All parents love their children.
There is definitely no doubt about it, but to the point of indulging them

That is precisely what many parents of today are doing.
How does buying a diamond ring for a 14 yr old child sound to you.
What kind of values are the parents instilling in the child in doing so. Money may not be a problem to the parents now. But to inculcate such extravagant lifestyle at such a young age, what would happen if the family encounters financial problems in the future / will the child be able to support such a lifestyle when she grows up??!!
Parents love their children, but to spoil them rotten is not doing them any good.
I have seen children growing up in many different family environments. From my observations, most children from less well to do families are better in many aspects compared to those born with a silver spoon in the mouth. I am not saying that all rich kids are spoilt brats, but they just form the majority.
If the parents have too much money to spare. Why not donate them to charity and teach their children the essence of helping the less fortunate. It would be a contribution to society and a valubale lesson for the child.