Dearest me, I am begging again. There is a shadow in my heart, it devours everything and everyone in my path, it is deeper than the fallen one as if it is the original emptiness of the material-less universe. There is no name, there is absolute emptiness within yet it exists deep within everything. I see it whenever I close my eyes, it is everything yet nothing. It is ageless, beyond the limitations of time. It tells me, it is the source of all material conflicting form, and what to come, which will to pass. There is no justice, there is no sanity, there is no world, for all is an illusion that will come and pass like spring to autumn. There is no throne, there is no beast, there is no king, there are no truth. Death is meaningless, so is life itself. I am not named, nor known, nor understood yet all that exists are lies my seed within. I am the purest, the everlasting and the only answer and truth - There is nothing. Simply nothing. Let us return to that state, before any material was formed, before any words were spoken and actions delivered. Before there was light, shadow and you. It beckons me, it begged me, crying my heart out as if I was twisted beyond its recognition. Join me, I am not evil nor good, nor light nor dark.
All in the name of goodness,
Utter Cok Toker.