The author of this post (from another forum) has true experience/realisations of non-duality and emptiness. Do contemplate on this.
(first part snipped)
assuming “pretty darn close’ means that there are no ‘significant’ gaps in this description of ‘toombaru’s world view’…
to continue...
how is it that 'michael' can get 'inside' 'toombaru'... to see what 'he' sees... as 'he' sees it...
according to science... this is what is happening...
'light' is reflected from the surface of the computer and emitted from the screen in front of michael’s eyes (in the external world)... this 'light' is ‘electro-magnetic radiation'… 'pure energy'… without 'mass'...
from wikipedia: “Electromagnetic (EM) radiation is a self-propagating wave in space with electric and magnetic components. These components oscillate at right angles to each other and to the direction of propagation, and are in phase with each other. Electromagnetic radiation is classified into types according to the frequency of the wave: these types include, in order of increasing frequency, radio waves, microwaves, terahertz radiation, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and gamma rays.
however... the 'light' itself is invisible... it is not possible to see 'light'... any more than it is possible to see 'radio waves'...
it is called ‘the visible spectrum’… or ‘light’… simply because it results in a ‘seeing response’ when incident on a healthy human eye connected to a healthy human brain…
when the 'light energy' hits the 'retina' at the back of each eye... it ceases to be 'light'...
instead… it is 'absorbed' by 'chemicals' in the ‘rods’ and ‘cones’ ('physical structures in the eye) and changed into a series of electro-chemical 'impulses'… the nature of these impulses depends upon the 'frequency' and 'intensity' of the light hitting the retina...
within the cones are three types of ‘colour sensitive pigments’… relating to ‘red’, ‘green’ and ‘blue’… however… these ‘pigments’ are not actual ‘colours’… they are called by these names simply because each ‘pigment’ responds to different wavelengths of light...
resulting in different 'electro-chemical impulses' inside the body... again... these 'impulses' are not 'colours'... they are just 'electro-chemical signals'...
these 'impulses' travel along the 'optic nerves' to the ‘optic chasm’ in the centre of the head, where the nerve fibres from the inside half of each retina cross to the other side of the brain, while the nerve fibres from the outside half of the retina stay on the same side of the brain...
once these ‘electro-chemical signals’ reach the visual cortex… they are said to be ‘interpreted’ as ‘colour’… but no 'scientist' knows what this means… or how it happens…
the problem is not ‘insufficient knowledge' (that will one day be rectified through further investigation)…
the problem is that ‘seeing colour’ cannot be reduced to anything else… it cannot be measured or quantified… any ‘quantitative description’ of ‘colour’… (in terms of ‘light frequencies’ or ‘pigments’ or ‘electro-chemical impulses’)… is not the ‘experience of seeing colour’…
like all sensations… ‘colours’ can only be experienced…
according to science… the first moment that ‘actual colours’ appear (are experienced)… is in the ‘visual cortex’… not in the ‘outside world’…
so… what started out as ‘invisible electro-magnetic radiation’ reflected from the computer and emitted from the screen… was changed into ‘electro-chemical impulses' in the retina…
these impulses then flowed along the optic nerves and into the visual cortex Â…
to this point... there is no awareness at all of the whole process… nor of any ‘colour’..
then… by some magic… inside the visual cortex… these 'impulses of electro-chemical energy’ are suddenly changed into these apparent ‘colours’…
even though, according to science... all that exists (in a 'real physical sense')... and all that is capable of 'scientific observation and measurement'... are the 'swirling atoms and electrons and energy fields' that make up the brain... all just following the 'laws of nature' in a 'mechanical' (though probabilistic) way...
it is only the 'subject' that can see colour directly...
the colours are not just seen as a 'patch of colours'... they are seen AS a ‘computer screen with words from toombaru on it'...
nor is this image perceived as 'an image in my head'... instead... it is seen AS 'the actual computer in the ‘outside world’… even though it is not...
all that is really seen is a 'coloured image'… having no substance or depth… exactly the same as any ‘dream image’…
according to science... this 'coloured image' appears onlyÂ… inside the visual cortexÂ… inside the headÂ…
the ‘actual computer' remains ‘unseen’… outside the head…
according to science... no 'colours' appear anywhere in the 'outside world'... the only place 'colours' appear is inside a 'healthy visual cortex'...
according to science... there is no ‘little you' inside the head… looking out along the optic nerves into the ‘real world’… nor is there any 'little you' looking at a 'screen' (inside the visual cortex) that shows an image of the world ‘outside’…
the image and the seeing of it are inseparableÂ…
in the moment it appears... 'you' are the image... and the seeing of it...
according to science... 'observer and observed are one'...
are we still together on this...?
good... though as to the 'articulation'... that remains to be seen...

all sensations are the same as colour... they are 'qualia'... irreducible... they cannot be verified by anyone but the 'subject'...
who... according to science... is the 'sensing/sensations' that arise in the instant....
seeing inseparable from colour
hearing inseparable from sound
tasting inseparable from flavour
smelling inseparable from odour
feeling inseparable from feelings
is 'awareness'...
according to science... this 'witness witnessing' is a function of 'brain activity'... arising in a moment... and in a moment gone... as 'brain activity' is altered... in 'deep sleep' for example... or if the brain is damaged... or upon death of the brain...
is there anything missing from this description of 'awareness'... as proposed by science?