Releasing Animals: Good or Bad?
In Singapore, many people release animals. Here are some facts about this practice.
Many pet shop animals cannot survive in the wild. They no longer have the ability and instinct to find food and shelter, or to run away from predators.
Many animals can only survive in special habitats, such as the rainforest, desert or mangrove swamp. Releasing an animal into the wrong habitata will cause it to suffer and then die.
If we release a foreign animal, it may not survive in our country and climate. For example, a land tortoise from India can only survive well in a seasonal climate.
If we release an anmal from a foreign country, it may compete with our local wild animals for food, shelter, nesting areas and living space. These foreign animals may also eat the babies of local animals.
Can we tell if an animal is sick or healthy? If a sick animal is released, it may infect wild animals which have no immunity against certain diseases.
Infect animals may transmit diseases to humans.
When everyone releases animals, the combined quantity will upset the natural balance. The areas of release will not be able to cope with the sudden increase of animals.
We can stop these cruel situations
Do not buy birds and other wild animals for releasing. Do not patronise these shops.
Do not be directly responsible for the capture of wild animals to continue.
Please do not release these animals:
Red-eared terrapin and Chinese soft shell turtle. These turtles can grow large and are more aggressive. They will cause the decrease of Singapore's own rare turtles.
Birds bought from bird shops. Most of the birds that are bought from bird shops get sick when they are captured and imprisoned in a crowded, unhygenic cage.
Aquarium fish. Most of these fishes are forced to share crowded tanks in the fish shop. Diseases spread easily in such poor conditions.
American bullfog. This aggressive, large frog eats up our smaller native frogs.
Pet animals. It is extremely unkind to abandon your pet.
The Law
In Singapore, it is against the law to release any animal into our public parks, reservoirs, nature reserves and many other places.
It is also against the law to catch wild animals. When we buy a wild animal from a shop, we are therefore involved in a crime.
Wise actions
Do your part to truly show compassion for animals
Rescue and care for animals when needed. It can be a baby bird which has dropped out of its nest or a turtle found in the middle of a road; an injured animal or fishes trapped in a drying pond.
Encourage others not to buy wild animals to keep as pets, for consuption or to release.
Encourage pet owners to love and give proper care to their pet animals, and not to abandon them.
Volunteer your help to organisations that care for animals.
Make others aware about the importance of conserving nature and protecting our environment.
Join an animal welfare group to help protect and improve conditions for all animals.
Join a green group to protect our nature areas. These are homes to countless animals.
Life is cheap: Demand=Supply
When we buy animals to release, we are encouraging the shop-owner to catch even more animals from the wild to sell.
For example, thousands of grass birds are captured from the wild for people to buy for release. Bird and pet shops sell these 'cheap' birds at a price of $1.50 or $2.
Many of these birds die when they are caught, and during the journey to the shops.
Since these are 'cheap' birds, they are treated like dirt. Crowded into dirty cages and standing in their own excrement, they are not given any proper care, food and fresh water.
Ms Sharon Chan, Assistant Director at NParks, explains, "Most people do not realise that releasing animals means sending them to their deaths. One recent incident I encountered was the release of a few soft-shell terrapins. They were not equipped to survive in the wild, and died on that very day. Should these animals harbour viruses, they will contaminate the water and affect other native wildlife. We want to appeal to everyone to refrain from releasing your pets or animals into the wild."
Adding on to the above..
Ms Angie Monksfield, President of Buddhist Fellowship, further clarifies the link between Buddhism and kindness towards animals, "Being kind to animals is one of the core practices in Buddhism. However, freeing animals into the wild, especially those that have been bred in captivity, is not necessarily a kind act as these animals would be easy prey for predators. In some cases, they end up disrupting the ecosystem, thus affecting native animals in their habitat and in turn being cruel to the existing animals in the wild. Buying trapped animals to free them will also encourage the trade, causing more animals to be trapped. Instead, kindness towards animals can be achieved by reducing or eradicating the consumption of all kinds of meat, adopting and caring for animals from shelters, helping injured animals and preserving their natural habitats."
we may tried to save those in the wet market that are going to be eaten on the dinner table. since they are going to die anyway, saving them give them chance to survive.
Originally posted by sinweiy:we may tried to save those in the wet market that are going to be eaten on the dinner table. since they are going to die anyway, saving them give them chance to survive.
We went to Kelong and bought those fishes meant for dinner table and released them back into the open sea. They will breed more and the population of fishes will increase. This will ensure an never ending eco-chain of food for humans.
It's also a scenic short trip to the open sea which helps in relaxation and calming one's mind.
Sparrows that are released back to the trees can survive very well in Singapore's flora environment. Parrots too. Most birds have no difficulty surviving in their natural wild environment.
I think animal liberation is a matter of common sense. Ask the shop sellers whether the animals you buy can survive on its own when released. The shop sellers are very honest, they will inform you yes or no.
Another matter is whether you have benefitted from this act of animal liberation. Referring to health and your wishes of health recovery for a particular person. There are people who have their wishes came true and they will continue with the act of animal liberation.
Thirdly, birds/fishes can also died in their natural environment and in shops/kelong. Death is inevitable even for those well taken care of in their caged condition. It is not just death only in the wild.
Yeap, I also feel that its good to release animals that have just been caught from sea, provided the place we release them are suitable for their survival, they are able to find food, wont upset the ecosystem, no diseases etc.
However abt the wet market, i think its hard to ascertain where exactly the fishes/sea animals were caught, unless we saw it ourselves. As mentioned above, there can be negative consequences on the ecosystem if we release them into the wrong habitats.
I think this point is particularly good:
'When we buy animals to release, we are encouraging the shop-owner to catch even more animals from the wild to sell. For example, thousands of grass birds are captured from the wild for people to release. Bird and pet shops sell these 'cheap' birds at a price of $1.50 or $2.'
If we buy, are we encouraging them to continue catching
think don't tell the owner that we are releasing them better.
for me i being a vegetarian is already a form of releasing animal. :)
look.. you people who think releasing animals into the wild is good, please PLEASE PLEASE do a bit of scientific thinking first yah?
some idiot bought some big head carp and released the bloody things into the rivers in the US... and triggered an ecological disaster there...
it was an Asian idiot.. he was Buddhist, i think.. he was doing the 放生 thing... only, the carp ate everything in the river, causing extinction of local species, and the people can't control the thing.. the river is now barren except for the overwhelming amounts of big head carp...
so.. if you got to do something for your karma or whatever, please find a local species to release into the local areas...
and not like the idiots who released foreign species like peacock bass, cichlids, terrapins, alligator gar and other monsters which have already decimated the local habitat here in Singapore..
Due to many complications, my master encourage 护身 rather than 放身
Means stop killing, prevent them from being killed (e.g. by being vegetarian, etc)
If one wants to 放身, have to do research first, make sure one does not do more harm than good
I feel that the practice of buying animals to release into wild needs to rethink. It's not just indirectly encouraging the trade, but also the wisdom we are lacking in understanding the animals and the environment. There are so many other ways or actions we can do to protect the animals and the environment. It would be good if there is a proper communication channel between the buddhist and the nature circle, if we are to show compassion towards all sentient beings, and not just humans.
Release the animals into the wild must be done wisely
Have anyone reflected on "releasing the inner mind of attachment towards sentient beings"
towards people and animals and incident not bear grudges and hatred ?
that i say is a true Buddhist who practised ,realised and show it
Kelong owners breed fishes through the "seed" fishes (little fishes) and they rear them in the seawater.
When buddhist groups go and buy many kgs of these fishes, the kelong owners profit the most and they can then continue to buy more "seed" fishes to rear. General population will benefit from the steady supply of fishes for the wet market and when the fishes are released into their natural habitat (sea), they improve the eco-system.
Buddhists who go on a trip out to the sea benefit in more than one way. They get to relax in the wide open seaviews, they get to see for themselves how hard a kelong life is and they do charity in liberation and helping the kelong owners.
verfishing occurs when fishing activities reduce fish stocks below an acceptable level. This can occur in any body of water from a pond to the oceans.
Ultimately overfishing can lead to resource depletion in cases of subsidised fishing, low biological growth rates and critical low biomass levels (e.g. by critical depensation growth properties). For example, overfishing of sharks has led to the upset of entire marine ecosystems.
# More than 3.5 billion people depend on the ocean for their primary source of food. In 20 years, this number could double to 7 billion.
# Populations of commercially attractive large fish, such as tuna, cod, swordfish and marlin have declined by as much as 90 per cent in the past century.
# Each year, illegal longline fishing, which involves lines up to 80 miles long, with thousands of baited hooks, kills over 300,000 seabirds, including 100,000 albatrosses.
Fishing Has Decline Due to Lack of Fish at The Ocean
Fish decline has ecological impact in tropical river University of Wyoming
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我们说护生也好,放生也好,它的方法是é�žå¸¸å¤šçš„,并ä¸�是å�ªå±€é™�于说å�ªæœ‰è¿™ç§�方法,其他就没有了,ä¸�æ˜¯è¿™æ ·çš„ã€‚æ‰€ä»¥è¯´ï¼Œå¦‚æžœæ˜¯ä»Žå¤šæ–¹é�¢çš„æ�¥æŠ¤ç”Ÿã€�æ�¥æ”¾ç”Ÿçš„
è¯�ï¼Œè¿™æ ·å�çš„è¯�,我们的障ç¢�是会比较少的。所以,就谈到说放生,很多人的想法是ä¸�å�Œçš„,有æ£é�¢ä¹Ÿæœ‰è´Ÿé�¢çš„,有人认为æ£é�¢æ�¥è®²ï¼Œå�¯ä»¥åˆ©ç›Šå¾ˆå¤šçš„众生;但也有
äººè§‰å¾—å…¶å®žè¿™æ ·å��而å�ˆå®³äº†ä¼—生。这是什么æ„�æ€�呢?举例æ�¥è¯´ï¼Œæ£è¦�被宰æ�€çš„一个动物,我们现在救了它,放了它,这个动物在今天ä¸�被æ�€äº†æ˜¯æŠ¤ç”Ÿï¼Œç…§æŠ¤äº†å®ƒï¼Œä½†
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的。所以现在这个情况æ�¥è®²æŠ¤ç”Ÿä¹Ÿå¥½ï¼Œæ”¾ç”Ÿä¹Ÿå¥½ï¼Œæœ€å¥½çš„方法我(法王)认为是å�ƒç´ 。
Namo Amitabah
Originally posted by bohiruci:Have anyone reflected on "releasing the inner mind of attachment towards sentient beings"
ah...another person i heard on inner sentient beings is lated Ven Shen Kai (AEN's master).
I vow to liberate all Inner beings, without number. 内眾生無邊誓願度.
Well actually i ever saw my friend releasing baby terrapins , eels and other don't know what fish into the river in thailand ... with the propellar of the boat still spinning furiously . We tried to inform her that she must at least wait for the propellar to stop fully before doing that although she already had release 2 packet of it . But she just say " won't one lar , they will just swim direct down into the water " .
And i admit i also ever buy and release a packet of frogs from petshop meant for fishes into grasslands and some near a monsoon drain . And also while in thailand at the 4 face buddha temple there , i bought a cage of sparrows to release them at the temple . But i have since stopped such practises after reading about the threats it can pose to local wildlife .
I think we buddhist should just promote going vegetarian and cut down on the propaganda of releasing animals . The best is to educate all buddhist about the problems of releasing animals into the wild without much thinking . As i know some buddhist tend to do " certain " practises " blindly " just because it is encouraged in the teachings .
omg, just heard radio and in the "night" paper, that one person is so ignorance that he/she go and bought fresh water fishes and went to the sea to release them. of coz all turn upside down. release become killing animal æ�€ç”Ÿ. ……
Obviously an very ignorant person who may not even know the meaning of liberation of animals.
How old was this person ? 10 years old ?
ä»¥æŠ¤ç”Ÿå’Œç´ é£Ÿä»£æ›¿æ”¾ç”Ÿï¼Œæ˜¯ä¸�是更好的办法呢?
问:放生活动的规律化å�Šæ—¥é€¾å¢žåŠ ,促æˆ�了å�¦ä¸€ç§�å�˜ç›¸çš„商机,也就是说有需求必有供应,è�§å¸ˆå…„赞å�Œè¿™ä¸ªè¯´æ³•å�—?
ç”:我ä¸�赞å�Œè¿™ä¸ªè¯´æ³•ã€‚我本身å�šæµ·äº§çš„放生,从这方é�¢æ�¥è°ˆï¼Œæˆ‘们必须先了解其ä¸çš„ä¾›åº”ä¸Žéœ€æ±‚ã€‚æ ¹æ�®æœ‰å…³å½“局的资料显示,国人æ¯�年消费9万8000å�¨çš„海鲜,而放生一年充其é‡�å�ªæœ‰40至50å�¨ä¹‹é—´ã€‚而我也曾ç»�到马æ�¥è¥¿äºšé¾Ÿå’¯å…»æ®–场å�šå®žåœ°è€ƒå¯Ÿï¼Œé‚£é‡Œæœ‰ä¸ƒå��多个鱼排,æ¯�个鱼排的海产总值超过百万新元,七å��个鱼排就一共需è¦�七å�ƒå¤šä¸‡æ–°å…ƒï¼Œæˆ‘们连一个鱼排也买ä¸�起,当然我们ä¸�å�¯èƒ½æ˜¯ä»–们主è¦�的供应对象,他们主è¦�是供应给é¤�饮业的。
å› æ¤ï¼Œè‹¥è¯´å•†å®¶é¥²å…»é±¼å„¿æ˜¯å› 为我们è¦�放生,这个说法是ä¸�能æˆ�立的。我们是以现有的钱,买现有的鱼,救急时的命,对方肯å�–æ˜¯å› ä¸ºéœ€è¦�现钱周转,他并ä¸�在æ„�我们买鱼的用途。更何况一å�ªé›Œé±¼æ¯�次产å�µé«˜è¾¾å‡ 百万颗,产é‡�是ä¸�å�¯èƒ½æŽ§åˆ¶çš„。
问:我们知é�“ä¸�是所有的鱼儿都适å�ˆåœ¨æµ·ä¸Šæ”¾ç”Ÿï¼Œæ‰€ä»¥ä¸�æ�°å½“的放生地点是ä¸�是间接促æˆ�“放滔?å�¦ä¸€æ–¹é�¢ï¼Œä¼šä¸�会有人ç‰å¾…æ�•æ�‰ä½ 们放生的鱼儿?
ç”:放生鱼儿时,必须è¦�了解适å�ˆå®ƒä»¬çš„水性地点,比如鳖是放在淡水的,金目å�¢ä¸�å�¯ä»¥æ”¾åœ¨å¾ˆå’¸çš„æµ·æ°´ï¼ŒèžƒèŸ¹å¿…é¡»æ”¾åœ¨æ²¼æ³½çš„çº¢æ ‘æž—ï¼Œè¿™äº›éƒ½æ˜¯å¾ˆé‡�è¦�的基本知识。我们放鱼的海域é� 近公海,是轮船的è¦�é�“ï¼Œæ ¹æ�®èˆªæµ·æ�¡ä¾‹ï¼Œé‚£ä¸ªåœ°æ–¹æ˜¯ä¸�能撒网的,å°�船也ä¸�å�¯ä»¥åœ¨é‚£é‡Œå�œæ³Šï¼Œå°±å¥½åƒ�ä½ ä¸�能把车å�œåœ¨é©¬è·¯ä¸é—´çš„é�“ç�†æ˜¯ä¸€æ ·çš„。
如果放错地点,隔天那些鱼一定会浮在海é�¢ä¸Šï¼Œè€Œä¸”是集体的,ä¸�是一两å�ªè€Œå·²ã€‚我们æ¯�æ¬¡æ”¾å‡ å�ƒå�ªé±¼ï¼Œå¦‚果都æ»äº†ï¼Œæˆ‘çœ‹æˆ‘ä»¬ä¼šå› æ±¡æŸ“çŽ¯å¢ƒè€Œè¢«æ‹›åŽ»é—®è¯�了。我本身就去过海岸å�«é˜Ÿæ€»éƒ¨è¯¢é—®æœ‰å…³æ”¾ç”Ÿæ˜¯ä¸�是å�ˆæ³•çš„活动,有关å�•ä½�也表示赞å�Œã€‚
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ç”:是的,一切众生都有二命,一者业报身命,二者法身慧命,如果没有诵ç»�念佛,所放物类将å�ªæ˜¯è¢«æ•‘身命,继ç»å�—其业力支é…�,直到é�‡åˆ°ä½›æ³•ä¸ºæ¢ã€‚相å��的,物类能在诵ç»�念佛当ä¸ï¼Œç§�下金刚ç§�å�ï¼Œå¾—ä½›åŠ›åŠ æŒ�,脱离畜生é�“,他日有缘å�¬é—»ä½›æ³•ï¼Œæ�¢å¤�本有本觉,是救其法身慧命。
放生仪å¼�å°½é‡�简å�•ï¼Œå�¯é�¿å…�物类被困太久而å�±å�Šç”Ÿå‘½ï¼Œå¿…è¦�时先把物类放走,然å�Žç»§ç»å¿µç»�,佛法圆满周é��ï¼Œå®ƒè¿˜æ˜¯ä¼šå¾—åˆ°ä½›åŠ›åŠ æŒ�çš„ã€‚å°±å¦‚ã€Šæ— é‡�寿ç»�》云:世尊能演一音声,有情å�„å�„éš�类解。
问:é�žç´ 食者å�¯ä»¥æ”¾ç”Ÿå�—?
ç”:当然å�¯ä»¥ã€‚其实目å‰�ç�¾éš¾é¢‘频,人心ä¸�好,循业å�‘现,而放生是其ä¸ä¸€ä¸ªæ��å�‡å–„心,改å�˜å¿ƒæ€�的一项é�žå¸¸æœ‰åŠ›çš„活动。在我这里å�‚与放生的大众,将近一å�Šéƒ½ä¸�æ˜¯å…¨ç´ é£Ÿè€…ã€‚å…¶ä¸æœ‰äº›åœ¨æœªå�‚与å‰�,由于自己å�ƒè�¤è€Œäº§ç”Ÿäº†ä¸€äº›å¿ƒç�†éšœç¢�,我就对他们说,现在最é‡�è¦�的是先行放生,ç±�以æ��å�‡æ…ˆæ‚²çš„力é‡�,培养自己对这些物类作怜悯救度想。æ¸�æ¸�åœ°ï¼Œæˆ–è®¸ä½ å�¯ä»¥ä»Žä½›è¯´çš„三净肉,å�³ä¸�é—»æ�€ã€�ä¸�è§�æ�€ã€�ä¸�为我æ�€å¼€å§‹å¦ä¹ ,多è�œå°‘肉,逢åˆ�一ã€�å��五å�ƒç´ ,æ�¥æ…¢æ…¢è°ƒæ•´ä½ çš„é¥®é£Ÿä¹ æƒ¯ã€‚è¿™ä¸�仅是培养慈悲的力é‡�ï¼Œå¯¹ä½ è‡ªå·±çš„å�¥åº·ä¹Ÿæ˜¯å¾ˆæœ‰å¸®åŠ©çš„。
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i like the above article very much. It explains the more intricate meanings for liberation of animals.
I hope the writer can add in one more point. That the buddhists help these animals to take refuge in Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, planting a valuable seed in them for their next life to meet the teachings of Buddhism. They didn't need to suffer before they become food on the dinner table and on top of that, they have this blessing.
Originally posted by Wiser:
We went to Kelong and bought those fishes meant for dinner table and released them back into the open sea. They will breed more and the population of fishes will increase. This will ensure an never ending eco-chain of food for humans.It's also a scenic short trip to the open sea which helps in relaxation and calming one's mind.
Sparrows that are released back to the trees can survive very well in Singapore's flora environment. Parrots too. Most birds have no difficulty surviving in their natural wild environment.
but these fishes released back into the sea will eat many more smaller fishes or plankton.................more lives will be lost.......................LOL
Originally posted by sinweiy:we may tried to save those in the wet market that are going to be eaten on the dinner table. since they are going to die anyway, saving them give them chance to survive.
but if those at the wet market are saved....................others will have to take their place....................LOL
Originally posted by Asromanista2001:
but these fishes released back into the sea will eat many more smaller fishes or plankton.................more lives will be lost.......................LOL
sometimes however, they Are the smaller fishes.
i like when one mentioned that fishes in the sea are depleting..then we should help pump/breed more in to improve the eco system, but Wisely of coz.
World’s oceans could be completely depleted of fish in 40 years: UN
Depleted fish stocks require recovery efforts
Originally posted by Asromanista2001:
but if those at the wet market are saved....................others will have to take their place....................LOL
it's like saying the society got those person doing bad things, and society don't do anything to help them as there will aways be bad people to take their place.
my idea is if we help one, consider one saved. 救一个算一个. help according to one's ability. that's the merit. not saying we must help all at once, as it's not possible, as like u said, others will take their place.
i was taught to sui yuan�缘 help, like when u walk pass the wet market, u saw the poor animal caged, a compassion grow in u, u simply bought them and release them out of compassion. �缘.