maybe their past lives really talk to the buddhist.. in his own mindOriginally posted by Isis:Maybe God really talk to George Bush.. in his own mind.
I do not know
haha.. only when you walk the path yourself, can you truly know.Originally posted by january:maybe their past lives really talk to the buddhist.. in his own mind
I do not know either
haha.. only when you walk george bush's path yourself, can you truly know tooOriginally posted by Isis:haha.. only when you walk the path yourself, can you truly know.
Unless they are liberated, they are somewhere in the 6 realms of existence.Originally posted by january:if rebirth exist, then where is Newton, Socrates, Einstein, Hitler, Winston Churchill, our past late presidents, Edison, Da vinci and my grand mother?
Believing in flat earth is obviously just a conclusion.Originally posted by january:believer in reincarnation
that young children sometimes report details of a previous life, which upon checking turn out to be accurate and which they could not have known about in any other way than reincarnation
believer in flat earth
There is no way the earth can be round, look around you, its all flat.
This is what i call jumping into conclusion.
again, extraordinary claim requires extraordinary evidence
Originally posted by january:It need not be a physical process, because consciousness is formless and empty, arising out of conditions.
Stevenson published only for the academic and scientific community, and his over 200 articles and several books—densely packed with research details and academic argument—are in places difficult for the average reader to follow. His research, over 3,000 study cases, provides evidence suggestive of reincarnation,[b]though he himself was always careful to refer to them as "cases suggestive of reincarnation" or "cases of the reincarnation type." [8]
Professor Stevenson himself recognized a problem with his argument for reincarnation: the absence of any evidence of a physical process by which a personality could survive death and travel to another body.[9] Further, some have questioned his objectivity in drawing conclusions from his research.
your proof? Or are they just your assumptions.Originally posted by An Eternal Now:Unless they are liberated, they are somewhere in the 6 realms of existence.
so how to explain the cases of demetia people who could not remember names because their memory cells are eroded?Originally posted by An Eternal Now:It need not be a physical process, because consciousness is formless and empty, arising out of conditions.
The fact that the mind is formless means that it is unconstrained, and hence has immense potential. The mind can comprehend all objects including its own creations. The description of the root mind as 'formless' doesn't just refer to its non-material nature, but it emphasises that it is unlimited, non-mechanistic and totally free from any structure or topology. So it it is free from steps, loops, branches, strings, tables, stacks, queues, datastructures and all the other algorithmic constraints . In Buddhist psychology the root mind is non-physical and non-algorithmic. The mind cannot be understood in terms of circuit diagrams and flowcharts. It is pure awareness.
Originally posted by january:Rebirth will happen for everyone alike because the principle driving rebirth is the same, and that is the law of dependent arising. I think I have spoken about this previous in one of the threads.
[b]If Stevenson is largely ignored by his mainstream peers, in some circles he is a scientific legend. His dogged collection of cases -- closing in on 3,000 now -- his meticulous documentation and cross-checking, his prodigious and scholarly publication have made him a hero to many people who would like respectable reasons to distrust the radical materialism of Western science. For his own part, Stevenson has reached this conclusion: "I think a rational person, if he wants, can believe in reincarnation on the basis of evidence
Even if reincarnation is true, we still do not know if everyone goes through it or not. We still do not know how it happens precisely.
Children has memories of past lives, but after adulthood, they still develop their individual identity isolated from the past life. Therefore, in essence, their past life is still dead.
People suffering from demetia as their memories all wiped out. The do not have self knowledge already. only their physical body and normal functionng remains. [/b]
They are not just assumptions and you can experience and see for yourselves... in the meanwhile you shld remain an open mind.Originally posted by january:your proof? Or are they just your assumptions.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:then i think he can go to channel newsasia for an exclusive interview already.
Our forummer Longchen has told me many things about his own past lives and how he was able to trace many of his causes of his present lives (such as his interest in spirituality) to a cause in a previous lives.
Also, for example, being an artist in Belgium in the previous lifetime where he fought in WW1, he continued his interest and talent in art in this lifetime, and he is now a teacher in design.
you too should remain an open mind. If I could be wrong, then you could be wrong too.Originally posted by An Eternal Now:They are not just assumptions and you can experience and see for yourselves... in the meanwhile you shld remain an open mind.
The ability to perceive memories and think is reduced by brain damage, but not the memory itself! Brain is just an organ, but it does not mean that mind is just the brain. Brain and body has no awareness.. Like a plant or stone, the body has no nature.Originally posted by january:so how to explain the cases of demetia people who could not remember names because their memory cells are eroded?
Root mind totally free from any structure? that is a tall theory indeed.
Without the physical cells in the brain, do you think humans can remember and talk and explain things.
Originally posted by longchen:Yes... and the Buddha knows there are those who just couldn't accept past lives and clings dogmatically to his own views... and yet for them to not practise the dharma will be a pity. So he said in the Kalama Sutra,
I think it doesn't matter if people doesn't believe in past life or not. Life still rolls on. Loads of people and animals doesn't care a damn whether there is past existence or not.
Ants are all busy with their daily activities, doing what they are programmed to do... oblivious to all the other things that goes on around them. A single rainfall, will kill them in an instance and their myopic obsession and plans will come to a meaningless grinding halt.So true and well said...
Likewise, all the activities of the world rolls on with blind ignorance and stupidity... seeking meaning in the meaningless.
This is the world for you and me. Doing things that will eventually come to a rude and grinding death. All the fame, glory of the world come to such dissapointment... and better still ... you will not be there to feel the disapointment because you will not be there when death comes.[/b]
Like what the article said, formless doesn't mean it is a non-material formless mysterious something like a ghost in the machine, or that it has no effect on matter.Originally posted by january:scientist have a millions of large data of mentally disabled people who certain disability and memories loss, speech loss, sight loss and others that corresponds to a damage to a corresponding physical part of the brain.
And you are telling me that the mind is formless stuff??
Originally posted by january:Proof and evidence doesn't necessarily need to be on BBC or CNN or ABC. (and BTW, ABC already did an interview with that boy who remembered his involvement in WW2).
to say reincarnation is real, for example, i have to be able to have complete and persisting memories of say, Socrates plus Chinese emperor Chin Shi Huang and could go about talking to people about what i did for leisure when i was these 2 characters and tell them tell builders how certain building looks like in the past so that they can rebuild them.
Talk to historian and tell them this and this happen and counter check with their current facts to give them more correct info.
When i am 45 year old, i can still write two books on, the life of socrates by socrates and life of chin shi huang by chin shi huang because i still have the memories cos i am their reincarnation. I would go on countless Media shows like BBC, ABC, CNN, channel newsasia sharing the intricates of the past lives because nobody in the world except me can give a real life account of these past characters.. I would be a hell of a rich fellow with all media interviewing me.[b]This is what i call proper reincarnation.
Then i show people how i walk and how people live at that time even when i was 10, 20, 30 or 50 or 70 year old. Those children recollecting someone else past and can verify some facts but go on to become adult not retaining and expanding their knowledge is considered superficial and useless reincarnaiton bah.
Want to add on, using what I have posted to herzog_zwei over a week ago:Originally posted by An Eternal Now:The ability to perceive memories and think is reduced by brain damage, but not the memory itself! Brain is just an organ, but it does not mean that mind is just the brain. Brain and body has no awareness.. Like a plant or stone, the body has no nature.
Mind is our pure experience of the moment, it is pure awareness as everything arising in that moment.[/i]
So the body still feels pain?
No! The body is oblivious to pain. The body has never felt anything! The body is an appearance in Awareness. The contrast that happens gives rise to “I am-consciousness” in relation to the body. When any form of experiencing happens it is of this consciousness, NOT the body.
But, if you cut a finger, it bleeds. If you eat too much, the stomach bloats and feels uncomfortableÂ….
Consciousness is the animation of the body. You cut a finger and it bleeds. This is a product of that animation. Your stomach bloats, and this animation is also due to Consciousness. The body is, and always has been, an inanimate object, animated by Consciousness! The body is no different to a glove puppet without a hand in it. Consciousness is the hand, as it were, that animates the body. The body doesnÂ’t feel this animation.
Seeing, feeling, hearing, and smelling are attributed to the sense organs. These organs don’t have any experience whatsoever. They are inanimate objects animated by consciousness—the manifest expression of You. Do you “get” that?
Yes, but the mind still has thoughts about what you see and feel and experience?
No! The mind doesn’t have thoughts. The mind doesn’t experience thoughts. The mind is thoughts, a whole parade of them. The mind is a reflection of the animating principle—You. Only You, the animating principle, can be said to have, and experience, thoughts. The body does not cause it’s own animation, and cannot feel it. The mind doesn’t cause it’s own animation, and cannot think or experience thoughts.
David Carse:
...Look, it's all so incredibly simple. There is no one here. This is not a figure of speech. I mean there is truly no one here, no person, no individual speaking to you. You look at me and think there is a person here talking to you, trying to tell you something. I assure you, there is not. Look at me. If there were not Consciousness streaming through this body, what would be here? What would this body be if Consciousness were not here? A corpse, of course! Dead matter. There is nothing else here. There is only the appearance of a body, and Consciousness which animates it. You, along with the rest of the world, have assumed that there is a discreet individual person here: that the Consciousness which is the animating force here is an individual consciousness, unique to this body and separate from the consciousness in other bodies.
This is based on appearances: there appear to be separate bodies, so the assumption is that there are separate consciousness-es. The belief in this assumption blinds you to seeing What Is, and is also the cause of your experience of this life as disquieting, confusing, unhappy, and generally full of fear and suffering. But it is not the case. There is in no way an individual sitting here talking to you. This body is nothing, an appearance in the dream. All there is is Consciousness, and it is Consciousness which is streaming through this appearance.
There is nothing here that exists in and of itself. What we call the human being is not an independent being, not an originating mechanism, not a transmitter. It is a relay station, a pass-through mechanism for Consciousness, the One Consciousness, All That Is. That is what I am, talking to you. And it is the same One Consciousness listening to this, looking back at me out of those eyes you call your own. What I am when I say 'I Am' is exactly the same as what you are when you say 'I Am.'....
Ajahn Brahm:
...I gave a simile to a monk the other night. Imagine an Emperor who is wearing a long pair of trousers and a big tunic. He's got shoes on his feet, a scarf around the bottom half of his head and a hat on the top half of his head. You can't see him at all because he's completely covered in five garments. It's the same with the mind. It's completely covered with sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. So people don't know it. They just know the garments. When they see the Emperor, they just see the robes and the garments. They don't know who lives inside them. And so it is no wonder they're confused about what is life, what is mind, who is this inside of here, were did I come from? Why? What am I supposed to be doing with this life? When the five senses disappear, it's like unclothing the Emperor and seeing what is actually in here, what's actually running the show, who's listening to these words, who's seeing, who's feeling life, who this is. When the five senses disappear, you're coming close to the answer to those questions.
What you're seeing in such deep meditation is that which we call "mind," (in Pali it's called Citta). The Buddha used this beautiful simile. When there is a full moon on a cloudy night, even though it's a full moon, you can hardly see it. Sometimes when the clouds are thin, you can see this hazy shape shining though. You know there is something there. This is like the meditation just before you've entered into these profound states. You know there is something there, but you can't quite make it out. There's still some "clothes" left. You're still thinking and doing, feeling the body or hearing sounds. But there does come a time, and this is the Buddha's simile, when the moon is released from the clouds and there in the clear night sky you can see the beautiful full disc of the moon shining brilliantly, and you know that's the moon. The moon is there; the moon is real, and it's not just some sort of side effect of the clouds. This is what happens in meditation when you see the mind. You see clearly that the mind is not some side effect of the brain. You see the mind, and you know the mind. The Buddha said that the mind released is beautiful, is brilliant, is radiant. So not only are these blissful experiences, they're meaningful experiences as well.
How many people may have heard about rebirth but still don't really believe it? How can rebirth happen? Certainly the body doesn't get reborn. That's why when people ask me where do you go when you die, "one of two places" I say "Fremantle or Karrakatta" that's where the body goes! [3] But is that where the mind goes? Sometimes people are so stupid in this world, they think the body is all there is, that there is no mind. So when you get cremated or buried that's it, that's done with, all has ended. The only way you can argue with this view is by developing the meditation that the Buddha achieved under the Bodhi tree. Then you can see the mind for yourself in clear awareness - not in some hypnotic trance, not in dullness - but in the clear awareness. This is knowing the mind
Knowing the Mind.
When you know that mind, when you see it for yourself, one of the results will be an insight that the mind is independent of this body. Independence means that when this body breaks up and dies, when it's cremated or when it's buried, or however it's destroyed after death, it will not affect the mind. You know this because you see the nature of the mind. That mind which you see will transcend bodily death. The first thing which you will see for yourself, the insight which is as clear as the nose on your face, is that there is something more to life than this physical body that we take to be me. Secondly you can recognise that that mind, essentially, is no different than that process of consciousness which is in all beings. Whether it's human beings or animals or even insects, of any gender, age or race, you see that that which is in common to all life is this mind, this consciousness, the source of doing....
you cannot say this kind of things. It does matter if xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, life still rolls on. does that means that every matter does not matter? cos life always go on.Originally posted by longchen:Hmmm...
I think it doesn't matter if people doesn't believe in past life or not. Life still rolls on. Loads of people and animals doesn't care a damn whether there is past existence or not.