Shoppers at Cold Storage supermarkets were able to check their body antioxidant levels using a palm scanner and without any costly or painful blood tests.
The scanner emits a light beam on the palm of a person's hand and then gives a reading on his body antioxidant level.
Higher readings mean higher antioxidant levels.
Eating fruits and vegetables might not be one's favourite thing but nutritionists agree, it is one of the best ways to stay healthy.
And it is all because of the antioxidants which are found in them.
Sean Wong, Nutritionist, Health Promotion Board, said: "Antioxidants help us reduce the risk of chronic diseases, like heart disease and cancer and you have to make sure you eat enough fruit and vegetables."
A survey of almost 300 shoppers at Cold Storage supermarkets, which have been providing the tests, has found that 60 percent do not eat enough fruits and vegetables.
"I'm supposed to take more veggies, minimum 2 servings of veggies and minimum 2 servings of fruit, so I need to improve that," said one shopper.
"This is quite interesting, got a chance to find out more about my antioxidant level," said another.
"It's just a matter of changing my eating habits, my eating style."
And it's not just any kind of vegetable.
Sean Wong said: "Certain types of fruits and vegetables for example the brightly green and also the yellow, orange type, cruciferous, all these are higher in if you're eating this type, this ensures you have a higher level."
So before you pass on that broccoli, remember it is boosting your antioxidant count! - CNA /ch