Hi all,
Sometime ago, someone on this board recommended that I read Echart Tolle's "The Power of Now". I did and have unfortunately gotten nothing out of it. What am I missing? Could someone please enlighten me on the key messages in the book. Thank you.
step out of thinking, discover your own presence-awareness in that absence of thinking, rest in it.
i.e. when you pause thinking, can you deny your ordinary presence and awareness? look and you discover an undeniable, undoubtable presence, existence, awareness. thats it.
Check out
47. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
48. A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
Why don't you spend some time, like a month or two, just doing sessions of meditation on the breath. Later come back to the book... it may make more sense then...
Originally posted by buddha_fak_kwanyin:
Obviously you do not understand personal empowerment. You've got a chip on your shoulder, who taught some much hate that you've to resort to such lowly vulgarity?!! Please do not hijack this thread!