That is still dualistic.Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:![]()
'both a ball of light and mountain' is dualistic?
orrrr... somebody does not understand what is dualism...![]()
eh eh eh eh eh... read carefully hor... "you are seeing ball of light and mountain as separate" or I am ?Originally posted by An Eternal Now:That is still dualistic.
When you say 'ball of light and mountain', you are seeing ball of light and mountain as separate. There is ONLY the Mountain, and Mountain = Consciousness.-
You. You said 'both ball of light and mountain'Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:eh eh eh eh eh... read carefully hor... "you are seeing ball of light and mountain as separate" or I am ?![]()
Is there a ball of light or not there or not? Is there mountain there or not?Originally posted by An Eternal Now:You. You said 'both ball of light and mountain'
I said, there is no ball of light apart from mountain.
It all depends on what you mean by 'mountain'.Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:Is there a ball of light or not there or not? Is there mountain there or not?
*sigh* I said you do not fully understand what "dualism" is... and by now you should know that I am not going to give you the answer, right? So you can either believe me that your answer is in error... and try to find the better answer or you can believe that your answer is right ... errr not wrong but in error... and go with your answer ...Originally posted by An Eternal Now:It all depends on what you mean by 'mountain'.
If you think of 'mountain' as an objective reality, an 'entity' out there, then you fall into duality and illusion..
Duality is simply that -- subject-object split.Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:*sigh* I said you do not fully understand what "dualism" is... and by now you should know that I am not going to give you the answer, right? So you can either believe me that your answer is in error... and try to find the better answer or you can believe that your answer is right ... errr not wrong but in error... and go with your answer ...![]()
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:Agreed. We can say that the Nonduality of Subject and Object is related to other forms of nonduality, yet other forms of nonduality may not necessary bring out the essence of the Nonduality of Subject and Object, which is the fundamental kind of insights known as "enlightenment".
[b]The misconceptions surrounding Transcendental Non duality
This article is related to a common misconception with regards to the Transcendental experience of Nonduality. Within the spiritual circle, the term Non-duality is a very misunderstood or misinterpreted term. It must be understood that the term has more than one meaning and its perceived meaning largely depends on a person's stage of spiritual awareness.
More often than not, a lower stage understanding of the term is misconstrued as the Transcendental experience of Nonduality or non-dualism. This confusion is largely compounded by so-called new age spiritual materials.
The most common understanding of Non duality is related to the issue of Polarity such as light and dark. In this semantic, non-duality is explained as the non-biasness towards any side of a pole. This is about the concept of there being no absolute good or evil. In another word, it is about being non-judgemental. Many spiritual materials believed that this concept of non-duality is equivalent to enlightenment. This is not entirely correct.
Non-duality as a concept for no polarity is not wrong. However, it should not be mistaken for non-duality as the state of enlightenment. The term non-duality that is being used to describe Enlightenment is actually describing a state whereby there is no subject-object division. This is an experience that is difference from the concept of no absolute polarity.
No subject-object division is the true nature of existence. The method of realising this insight lies in the dissolving of the 'sense of self'. This often involves the continual and correct letting go of mental grasping.
OK, that all I can think of and write about this topic. I will revise and improve this article where the need arises.
For your necessary ponderance. Thank you for reading.[/b]
...due to the superimpositions of dualistic thinking that we experience the world itself dualistically in our second sense: as a collection of discrete objects (one of them being me) causally interacting in space and time. The negation of dualistic thinking leads to the negation of this way of experiencing the world. This brings us to the second sense of nonduality: that the world itself is nonplural, because all things "in" the world are not really distinct from each other but together constitute some integral whole. The relation between these two senses of nonduality is shown by Huang Po at the very beginning of his Chun Chou record:The third nonduality, is the nonduality of subject and object.
All Buddhas and all sentient beings are nothing but the One Mind, beside which nothing exists. This mind, which is without beginning, is unborn and indestructible. It is not green nor yellow, and has neither form nor appearance. It does not belong to the categories of things which exist or do not exist, nor can it be thought about in terms of new or old. It is neither long nor short, big nor small, for it transcends all limits, measures, names, traces, and comparisons. It is that which you see before you -- begin to reason about it and you at once fall into error.
This asserts more than that everything is composed of some indefinable substance. The unity of everything "in" the world means that each thing is a manifestation of a "spiritual" whole because the One Mind incorporates all consciousness and all minds. This whole -- indivisible, birthless, and deathless -- has been designated by a variety of terms, as all as the One Mind, there are the Tao, Brahman, the Dharmakaya, and so on.
You know all the concepts, I am sure... you know where to cut and paste the relevant articles... but whether or not you understand dualism is how you answer some simple questions....Originally posted by An Eternal Now:Duality is simply that -- subject-object split. ..
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:Is there a ball of light or not there or not? Is there mountain there or not?
That is a bad answer and it shows that you do not understand dualism...Originally posted by An Eternal Now:It all depends on what you mean by 'mountain'.
If you think of 'mountain' as an objective reality, an 'entity' out there, then you fall into duality and illusion.
By writing this it shows that you do not understand Non-Duality, the important Mind-Only teachings, and what is Emptiness.Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:That is a bad answer and it shows that you do not understand dualism...
Maybe to help you along, "Why" does it depend on what a person mean by "mountain".
"Why?" is it that if you think of "'mountain' as an objective reality, an 'entity' out there" you are, as you implied, wrong and "fall into duality and illusion"?
Are you denying that there is "an objective reality, an 'entity' " that people call a "mountain" out there?
Then what is that thing out there that people call a "mountain" out there?
It is not a mountain? There is no mountain there?
To acknowledge that there is a mountain there is to be dualistic?
If that is the case, I rather be dualistic, because I want to acknowledge reality and the reality is that there is a mountain "as an objective reality, an 'entity' " that people drives up and climb up...
To acknowledge that there is a mountain out there, "as an objective reality, an 'entity' " is not being dualistic. Being dualistic is something else... and that something else is what you do not get.
If you ask anybody whether there is a mountain that people call Everest and whether Everest exists as "as an objective reality, an 'entity' " that people can climb up. they will tell you, "Yes".
If you tell them, "No", they will ask you "siao ar?" "You want directions to IMH?"
You are becoming more and more weird... I suggest you re-think your position.
You need to acknowledge reality, that there is "an objective reality, an 'entity' " people call Mount Everest... but...
ahhhh... "but"; not there is no "an objective reality, an 'entity' " people call Mount Everest..."
You need to get that part straight... or you will be a good candidate for IMH.
Dualism is not escaping from reality... Buddhism is not escaping from reality... Dualism and Buddhism is looking at reality for what it is and then some... it is looking at reality for what it is and more... it is looking at reality for what it is, that there is "an objective reality, an 'entity' " people call Mount Everest..." out there but to be also, in addition, to be aware that there is more than an "objective reality, an 'entity' " people call Mount Everest..." and not the the denial of reality that there is no "objective reality, an 'entity' " people call Mount Everest..." out there. That is what IMH patients think. That is not Buddhism and that is not dualism.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:....but to deny that the flower exists... that is denying reality...
By writing this it shows that you do not understand Non-Duality, the important Mind-Only teachings, and what is Emptiness.
I wonder if you have read my explanation on the Flower?
If you see a colourful flower and a dog and an insect too sees it, you and the dog and the ant are not going to see the same things. The dog is only going to see black and white. Why? Because the nature of the flower is Empty -- there is no graspable 'Essence of Flower' or the 'Flowerness of the Flower' -- Flower is empty of any inherent existence, being only conditioned arising, merely the aggregation of causes and conditions, and having no reality apart from it!.[/i][/b]
It shows you have not understood what I am writing, or you didn't read.Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:....but to deny that the flower exists... that is denying reality...
You cannot say, because the flower does not exist inherently, the flower does not exist...
You say the flower exists BUT, you have to be AWARE of how the flower exists. That is Buddhism, that is what Non-Duality teaches you... Buddhism and Non-Duality teaching does not teach you how to end up in IMH and deny the existence of flowers and mountains and you and I... once you do that, deny the existence of these things, you are dualistic... so you see how, in trying to be Non-Dual, you become Dual?
That is why dualism is such an important teaching. To degrade Non-Duality into an IMH deserving concept of the non-existence of flower and mountain and everything else... and say that everything is but a ball of light....![]()
hehe...Originally posted by paperflower:
sorry i'm sooo out of topic now... pls pardon me.
what "IMH" all come out in this topic.
ah doi... funny lah you people.
relax, neither this nor that and have a good laugh.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:I know what you are trying to say, what I am doing is pointing out that if you take that position, "Mountain is not an objective reality, it is dependent arising apperances, it is Conditions, and that is Mind-Only" you cannot also that the position that it is "an objective reality"; you said that:
It shows you have not understood what I am writing, or you didn't read.
I wrote:
All is merely dependent arising, they are mere APPEARANCE that is Mind-Only having NO objective reality or inherent existence, no fixed shapes, attributes, form, anythings that can be grasped.
[b]BUT it does not mean that they do not exist -- emptiness is empty of the four extremes of 'existence, non existence, both existence and non existence, neither existence nor non existenece'. The middle way is that there is merely APPEARANCES -- Emptiness cannot be separated from appearances. Mountain is not an objective reality, it is dependent arising apperances, it is Conditions, and that is Mind-Only.
I think I must have mentioned about the 4 extremes countless times in this forum....
Remember, as countless Masters have said, Buddha Nature is Appearance-Emptiness inseparable.[/b]
I am at stage 4? hahaha ... I am if you must know.... experiencing how Emptiness is Form...Originally posted by An Eternal Now:hehe...
AndrewPKYap's realisations and experience is at stage 4:
Originally posted by sinweiy:It appears to me that not everyone is stuck at " Form is Emptiness ".
As Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche used to say frequently " Form is Emptiness, we can just about get, ...Emptiness is Form takes a lifetime ".
becauseOriginally posted by paperflower:
sorry i'm sooo out of topic now... pls pardon me.
what "IMH" all come out in this topic.
ah doi... funny lah you people.
relax, neither this nor that and have a good laugh.
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:It is better to be brutally honest, we are all adults here... in order to get at the truth, you have to be able to face some "harsh" realities.
"Mountain [b]is not an objective reality" meaning it is not real and that makes you, if you carry it too far, a candidate for IMH. Of course if you take it only as a philosophical stand, then you are not a candidate of IMH.
If you go around telling people that the mountain Sir Edmund Hillary climbed, Mount Everest is not real, it is "is not an objective reality", people will look at you[/b]