Originally posted by pumpladder16:
hi, does anybody know if SPOs can get posted to STAR?
i know that it depends on wether there are vacancies in the unit but that's for a JPO only right?
and what is the job scope like?
besides training, training n training
do they get posted overseas? overseas training? UN missions?
is perfect eyesight, height, weight a stringent criteria?
were there any incidents where STAR has responded before?
what is e cut-off age?
im currently doing NS CD and very interested in joining STAR after my further studies and will be 26-27 yrs when i graduate (hopefully)
i've checked out their website but couldnt get much...
From what I know, you can join STAR as a SO, but still have to be subjected to the selection criteria for SO recruitment. When accepted as SO, you should indicate that you want to join STAR. However, SO must serve about 6 months in a land div before going to STAR (just like CNB also). Think the tour is about 2 years.
You can check out this site
http://www.spf.gov.sg/about_spf/star/index.htm to get more info. However, the loading of the flash animation so many..... by the time finish loading, killed by terrorist liao..... HAHAHAHA.... juz kidding....