Originally posted by KumSioJui:
driving standard or courtesy standard?
taxi standard still quite good, nowsadays taxi drivers open door for you, greet you. Ony thing I dun like abt taxi drivers is they tends to get carried away tok too much, ebery time they tok they slow down in driving. Worst is football season, tok and tok and tok non-stop while meter fare keeping jumping.
also too many vehicles on the road these days. I notice traffic jams are getting very frequent. Also all the tua gao are out in full force trying to catch speeding drivers with their shiny new cameras scaring the hell out of all the drivers, everybody is caution now esp taxi drivers don't want to get caught forced to drive slower at 50km on a 70km road ..unbelivablly slow!!!
That's why the LTA standard sure to fail one... Got this got there, very stressed