In fact, even if the fish is captives one, as long as you save them from being killed, that is very good act already. Because the essense of life liberation in buddhism is not just about life release, but is for them to get to know buddhism.
When you release them, you also introduce dharma to them through chanting the life release phrases, they treat you and triple gems as their saviour, and this actually plant a seed in their conscious, they will be born in higher realm and linked to dharma in their future live. Isn't it better than dying in the hand of butcher.
ah now someone who knows what is buddhist animal release is talking. Good one.
Hundreds Gather For the Release of a 'Miracle Turtle'
More true miracles stories of animal release hereҩʦ%C6%D0%CC%E1/blog/item/eb52f228fc4e77215343c154.html
è¿™ä½�è€�人告诉我,在1976年以å‰�,他是å”�å±±æŸ�水库的管ç�†å‘˜ï¼Œç»�常一个人驻守在水库边的é…�ç”µå®¤é‡Œã€‚å› å¸¸å¸¸é—²æ�¥æ— 事,他喜欢上了垂钓,éš�ç�€åž‚钓技术的ä¸�æ–æ��高,他钓的鱼常常å�ƒä¸�了,就å˜å…»åœ¨ä¸€å�£å¤§ç¼¸é‡Œã€‚è¿™å�£å¤§ç¼¸åˆ™æ”¾åœ¨ç®€æ˜“æ�建的厨房里。
1976å¹´åˆ�å¤�çš„æŸ�个晚上,他还没ç�¡ï¼Œå°±å�¬åˆ°åŽ¨æˆ¿é‡Œæœ‰åŠ¨é�™ï¼Œä»–抄起家伙去看个究竟。原æ�¥æ˜¯ä¸€å�ªå‰�æ�¥å�·å�ƒé±¼çš„野ç‹�ä¸�å°�心掉进了缸里,怎么也爬ä¸�上æ�¥äº†ã€‚想到å‰�å‡ æ¬¡ä¸�明就里地鱼就少了,就想弄æ»è¿™å�ªè®¨åŽŒè€Œå€’霉的ç‹�狸。当他用强光手电照ç�€ç‹�狸æ£æ¬²åŠ¨æ‰‹æ—¶ï¼Œä»–看到ç‹�狸的眼里满是惊æ��,甚至还有眼泪,他的心å�ˆè½¯äº†……最终还是放了这å�ªé‡Žç‹�。
1976å¹´7月28日凌晨3时左å�³ï¼Œç†Ÿç�¡ä¸çš„他,被一ç§�æ€¥ä¿ƒçš„æŠ“æŒ å£°éŸ³å’Œå‘œå‘œå�«å£°å�µé†’,他å�¬å‡ºæ�¥æ˜¯é‚£å�ªç‹�狸,就起身下床打开房门──那å�ªé‡Žç‹�焦èº�ä¸�安地仰脸望ç�€ä»–,并一次次地就地兜圈å�,åƒ�一个有急事的满腹è¯�è¯çš„哑巴。他就想,å�¯èƒ½ç‹�狸没找到猎物,饿急了,æ�¥æ±‚æ�´äº†ã€‚å�¯æ˜¯ï¼Œå°±åœ¨ä»–想回屋里å�–å�ƒçš„ä¸œè¥¿ç»™ç‰ æ•‘æµŽæ—¶ï¼Œé‚£å�ªç‹�狸忽然咬ä½�äº†ä»–çš„å‡‰éž‹å¸¦ï¼Œç‹ å‘½åœ°å¾€å¤–æ‹‰ã€‚ä»–å¿½ç„¶æœ‰ä¸€ç§�什么预感。于是,éš�ç‹�狸æ�¥åˆ°é™¢å�里。就在这时,举世皆惊的7.8级的大地震轰然é™�临,他居ä½�çš„é…�电室瞬间å�³è¢«éœ‡å¡Œ……
直到现在,年迈的è€�人还念念ä¸�忘那å�ªè¢«ä»–放生ã€�å�ˆæ�¥æ•‘ä»–çš„ç‹�狸,感慨万端地说:“地ç�ƒå°±æ˜¯ä¸ªå¤§å®¶åºï¼Œå¤§å¤šæ•°çš„生物ã€�动物与人类æ�¯æ�¯ç›¸å…³ï¼ŒåŠ¨ç‰©ä»¬å°½ç®¡ä¸�会言è¯ï¼Œå�´ä¹Ÿæœ‰ç�€å�Œæ ·çš„æ€�ç»´ã€�ç�µæ€§å’Œè‰¯å¿ƒ……”
真实故事二 : 放生40多斤鲫鱼 找到好工作
我一直信佛,所以很多事情会ä¼�求佛祖è�©è�¨çš„åŠ æŒ�,å‰�些日å�辞掉了工作,但是å�ˆæ²¡æœ‰æ‰¾åˆ°å�ˆé€‚的工作,所以一直心情有些éƒ�闷。
一天在网络上看到佛å�‹å�‘的放生å�Žå¾—到感应的帖å�,当时就å�‘愿,愿从今天开始尽能力放生,祈求佛祖è�©è�¨åŠ æŒ�弟å�。在大约3分钟å�ŽæŽ¥åˆ°ä»¥å‰�一个朋å�‹çš„电è¯�,让我跟éš�一个ä¼�业的旅游团出外培è®ï¼Œå¹¶ä¸”有一笔ä¸�è�²çš„报酬,当时真是感å�¹æ„Ÿåº”真实ä¸�虚。
ç‰å‡ºå›¢å›žæ�¥æ‹¿åˆ°æŠ¥é…¬å�Žç¬¬äºŒå¤©ä¾¿å’Œæ¯�亲一起买了大约40多斤鲫鱼放生在黄河里,并念å�—æ— é˜¿å¼¥é™€ä½›å›žå�‘。放生完毕å�Žå›žåˆ°å®¶é‡Œæ—¶é—´ä¸�长,接到电è¯�,一个公å�¸é€šè¿‡è¿™æ¬¡åŸ¹è®äº†è§£åˆ°æˆ‘,想è�˜æˆ‘为专è�Œè®²å¸ˆï¼Œå¾…é�‡è¿˜ä¸�错,而且有闲暇时间å�¯ä»¥ä¿®ä¹ 佛法,真的很感å�¹ï¼Œæ„Ÿåº”如æ¤ç¥žé€Ÿï¼ŒçœŸå®žä¸�虚。
实际æ¯�个人在这个世界所有事情都是业力所至,è¦�想改å�˜å�ªæœ‰æ–除æ�¶å¿µï¼Œè¡Œå–„积德,买生放生,在佛的眼ä¸ä¸‡ç‰©å¹³ç‰ï¼Œå�Œæ ·æ˜¯ç”Ÿå‘½æ²¡æœ‰åŒºåˆ†ï¼Œä»¥ä¸Šç»�历真实ä¸�虚ï¼�
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a live video that captured the group of fishes forming a big circle to thank the releasers chanting Amitabhva Buddha.
Everyday don't kill that ant, lizard, or cockroach in your house makes the first step in freeing animals from suffering
true, a small step leads to a giant step for the animal kingdom.
To go one step further, do all you can to stop these insects coming to your house.
1) wipe the table clean after a meal and keep all food in the fridge, do not tempt the ants with the food
2) throw all rubbish away in one day, again do not tempt the ants with the food.
3) put ants bait / cockroach bait around the house, soon they will not visit your house that often. Yes, they do spread the message that this house has dangerous baits.
Do not blame the ants when the human is the one who tempt them with food in the open. ^_^