Ric Flair In Traffic Mishap
The DOI has gotten two reports that Ric Flair was involved in a fender-bender accident today. According to eyewitness accounts, Flair rear-ended a car around 10:30 pm tonight (12/2
next to the 7-11 in Lyndhurst, NJ.
No one was injured as a result of the rear-ending, but the person that Flair rear-ended was a teenager. The car that Flair hit wasn't an expensive car and there wasn't much damage. However, according to an eye-witness, Flair gave the teenager $3000 in cash for accidentally hitting him.
Police responded to the accident, but as of press time we are unable to find out if a police report was filed.
We'll have more on this story soon.
Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey