I seldomĀ and rarely watch local TVs nowadays and prefer watching starhub. But I cannot help but notice so many beauty related programs taking up prime time slots during the weekends.(i.e Yun Nam, London weight management, new york skin solutions blah blah and god knows many others that I cannot remember or don't even bother to take note) evolving nowadays.
What is quality TV channels nowadays?? Our national TV is turning into Ad TV or a channel for goverment agencies to impart 'joys of child-bearing' programs hosted by 'Chen Liyun'...
I would like to send my deepest consolation to people who still do not subscribe to paid TV now due to whatever reasons they have...
I think this is so due to the protective nature of our government. They use the one and only Mediacorp extensively to get their ideas across. This results in partially hidden news topics or some more important global concerns not being reported. This also offers a highly biased viewpoint as all new agencies are directly under state control.
Local tv Fail!
Local TV needs ads to survive la.. Think the english series are like better than the chinese ones..
not watching tv
only for OKTO's late night documentaries oni.