Thanks very much for the sharing.
Just a sharing... Nothing definitive
Once come to the point of realising no-self.
Realise that all along there is no self ... just the aggregates.
There is no need to go from a 'sense of self' towards no-self. In another word, at each penetrating moment it is already without self... This have been a subtle but crucial insight.
Thought, thinking, mental opinions, ideas, strategies form a continous flow as if someone(me) is there. Relax them and they will disjoint and disconnect.
Thoughts will pop out and go away.... in a disjointed manner... deepening the insight that there is no self all along.
These aggregates arise not in an environment of a 'me' and an environment outside 'me'. They appear in a non-dual manner without subject and object... as a series of dynamics dependently originated.