By Diane Irons
eDiets Contributor
Perk up! You can go from sagging to stunning without costly cosmetic surgery. Just give yourself a lift with my five timely tips for better fits.
1. Make sure you're wearing the right size bra. Studies show that eight out of 10 women sport the wrong cup or band size.
2. Firm breasts and tighten skin by mixing one teaspoon of vitamin E oil with one tablespoon of yogurt and one egg. Massage into breasts then wear an old bra over the mixture for at least 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
3. Lift pectoral muscles supporting breasts by bending forward from waist with abs tight. Pick up a pair of 5-pound free weights, then cross and uncross arms in front of your body. Do three sets of 10 crossovers.
4. Exercise number two: try to hold your shoulder blades together. Work up to five sets of 10 repetitions.
5. Wear a bra! The chest muscles don't provide enough support to go braless. You may be surprised but many celebrities even sleep in a bra!-->OK this is quite controversial~~ Cuz some studies say wearing bra while sleeping can increase risks of breast cancer. NVm the other 4 tips are good enough i think~~