Originally posted by qazplm:
since the pay is not reveal at www.spf.gov.sg, i believe the pay have been revised and might not finalised yet..... there is not sush thing as equivalent rank or what.... or else what dont Army and Police combine in the first place and maybe even share the same name?
Just to offer my point of view, there is a "rank equivalent" kind of "Guide" .
This is just a guide to help people from different uniform groups recognise the ranks and it's equivalent. It's partly to help when it comes to paying compliments to the other uniformed organisations as well. Agreed that this is very much " on paper", as in not many people actually follow this. I remember during my NSF days, I was reminded to accord compliments to Senior Officers from the Singapore Police Force should I see them, especially during events such as NDP.
This "equivelent " thing is also like what I would compare to a "foreign currency table". I'm sure when we go overseas, we would mentally convert the foreign currency into our own currency, otherwise we may not be able to decide if it's expensive or not and so on. Likewise, someone from SAF may not really know what exactly is a DSP. In my opinion, this is what this equivalent is all about. Paying inter Uniform Organisations respect refelcts well on these organisations too.
Of course, there may be other reasons for this equvalent such as pay, grade, appointments and so on. You also see HASE officers and DXO working within SPF and SAF respectively having a rough "rank equivalent". These people may not be in uniform but their appointment and/ or ability to hold these appointments may put them in line.
Ultimately this is a just a guide on equivalent. It's almost impossible to have a exact equivalent, afterall , SPF and SAF are different in terms of job scopes and so on.
Just my 2 cents.