Originally posted by anthony77:
A bit off topic here but I wonder if anyone can provide more information about the recruitment and selection of the above.
It seems that recruitment is done as a "as needed" basis and recruitment has not been done for quite sometime already.
Is the honours degree that important for someone who has a few year's working experience?
I guess the whole civil service will be moving towards " recruit when necessary" for it is trying to trim down it's overall strength. You see reports of Civil Service cutting down and not renewing the contracts of some and so on. It's not surprising to see that HASE scheme is not actively recruiting.
As for Hons vs working experience, my take is that it will depend on how you can convince them that your working experience would be relevant to the position that you are applying for.
Found this on the recruitment website for civil service
http://www.vog.gov.sgQuestion: Is it true that the Civil Service only recruits graduates with excellent academic qualifications?
Answer:Â Â Â The Civil Service does not employ solely on academic results.
The Civil Service recruits both graduates (with or without honours) and non-graduates, who have the required skills and competencies and are willing to contribute to the development of Singapore.
Our recruitment process is open and meritocratic. We look for attributes like relevant work experience, academic qualifications and performance, as well as personal qualities such as leadership, initiative and communication skills.
The Civil Service uses academic results as a proxy measure of a candidate's cognitive ability. This is just one of the requirements in consideration for a good job-fit. A Ministry may appoint a candidate who possesses good track records, personal attributes, skills and work experience that is directly relevant to the job, even though he may lack the requisite academic qualification.