Many individuals whose Kundalini has been unexpectedly unleashed DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING, and the prevailing social ignorance about this multidimensional transformative process makes it hard to find medical or alternative health practitioners or spiritual advisors who recognize the symptoms, particularly when they are strongly physical. Many people know that the risen Kundalini flings open gates to all sorts of mystical, paranormal and magical vistas but few realize it can also dramatically impact the body. A large percentage of Shared Transformation subscribers have reported long bouts of strange illness as well as radical mental, emotional, interpersonal, psychic, spiritual and lifestyle changes. Over and again we hear stories of frustrating, sometimes desperate visits to doctors, healers, counselors, etc. who neither understood nor were able to help with the myriad pains and problems catalyzed by raging Kundalini.
The following are common manifestations of the risen Kundalini:
article taken from this website, to read more please go there
sounds like suffering...
Why It sounds like mental illness?
I don't understand what is Kundalini ? Can someone explain or may be tell me what is it called in Chinese ?
can view illustrations on youtube , just search chakra or kundalini
It is the latent energy represented by the serpent called the ‘Kundalini’ coiled round a 'Lingam’ situated at the lowest of the 7 centres of psycho-cosmic force in the human body. This centre is called the Root Centre (Muladharacakra). The latent energy here is depicted as the dormant force of the goddess Kundalini who as the sakti of Brahma embodies the potentiality of nature, whose effects may be either divine or demoniacal. The wise, who control these force, may reach through them the highest spiritual power and perfection, while those who ignorantly release them, will be destroyed by them. It is basically used by Hindu Tantric Yogi. The Tibetan uses a different modified form called the Yoga of the Inner Fire. This method has only five Centres (Cakra).
人体七�轮 Chakra
拙� Kundalini
Some simple ways to calm kundalini awakenings
1) take long walk , especially in nature, hug trees, let your feet touch the earth.
Pass your energy to the nature
2) soak in warm bath with aromatherapy oils
3) drink herbal tea, rose, chrysanthemum to soothe nerves
4) exercise, jogging, long walks and swimming help. Especially swimming in the sea with the high salt content.
5) eat more vegetables
6) sleep long hours
1) Stop any meditation / yoga/ spiritual chanting that you are doing if your kundalini is very overwhelming.
2) Listen to your body, what it wants. If your body craves for raw vegetable, just eat more. If your body is very light and you often feel like you are floating, eat some meat to ground yourself
3) Visit a transpersonal psychiatrist to talk about your kundalini awakenings. A transpersonal trained psychiatrist is more accepting of your strange encounters.
The keyword is "transpersonal" .
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『我的信念是é�¢å°�生命–以å�Šæ»äº¡–而了無é�ºæ†¾ã€‚ã€� – 密勒日巴(14世紀拙ç�«æˆ�就者)
I would suggest to wiser you dun post it here ,this is a Buddhist forum about basic buddhism
anything about Tantric must seek proper professional advice from your rinpoche and khenpo
hatha yoga , ati yoga = tantric
Please adhere to this forum rules .
Kundalini Awakenings applied to all living humans. All of us have this chakra in us.
When Buddha is enlightened under the bodhi tree, the first remark he made was " How strange, everyone has buddha nature , but they didn't realise it .
Everyone has kundalini and the chakra system, everyone can be the enlightened one (buddha nature) .
Interesting sharing. Just wondering Wiser do you learn all these things from a living teacher in Singapore or just online info? What is your main method of practice?
Pureland chanting and Tantric buddhism.
I am sharing this information with those who are experiencing kundalini awakenings.
This symptom applies to all living humans irregardless of religions and races.
I only wish to share this knowledge so that more people will not be questioning their sanity or be lost and to be judged in the wrong sense.
Those who want to know more, please find more information online or asked experienced people who may have been through the phrase.
Kundalini awakenings can be temporary. It can also stopped suddenly, as suddenly as when it started. It can also be with a person for a long time.
Please do not email me or ask me for advice. I am just sharing an open information with people. I am not an expert in telling another person what or how to solve their kundalini problems.
I see...
If any of your friend, family, relatives suffering from the symptoms/signs listed above, you will know how to inform them that it may be "kundalini awakenings".
Some trained "transpersonal" psychiatrists have been helping people who may be just be normal housewife, student, working adults with no intense meditation in any faith, but they are suffering from the above symptoms.
Some are so afraid to share their strange happenenings with family/friends lest they are being thought "insane" , "going crazy"....etc.....So by sharing this kundalini information for more people to have an idea about such thing, i hope it may help people to be less scared , lost and afraid.
My mom has some of the symptoms. She can feel energy and have spontaneous movements and healing powers etc.
Interestingly, our moderator Thusness once told me that kundalini practices suits her.
When you are into meditation, yoga, qi-gong, martial arts, any intense concentration for a long period , it can move your qi , the kundalini will arise. Anybody can experience it.
Some children are born with special gifts for eg seeing the third dimension world(that may disappear when they grow older), they are called the "purple child" (purple being the highest colour for the top crown chakra).
This is new-age information that is well accepted in the West but a very traditional knowledge in India. The earliest translated Buddhist sutra writes about this.
I think it is time Asian countries should learn more information about kundalini and chakras.
oh btw p.s. Thusness also told me that my mom's chakras are open... that is why she is having these spontaneity things and powers etc. I haven't inquired too much into this though.
I used to see ghost especially much younger, my parents told me about my early years incidents (but I can only remember one incident which I saw ghost). I don't see ghosts nowadays. Also, someone from new age who can see auras used to tell me I am an 'indigo child' which is... interesting. I don't know too much about it though.
it's in the DNA. Indigo child same as purple.
Originally posted by Wiser:Pureland chanting and Tantric buddhism.
I am sharing this information with those who are experiencing kundalini awakenings.
This symptom applies to all living humans irregardless of religions and races.
I only wish to share this knowledge so that more people will not be questioning their sanity or be lost and to be judged in the wrong sense.
Those who want to know more, please find more information online or asked experienced people who may have been through the phrase.
Kundalini awakenings can be temporary. It can also stopped suddenly, as suddenly as when it started. It can also be with a person for a long time.
Please do not email me or ask me for advice. I am just sharing an open information with people. I am not an expert in telling another person what or how to solve their kundalini problems.
Thanks for sharing. It is my first time I heard about kundalini awakenings. It sounds a bit scary to me.
many years ago i visit this sakya tradition temple ,the khenpo is helping someone who gone haywire on the chakra practice ,the chinese style aka qi gong
it is a scary experience as the person suddenly scream and shout in front of the Buddha altar trying to battle on .then the ani in charge said probably guru rinpoche chanting verse and the man calm down . Such things lead me to understand that kundalini should not be explained here to the beginner for fear if something happen to practitioner ,all of us here would be asked to Police station for questioning for wrong advice .
Its very impt to follow a khenpo in Tantric practice , because if left unguided , one who minute thoughts of unwholesome of 3 poison and start chanting mantra to wrathful can cause great damage to others and avici hell
I ready feel such posting serves as a guide rather than a exact situational guidance becos there are ppl who encountered different experience which is due to their past karmic actions
Hence the title should be "rough guide to kundalini awakening"
Kundalini and chakra explained ( on youtube)
When you have information on kundalini and chakra, you will not find it scary anymore. Knowledge is Power. You can then accept it as part and parcel of self-growth in the physical and mental sense.
In fact, most kundalini experiencers will not want to revert back to being a normal human beings after they have rough out their spiritual journey. Kundalini can open you up to different perspective of this human world and beyond.
Originally posted by Wiser:When you have information on kundalini and chakra, you will not find it scary anymore. Knowledge is Power. You can then accept it as part and parcel of self-growth in the physical and mental sense.
In fact, most kundalini experiencers will not want to revert back to being a normal human beings after they have rough out their spiritual journey. Kundalini can open you up to different perspective of this human world and beyond.
Is kundalini awakenings in anyway related to enlightenment ? What is the difference between kundalini awakenings and enlightenment ?