Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:Glad to hear that.
Thanks, I am not telling lies, it is true, even when I have no worry or trouble over work, I still chant in my heart.
likeyou, then its very very good. Keep mindfulness of the Buddha in your heart every moment and peace will be with you.
Just wholeheartely alone on the Buddha is sufficient, no need other God, gods, deities.
Thanks Wee.
That is probably why I am able to work till past midnite alone in alone in the office and not scare cos I nvr hurt or have any evil intention on my heart.
Yes! this is the Happiness and Peace you have found through the Buddha. If anyone should you come across, make sure you share with them this Peace you have found, you yourself is a living testimony to lead more people around you together to find Peace in oneself through Buddhism.
My work place has a muslim where he told me buddha portrait looks scary. I just keep quiet. I hv another colleague, a free thinker, brushes aside all those religions and ghosts, saying all is faked.
  (一)å�—ä¸‰å½’å·²ï¼Œé€ ä½œç—´ä¸šï¼Œå�—外é�“法自在天è¯ï¼Œä»¥æ˜¯å› 缘,失于三归。
ã€€ã€€ï¼ˆäºŒï¼‰è‹¥æœ‰é€ ä½œç§�ç§�æ�‚业,为å�—ä¹�故,修于善事,如市场法(好比市场作买å�–,以求利为先),其心ä¸�能怜悯众生,如是之人ä¸�得三归。
  「所有一切宗教徒,我們都是一家人。為什麼?å�„個ä¸�å�Œå®—教的那個神,創始人,都是真神的化身,一個人的化身。真神å�ƒè®Šè�¬åŒ–,é�©æ‡‰æ–¼å�„個ä¸�å�Œåœ°å�€ï¼Œå»ºç«‹å�„種ä¸�å�Œçš„æ•™å¸æ–¹æ³•ï¼Œå…§å®¹éƒ½æ˜¯ä¸€è‡´çš„,就是佛教我們怎樣å�šäººã€‚剛æ‰�阿訇講得é�žå¸¸æ¸…楚,他講的跟佛經講的沒有兩樣。所以統統許許多多神是一個神的化身,一家人,å�ƒè�¬ä¸�è¦�誤會。...(ä¸ç•¥)...所以今天我們首先è¦�把事實真相了解清楚,知é�“所有ä¸�å�Œå®—教的創始人,åƒ�在佛教釋迦牟尼,西方宗教的耶穌ã€�摩西,伊斯è˜çš„穆罕默德,ä¸åœ‹çš„å”å�,都是一個真神的化身,變化在å�„個ä¸�å�Œæ—�群ã€�ä¸�å�Œçš„地å�€ä¾†æ•™åŒ–眾生。。...(ä¸ç•¥)...所有宗教裡é�¢çš„神明都是釋迦牟尼的化身,我怎麼å�¯ä»¥ä¸�æ‹œï¼�釋迦牟尼佛在佛教裡å�«é‡‹è¿¦ç‰Ÿå°¼ä½›ï¼Œåœ¨åŸºç�£æ•™å�«è€¶ç©Œï¼Œåœ¨ä¼Šæ–¯è˜æ•™å�«ç©†ç½•é»˜å¾·ï¼Œä»–æ�›äº†å€‹å��å—,實際上是一個人。ã€�   節錄自:釋淨空《宗教與生活》 講話於2003.3.1. 巴布亞新幾內亞文殊精èˆ�
  佛陀乃是由人é�“è‰å…¥ã€Œç„¡æˆ‘ã€�而æˆ�就「覺者ã€�(Buddha),並ä¸�是神或真神,雖然佛陀並沒有å�¦å®šå¤©äºº(神)çš„å˜åœ¨ï¼Œä½†æ˜¯ä½›é™€ä¸¦ä¸�å�Œæ„�這世界有唯一的ã€�ç�¨å‰µçš„「真神ã€�ï¼Œå› æ¤èˆ‡å¤©äººä¹‹é–“是ä¸�能相æ��並論ã€�比較誰高誰低的。淨空法師的這篇講話,開宗明義地就說明佛陀與真神無二,é�•èƒŒäº†ä½›é™€çš„ä¸å¿ƒæ€�想:緣起ã€�無我。
  å��å•�在佛傳故事ä¸ä½›é™€å�Šæ¢µå¤©ä¸�是經常化生ä¸�å�Œæ¨£çš„å½¢è±¡ä¾†æ¸¡åŒ–å¤§çœ¾å—Žï¼Ÿå› æ¤ä»¥è€¶ç©Œèº«å¾—渡者,å�³ç�¾è€¶ç©Œèº«è€Œç‚ºèªªæ³•ï¼Œæ·¨ç©ºæ³•å¸«æ›¾ç¶“說é�Žï¼Œå› 為觀世音è�©è–©æ‡‰ä»¥ä½•èº«å¾—渡者,å�³ç�¾ä½•èº«è€Œç‚ºèªªæ³•ã€‚æ‰€ä»¥æˆ‘å€‘åˆ°æ•™å ‚ï¼Œå�¯ä»¥æŠŠè€¶ç©Œï¼Œä¸Šå¸�視為觀世音è�©è–©çš„「化身ã€�,å�³ç„¶æ˜¯è§€ä¸–音è�©è–©çš„化身,那入境隨俗å�ˆä½•å˜—ä¸�å�¯å‘¢ï¼Ÿ 更何æ³�å®—æ•™èž�å�ˆã€�大家和平共處ä¸�也是功德一件嗎?
  首先,「應以何身得度者,å�³ç�¾ä½•èº«è€Œç‚ºèªªæ³•ã€‚ã€�是è¦�以å�—教者的å�Œç‰èº«åˆ†ï¼Œä¾†æ•™å°Žä¸¦å¼•å…¥ä½›é™€çš„言教,而ä¸�æ˜¯åˆ°äº†è€¶æ•™æ–°æ•™å¾’çš„æ•™å ‚ï¼Œæ‹œäº†è€¶ç©Œåƒ�後,指稱耶穌是佛陀的化身,而ä¸�闡述佛教的八æ£é�“法以å�Šå››è�–諦。五教的教主皆為å�Œä¸€é«”的說法,這是一貫é�“還是天é�“的說法.èª�å�Œäº”教教主å�Œä¸€é«”的話,是ä¸�是也è¦�èª�å�Œåˆ¥æ•™çš„教義呢?
  在å�°åº¦ä½›æ•™çš„末期,佛教徒們把三ä½�一體的濕婆(Shiva)ã€�大梵天(Brahma)和毘濕奴(Vishnu),當æˆ�佛祖(Primordial Buddha)下凡後的化身,而且在佛教徒的宇宙進化論ä¸ï¼Œé€™ä¸‰ä½�一體的神還佔了é‡�è¦�的一å¸ä¹‹åœ°ã€‚å�¦ä¸€æ–¹é�¢ï¼Œå�°åº¦æ•™å¾’å�Œæ¨£ä¹ŸæŠŠå–¬é�”摩佛陀(Gautama Buddha)ç•¶ä½œæ˜†æ¿•å¥´çš„ä¸€å€‹åŒ–èº«ï¼Œä¹Ÿå› æ¤å�°åº¦ä½›æ•™èµ°å�‘滅亡的命é�‹ã€‚
  佛陀教化善生,也沒有跟著善生一起拜å…方,宗教和平相處是有必è¦�之處,大å�¯å¾žç›¸æ‡‰ä¹‹è™•è‘—手;例如滅三毒(貪瞋痴)與耶教的ä¸�犯七宗罪(好慾ã€�妒忌ã€�貪婪ã€�驕傲ã€�饕餮ã€�憤怒å�Šæ€ 惰)有點相應,大家何ä¸�在æ¤é»žäº’相ç�£ä¿ƒç²¾é€²ï¼Œè®“塵æ¸å¡µã€�土æ¸åœŸã€�上å¸�æ¸ä¸Šå¸�ã€�佛陀æ¸ä½›é™€ã€�該誰的就æ¸èª°çš„,大家平平å��,一起å�ƒæžœæžœï¼Œå½¼æ¤å’Œå¹³å…±è™•ã€‚
Originally posted by WeeShun:宗教和平≠å®—æ•™èž�å�ˆï¼�ï¼�評淨空法師 ■瞿宗樺
「所有一切宗教徒,我們都是一家人。為什麼?å�„個ä¸�å�Œå®—教的那個神,創始人,都是真神的化身,一個人的化身。真神å�ƒè®Šè�¬åŒ–,é�©æ‡‰æ–¼å�„個ä¸�å�Œåœ°å�€ï¼Œå»ºç«‹å�„種ä¸�å�Œçš„æ•™å¸æ–¹æ³•ï¼Œå…§å®¹éƒ½æ˜¯ä¸€è‡´çš„,就是佛教我們怎樣å�šäººã€‚剛æ‰�阿訇講得é�žå¸¸æ¸…楚,他講的跟佛經講的沒有兩樣。所以統統許許多多神是一個神的化身,一家人,å�ƒè�¬ä¸�è¦�誤會。...(ä¸ç•¥)...所以今天我們首先è¦�把事實真相了解清楚,知é�“所有ä¸�å�Œå®—教的創始人,åƒ�在佛教釋迦牟尼,西方宗教的耶穌ã€�摩西,伊斯è˜çš„穆罕默德,ä¸åœ‹çš„å”å�,都是一個真神的化身,變化在å�„個ä¸�å�Œæ—�群ã€�ä¸�å�Œçš„地å�€ä¾†æ•™åŒ–眾生。。...(ä¸ç•¥)...所有宗教裡é�¢çš„神明都是釋迦牟尼的化身,我怎麼å�¯ä»¥ä¸�æ‹œï¼�釋迦牟尼佛在佛教裡å�«é‡‹è¿¦ç‰Ÿå°¼ä½›ï¼Œåœ¨åŸºç�£æ•™å�«è€¶ç©Œï¼Œåœ¨ä¼Šæ–¯è˜æ•™å�«ç©†ç½•é»˜å¾·ï¼Œä»–æ�›äº†å€‹å��å—,實際上是一個人。ã€�   節錄自:釋淨空《宗教與生活》 講話於2003.3.1. 巴布亞新幾內亞文殊精èˆ�
佛陀乃是由人é�“è‰å…¥ã€Œç„¡æˆ‘ã€�而æˆ�就「覺者ã€�(Buddha),並ä¸�是神或真神,雖然佛陀並沒有å�¦å®šå¤©äºº(神)çš„å˜åœ¨ï¼Œä½†æ˜¯ä½›é™€ä¸¦ä¸�å�Œæ„�這世界有唯一的ã€�ç�¨å‰µçš„「真神ã€�ï¼Œå› æ¤èˆ‡å¤©äººä¹‹é–“是ä¸�能相æ��並論ã€�比較誰高誰低的。淨空法師的這篇講話,開宗明義地就說明佛陀與真神無二,é�•èƒŒäº†ä½›é™€çš„ä¸å¿ƒæ€�想:緣起ã€�無我。
å��å•�在佛傳故事ä¸ä½›é™€å�Šæ¢µå¤©ä¸�是經常化生ä¸�å�Œæ¨£çš„å½¢è±¡ä¾†æ¸¡åŒ–å¤§çœ¾å—Žï¼Ÿå› æ¤ä»¥è€¶ç©Œèº«å¾—渡者,å�³ç�¾è€¶ç©Œèº«è€Œç‚ºèªªæ³•ï¼Œæ·¨ç©ºæ³•å¸«æ›¾ç¶“說é�Žï¼Œå› 為觀世音è�©è–©æ‡‰ä»¥ä½•èº«å¾—渡者,å�³ç�¾ä½•èº«è€Œç‚ºèªªæ³•ã€‚æ‰€ä»¥æˆ‘å€‘åˆ°æ•™å ‚ï¼Œå�¯ä»¥æŠŠè€¶ç©Œï¼Œä¸Šå¸�視為觀世音è�©è–©çš„「化身ã€�,å�³ç„¶æ˜¯è§€ä¸–音è�©è–©çš„化身,那入境隨俗å�ˆä½•å˜—ä¸�å�¯å‘¢ï¼Ÿ 更何æ³�å®—æ•™èž�å�ˆã€�大家和平共處ä¸�也是功德一件嗎?
首先,「應以何身得度者,å�³ç�¾ä½•èº«è€Œç‚ºèªªæ³•ã€‚ã€�是è¦�以å�—教者的å�Œç‰èº«åˆ†ï¼Œä¾†æ•™å°Žä¸¦å¼•å…¥ä½›é™€çš„言教,而ä¸�æ˜¯åˆ°äº†è€¶æ•™æ–°æ•™å¾’çš„æ•™å ‚ï¼Œæ‹œäº†è€¶ç©Œåƒ�後,指稱耶穌是佛陀的化身,而ä¸�闡述佛教的八æ£é�“法以å�Šå››è�–諦。五教的教主皆為å�Œä¸€é«”的說法,這是一貫é�“還是天é�“的說法.èª�å�Œäº”教教主å�Œä¸€é«”的話,是ä¸�是也è¦�èª�å�Œåˆ¥æ•™çš„教義呢?
在å�°åº¦ä½›æ•™çš„末期,佛教徒們把三ä½�一體的濕婆(Shiva)ã€�大梵天(Brahma)和毘濕奴(Vishnu),當æˆ�佛祖(Primordial Buddha)下凡後的化身,而且在佛教徒的宇宙進化論ä¸ï¼Œé€™ä¸‰ä½�一體的神還佔了é‡�è¦�的一å¸ä¹‹åœ°ã€‚å�¦ä¸€æ–¹é�¢ï¼Œå�°åº¦æ•™å¾’å�Œæ¨£ä¹ŸæŠŠå–¬é�”摩佛陀(Gautama Buddha)ç•¶ä½œæ˜†æ¿•å¥´çš„ä¸€å€‹åŒ–èº«ï¼Œä¹Ÿå› æ¤å�°åº¦ä½›æ•™èµ°å�‘滅亡的命é�‹ã€‚
佛陀教化善生,也沒有跟著善生一起拜å…方,宗教和平相處是有必è¦�之處,大å�¯å¾žç›¸æ‡‰ä¹‹è™•è‘—手;例如滅三毒(貪瞋痴)與耶教的ä¸�犯七宗罪(好慾ã€�妒忌ã€�貪婪ã€�驕傲ã€�饕餮ã€�憤怒å�Šæ€ 惰)有點相應,大家何ä¸�在æ¤é»žäº’相ç�£ä¿ƒç²¾é€²ï¼Œè®“塵æ¸å¡µã€�土æ¸åœŸã€�上å¸�æ¸ä¸Šå¸�ã€�佛陀æ¸ä½›é™€ã€�該誰的就æ¸èª°çš„,大家平平å��,一起å�ƒæžœæžœï¼Œå½¼æ¤å’Œå¹³å…±è™•ã€‚
真神 = 佛性 ? Not sure what to think of this video.
Oh sorry, I missed out on the dialogue that transpired in the afternoon. I've only just read those.
I found this video earlier this morning and was pretty troubled by what I saw and heard in it. Was planning to listen to it properly one more time before sharing it with others. Didn't realize WeeShun already shared it earlier in the day to quite some detail.
this is why we need to create awareness to more buddhists not to be misguided by unbuddhistic teachings and beliefs before such beliefs become the mainstream buddhist belief.
Namo Amituofo.
Originally posted by WeeShun:10.6 onwards http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnYUCweZkhA
Incase you say u cannot hear it, I am typing it in chinese word for word from the video itself for you.
I suggest you finish the whole clip to be fair to Ven Jing Kong n yourself.
I will watch the clip on this weekend. I'm surprised that he said that. The sutra said the other way round, it should be Buddha manifest into gods inorder to preach to them. There must be a limit to inter-religious peace making. Cannot twist just to make peace with other religion. That is something which I will not agree with.
keep an open mind, don't just listen to one clip, read up, research more from a non-biased view only then you will see the truth.
This is when "die hard" fans of Ven Jingkong will say ..... its skillful means.
As I said, keep an open mind ~ you will see the truth, don't swallow anything I say or people say, you are not a puppet, you have the ability to think, investigate and conclude for yourself what is Buddhism and what is not.
Namo Amituofo ~
hi guys
saw an interesting video on how two taiwanese Buddhist nuns converted to christianity. I think is a good video for buddhist to reflect on what individual and the community as a whole need to do.
In the video, I notice there are some wrong views which they held to when they are a nun that result in their conversion.
thanks for sharing but to for those Buddhists who consider Jesus as a manifestation of another Bodhisattva, i think they will not be bothered by it.
Originally posted by reborn76:hi guys
saw an interesting video on how two taiwanese Buddhist nuns converted to christianity. I think is a good video for buddhist to reflect on what individual and the community as a whole need to do.
In the video, I notice there are some wrong views which they held to when they are a nun that result in their conversion.
I watched this video before. See my comments on page 2 of this youtube but was flagged as spam but still able to read if you clicked onto it. This nun was out to mislead others.
If you continue to watch other episode,she mentioned in Buddhism, there was a saying : If the hell is not empty, we will never become Buddha. Come on, true Buddhists know it is 地���'s vow and not referring to us. She was out to twist the fact. Watch the video clip below, fast forward to 7:00 :
Her motive of twisting the fact of Buddhism is very clear. How can a nun of over 20 years do not know that it is 地���'s vow .
this is what i mean when people nowaday are deter be cause and effect. they don't believe in cause and effect. hence i also like to follow the foot step of Master Yin Guang and promote çŽ°ä»£å› æžœå®žå½•.
sinweiy, indeed your recommendation this time is not bad at all ! Its still very much inline with Buddhists and Buddhism.
Amituofo for that too
all along in line.
Oh.. i mean your recommendation of çŽ°ä»£å› æžœå®žå½•..and I am truly inspired by the model of buddhist stories inside. Good book and good recommendation.
decline of Buddhism was predicted by the Buddha isnt it. also it goes to show that the law of impermanence is true. no country or religion stay the same forever.