Oh my g0d!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16 Jun 05, 18:42
Petrol price hit 23% off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What the hE||.....found new fuel source liao ahz??? Or they increase petrol prices again????!!!!!
Those who haben pump their cars to full tanks, pls quickly go n do so now...50% is very unlikely~~~
16 Jun 05, 18:45
maybe mi go stock up in jelly cans and then sell them when the prices go up
16 Jun 05, 18:47
TMD...yesterday 14% off i got pak full tank...this morning see 17%....now 23%...kns....hopefully tomorrow 50%...wahahhahah
16 Jun 05, 18:51
wat happened to trigger such a price war again?
17 Jun 05, 03:50
My oh my..
17 Jun 05, 09:54
Originally posted by sgboy2004:
wat happened to trigger such a price war again?
I believe that there's going to be an increase of petrol prices in the very near future...perphaps start of next week? Or who noes, maybe tomorrow??
Iraq has increased the price of oil/barrel...therefore, believed to be that petrol prices will increased...haiz.....
17 Jun 05, 10:00
get rid of all your fishes and top up your ponds and fish tanks with petrol.
17 Jun 05, 10:14
Yah !!! Wat is the world of oil becoming ?
Hmm ... seems like they are changing the discount rates every now and then, so if you fill up before they change to a higher one, too bad ... ...