a vulgar and offensive attitude, how can one learn to do business?
Humans are made to err, and to admit and grow from mistakes is what's important. Not putting your pride up front and get all offensive and vulgar to protect your companies.
In closing, network marketing is an industry for people who genuinely like to help others, not an industry for people who just want to earn a lot of money in a month. Some people are just bounded to be in the rat race of life because they are not willing to learn and let their pride blind them. That's why I must say network marketing is not for each and everyone, depending on each individual. Otherwise, 95% of the world will not be in the E and S quadrant.
I have seen the goodness and badness of network marketing but I chose network marketing as my path in life because it has really changed me but yet disappointed to see the many wrongs network marketers have committed and not willing to humby accept their mistakes.
Let me state,I come in peace. I will not disclose any names of the network marketing companies I belong to, been to or companies I don't like to avoid poisoning the minds of fellow network marketers. I am here just to point out the wrongs I see in the world of network marketing.
I apologize for this lengthy post and I do not care for any flames because I have said what I wanted to say and I hope fellow network marketers can learn from their mistakes.
Hi Edwin,
May I ask what is it that you're trying to proof with a single thread?
Trying to show that you're smart and know how to differenitate between the good and the bad company?
There isn't anybody who don't know about the negative coverage of MLM in Singapore don't they?
Lol..which brings me to another question: If majority of us if not all of us (in the forum) knows about the negative coverage in the mlm word thus explaining so many posts and threads about them..Than why is there a need to explain it?
From the day I join to date, forums who have posted such "balanced" remarks often want to proof something or attract the attention of some people particularly those who knows what they want via PM thus getting leads.
Pardon me for my doubts, but having stayed in the field for a couple of just kept me thinking..why can't they just improve and work on the cons instead of of targetting people and getting them to buy products which they have no need for.
Having said that. I've made my point.
Btw: I'm not here to penalize your thread but rather feel that this might be the thread which we can really discuss about mlm in general without having to slit at each other's throat..
I hope we can just exchange ideas.
: )