Did you know that many toothpastes sold today contain an ingredient that is more poisonous than lead and just slightly less poisonous than arsenic? This ingredient is also a waste product of the fertilizer industry, a rat poison, and is used industrially as an insecticide for ants and roaches! Its name? Fluoride.
How about chloride? It is used in mustard gas, yet it is used to clean swimming pools.... The TS is talking nonsense again... The question is amount used for what purpose...
you registered to say that?
then hw? dont care la.. then y still got some elderly can live up to 80 to 90 yrs old..
e more u worry e more earlier u die..
Everything should be taken in moderation.
It's good to be aware of such worldwide concerns. And it's a fact that cancer is the top killer..... What causes cancer? What accelerates the causes of cancer? Lots of things.
I want to know why does the Singapore government still include fluoride in our water.... and hasn't made the effort to warn us about the dangers... Is it becuz these consumer companies are contributing way too much to our economy... and thus, government just keep quiet, since 'anything in small amounts' is ok? Fluoride has a culmulative effect... and eventually, some unfortunate people would suffer from too much of it...
Causes of harm caused by fluoride have in the past, been brought to court. In what was believed to be the first of many such cases, Colgate-Palmolive made a 1,000pounds "goodwill" payment to the parents of a 10 year old boy in Essex, England, who suffered from dental fluorosis (mottled and/or stained enamel) the first visible sign of fluoride poisoning
American Dental Association: No Fluoride for Bottle-Fed Infants In a little-noticed but dramatic turnaround, the nation's leading fluoride advocate, The American Dental Association (ADA), issued an alert on November 9th urging parents to avoid fluoridated water when reconstituting infant formula, warning that "Infants less than one year old may be getting more than the optimal amount of fluoride if their primary source of nutrition is powdered or liquid infant formula mixed with water containing fluoride."
The dentists are worried that fluoride exposure at this age will permanently damage teeth, not protect them. A growing body of research also links fluoride to weakened bones, reduced thyroid activity, and possibly bone cancer in boys.
The advice, however, has gone largely unheeded. Nursery Water, the nation's leading fluoridated water for babies still markets its product nationwide at Wal*Mart and other major retailers.