Originally posted by InOffThePost:
Can someone explain why we get headaches now and then?
The pain can be irritating sometimes.It makes you just feel like you cant concentrate on anything!
My normal solution will be to take 2 panadols.What abt yours?
Can someone explain why we get headaches now and then? presure or stress not enough sleep, eat not enough Vegis and fruits.
Panadols - is a drug it will not cure your headaches. it only make you don't feel it there, after a few hour you will still get it back.
you can test out is yourself
Put a panadols on a piece of meat, next day you will see hole on the meat when the panadols dissolve. if that meat is your origan.
the only way is sleep. let you brain rest, drink as many glass of warm water. if you can't get it off you can call me I tell you help you can reduce it off slow with right way using natural food in easy way. All antibiotics and chemical drugs helped to control disease and relieve the suffering of patients, especially those in critical situations. Not cure please take note.