Hi all,
Does equanimity mean no likes/dislikes, no good/bad, no preferences basically? If that is the case, then anything goes whatever one does and we accept whatever happens in life with no biasness. Why would there still be a distinction between skilful and unskilful actions?
Thanks in advance for clarifying.
It is one of the factors of enlightenment. In the 4th stage of concentration meditation there is a state that is describe as ‘neither pain no not pain’ even though physical pain and discomfort are ever present. It is so because the mind is already so calm and settled it is unaffected by it any more.
Equanimity is certainly not about indifference, which is a state of inaction when things are not right and/or it does not concern us and we do nothing to correct the situation. This would be a very unskillful act.
It is a quality that will increase with a decrease in one’s craving and clinging. As it become more established one can expect ill-will, anger and hatred to decrease and such other qualities as patience and forgiveness to become a strong feature in the person.
One can say that when it is fully cultivated, the mind will always be at rest and at peace with itself and such a person would have a calm, serene disposition and be able to face any situations in a fearless manner when so required.