Originally posted by Metta with Mindfulness:Can thought see thought?
If not, how we can be aware of thought?
Awareness and what is being awared (example ... thoughts) is one non-dual whole.
recalled what thought?
thoughts are like film strip running at countless films/thoughts per moment.
can't say they are same nor different, if we compare two of them side by side.
remind me of the
四分 The 法相 Dharmalakṣana school divides the function of � cognition into four, i. e. 相分 mental phenomena, �分 discriminating such phenomena, 自�分 the power that discriminates, and �自� 分 the proof or assurance of that power.
not easy to understand. Alaya have all four aspects, including self understanding, understanding self understanding.
自è‰åˆ†æ˜¯æœªç ´ç„¡å§‹ç„¡æ˜Žè€ŒçŒ¶è¿·çš„佛性。å�³æ˜¯ä½›æ€§ï¼Œé›–然在迷,但終
ç©¶èƒ½å¤ è‰é�“,å�³è‡ªé«”自è‰è‡ªç”¨ï¼Œæ‰€ä»¥å�«å�šè‡ªè‰åˆ†ã€‚
變ç�¾å‡ºä¾†çš„ã€‚å› æœ‰ç„¡æ˜Žä¹‹æ•…ï¼Œä½¿æˆ‘å€‘è¿·å¤±äº†æœ¬æ€§ï¼Œä½›æ€§è¢«ç„¡æ˜ŽåŒ…è£¹
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的自性是盡虛空é��法界,一切境物無ä¸�æ˜¯ä½ å¿ƒçŽ‹çš„çŽ‹åœŸã€‚ä½›æ€§ç„¡ç›¸
Originally posted by sinweiy:remind me of the
四分 The 法相 Dharmalakṣana school divides the function of � cognition into four, i. e. 相分 mental phenomena, �分 discriminating such phenomena, 自�分 the power that discriminates, and �自� 分 the proof or assurance of that power.
not easy to understand. Alaya have all four aspects, including self understanding, understanding self understanding.
自è‰åˆ†æ˜¯æœªç ´ç„¡å§‹ç„¡æ˜Žè€ŒçŒ¶è¿·çš„佛性。å�³æ˜¯ä½›æ€§ï¼Œé›–然在迷,但終
ç©¶èƒ½å¤ è‰é�“,å�³è‡ªé«”自è‰è‡ªç”¨ï¼Œæ‰€ä»¥å�«å�šè‡ªè‰åˆ†ã€‚
變ç�¾å‡ºä¾†çš„ã€‚å› æœ‰ç„¡æ˜Žä¹‹æ•…ï¼Œä½¿æˆ‘å€‘è¿·å¤±äº†æœ¬æ€§ï¼Œä½›æ€§è¢«ç„¡æ˜ŽåŒ…è£¹
å€˜è‹¥ä½ ç²¾é€²ç”¨åŠŸï¼Œæ‰“ç ´äº†ç„¡æ˜Žï¼Œå��ç’žæ¸çœŸï¼Œè˜å¾—本來é�¢ç›®ï¼Œæ–¹çŸ¥ä½
的自性是盡虛空é��法界,一切境物無ä¸�æ˜¯ä½ å¿ƒçŽ‹çš„çŽ‹åœŸã€‚ä½›æ€§ç„¡ç›¸
Weychin, yes, but 四分the four cognition function mentioned above is a little bit different from 6th, 7th and 8th consciousness. they are more on functionality.
6th, 7th and 8th consciousness, u can find a lot in the net, but i cannot find much english texts on the four cognition function. mostly are in chinese. i am also trying to make it simple to understand, but still cannot seem to sort out the mechanics. my translation is not that good. also need time. :)
i have them noted in my archived.
can say, part of the function is related to phenomenon itself 相分; part of the function is perceiving of phenomenon �分.recognizing this perceiving of phenomenon自�; and knowing this recognition �自�?
基於這個é‚�輯,末那的能執能見作用,是ä¸�å�¯èƒ½è¦‹åˆ°è³´è€¶çš„能見作用的,å�ªå�¯èƒ½çœ‹è¦‹è³´è€¶çš„相分,所以若說,末那執賴耶見分為我這話是無法æˆ�立的。但為何唯è˜è¦�這ä½�ç½®å�·å�·ä½œå‡ºæ”¹å‹•å‘¢ï¼Ÿé€™æ˜¯å› 為唯è˜è¦�建立起他們的架構,他們需è¦�為大圓é�¡æ™ºé �æµ�一個å�ˆç�†çš„自我作用,ä¸�然當賴耶轉æˆ�é�¡æ™ºçš„時候,é�¡æ™ºå°±ä¸�能無緣無故的生起一個能知能見的作用,這是唯è˜å®—無計å�¯æ–½ä¸‹ï¼Œæš—地裡用å�·æ�›æ¦‚念的方法來自圓其說一番。
我想我這樣說,大家å�ˆæœƒç”¨ä»€éº¼æ ¹æœ¬æ™ºï¼Œå¾Œå¾—智的論說來å��é§�我,但希望大家在å��é§�我之å‰�,細心想想那å�¥è©±çš„é‚�輯性有多少å�§ï¼�
※第八è˜å…·æœ‰å››åˆ†ï¼Œç‚ºä½•ç¬¬ä¸ƒè˜åƒ…緣見分,為何ä¸�緣相分ã€�自è‰åˆ†ã€�è‰è‡ªè‰åˆ†ï¼Ÿå…¶åŽŸå› :第一ã€�阿賴耶è˜å…§åœ¨æ‰€å˜ä¹‹è‡ªè‰åˆ†ã€�è‰è‡ªè‰åˆ†ï¼Œå½¢æ…‹é�žå¸¸å¹½éš±å¾®ç´°ï¼Œé�žæœ«é‚£è˜æ‰€èƒ½è¾¨åˆ¥ï¼Œæ‰€ä»¥ä¸�緣。第二ã€�阿賴耶è˜æ‰€ç·£ç›¸ä¼¼å¤–å¢ƒä¹‹æ ¹èº«å™¨ç•Œä¹‹ç›¸åˆ†ï¼Œçš†ç‚ºç¬¬å…«è˜ä¹‹ç›¸åˆ†æ‰€è®Šç�¾ï¼Œä½†æ¤è®Šç�¾ä¹‹ç›¸åˆ†é�žæ�’常ä¸�變,且無統一的象徵,所以第七è˜ä¸�緣外在之相分。第三ã€�阿賴耶è˜å…§åœ¨æ‰€å�«è—�之種å�亦是相分,æ¤ç¨®å�有有æ¼�å�Šç„¡æ¼�,有æ¼�種å�修到無æ¼�é�“ç�¾å‰�時,有æ¼�種å�就被å°�æ²»ä¸�å†�å˜åœ¨ï¼Œå› æ¤æ¤æœ‰æ¼�種å�é�žæ�’常ä¸�變,所以第七è˜ä¸�緣。
Originally posted by Metta with Mindfulness:Can thought see thought?
If not, how we can be aware of thought?
What you typed above are thoughts aren't day? Not only you but every one who reads them can literally see your thoughts!
Originally posted by Metta with Mindfulness:Can thought see thought?
If not, how we can be aware of thought?
What you typed above are thoughts aren't day? Not only you but every one who reads them can literally see your thoughts!
Thoughts cannot know thoughts but the mind can obviously become aware of them. It is just that most of the time we just didn't recognize them as thoughts. Mind continue to produce more and more thoughts (proliferates).
But once recognized it becomes possible for proliferations to stop by itself.
Originally posted by Metta with Mindfulness:The thought can be recalled but is there thought different from the thought that arise a moment ago?
The 1st thought arise and passes. It conditions the next thought and the process repeats until a condition eg. a loud bang interrupts or ends the process.
Originally posted by Weychin:; the first aspect is when our senses comes into contact with phenomena, flower, vision sensing flower. Second aspect focus of awareness to sensing of flower. Third aspect,awareness or acknowledgement of this process of sensation, eg. reifying the process. Fourth second, an overview type of awareness, as if” you”, the awareness is like a watcher monitoring the build up or unfolding of events!
Which aspect does the discriminating of flower comes in; eg. Colour, petals three dimensionality of petal texture etc. does the registering belong to?
i think first aspect IS phenomena itself, i.e. phenomena is manifested by the nature of the mind. Second aspect is when senses simply comes into contact with phenomena, flower, vision sensing flower. Awareness or acknowledgement of this process of sensation, eg. reifying the process, can sort of be second or third. Third aspect, can also be an overview type of awareness, as if” you”, the awareness is like a watcher monitoring the build up or unfolding of events. but who is this "you" or "watcher" that is aware. so third can be an ignorant aspect of Buddha-nature. So Dharmalaká¹£ana school thinks that the mind have another aspect to ratify this ignorance, which is the Fourth aspect of the mind. It's the Awakened Buddha-nature. So do we need another aspect to ratify the fourth? no need, Third aspect can do it. Fourth and third, ratify each other.
discriminating is at the second? not really in the Awakened perspective, as it is Simply just a contact of phenomena. 8th consciousness got all 4 aspects. 1st to 6th is more toward the second aspect. 7th consciousness only reify the second aspect and not the rests of the aspects, hence discrimination is form.
"Also, when does the association to memory of description ” flower” comes into play?"
in the Ignorance perspective or Awakened perspective? :) memory of description ” flower” is also a form of discrimination, or attachment, or wandering thoughts.
since Fourth and third, ratify each other. Ignorance and Awakened/Knowing also ratify each other. Affliction and Bodhi is one.
thoughts itself is just thoughts. Awakening is overcoming the discrimination, attachment. discrimination are thoughts wandered away.
Originally posted by sinweiy:recalled what thought?
thoughts are like film strip running at countless films/thoughts per moment.
can't say they are same non different, if we compare two of them side by side.
These flim strips are interesting. It details on the alaya consciousness based on its continuation of the past and the very moment that unknowingly/knowingly carrying forward to form the future. Normal circumstances are memories of present life, whereas the past lives may not necessarily be recalled due to its imperceptibility, most likely experiences is in the dream stage. Having opin on this, buddha dearly mentioned that, 'The past is already gone, the future is not yet here. Probably, the film strips of the past if arise from mind should "hold filmly" as metta, even though you decided that it was not a fond memory. It's always wise to tweet the bad film strip of the past into metta memory to transform it into positive flow. Gradually, all film strips would be metta, and if the dualism of metta is forgone, it enters into non-dualism.
Originally posted by Metta with Mindfulness:Can thought see thought?
If not, how we can be aware of thought?
From Longchenpa's Treasury of Pith Instructions:
Six points summarize the process of direct introduction: The true ground of all experience is nondual and free of bias. The confused perception of that ground is the nature of samsara. Confused perception and fixation on that confusion are magical expressions of your own mind. Reversing that confusion lies in refining your experience of the dynamic energy of awareness, which has no fixed basis. Ordinary appearances and mind resolve naturally, free within timeless awareness, and so you take a firm stance in the primordial state of naturally pristine timeless awareness. These six points are extremely important general themes in the teachings; the mere realization of their meaning naturally brings fulfillment.
The distinct features of a crystal sphere, a mirror, and rays of sunlight represent the three aspects of innately limpid essence, nature and expression. Dharmakaya is by nature a state of complete purity, comparable to the inherent purity of a crystal sphere. Sambhogakaya's mode of presence is by nature a state of utter lucidity, comparable to a reflection in a polished mirror. Nirmanakaya's manifest mode is an embodiment that entails no division of outer and inner, like rays of the sun or moon shining in the ten directions. In that the kayas are timelessly and spontaneously present within you, do not seek them elsewhere, but understand that they are natural attributes.
There are six ways to embrace concepts as allies: Maintain an ongoing awareness of conceptual consciousness as if it were a gentle breeze, dying down in and of itself; you will experience naturally occurring timeless awareness arising from within. Train in experiencing the stirring of the mind as if it were lighting in the sky, pure in and of itself; you will experience anything that stirs in the mind arising as naturally lucid timeless awareness. Maintain an ongoing awareness of consciousness as if it were a ripple on water, diminishing in and of itself; you will experience all consciousness arising as the naturally occurring and majestic state of enlightened intent. Maintain an ongoing awareneess of any concepts as allies, arising as expressions of the true nature of reality; you will experience enlightened intent arising from deep within, involving no acceptance or rejection. Maintain an ongoing awarness of your fixated perceptions as allies, resolving naturally with no object remaining; you will experience timeless awareness arising within you, without fixed basis, and will perceive things as evanescent. Maintain an ongoing awareness of the natural radiance of awareness, lucid and pure, as an ally--the lucid expanse of being; you will experience timeless awareness arising from deep within, vivid yet leaving no trace. You who practice thus, immersing yourselves in genuine being, will experience timeless awareness arising from thoughts themselves. It is absolutely essential that you experience all things manifesting as your allies, just as stacks of dry wood fuel a great fire."
What is Reborn ?
A very good, classic & somewhat complex question!
In brevity:
Causes & Conditioning is passed on & reborn ...
No being, substance, soul or self is reborn as such assumed constant entity or core substance has never existed or ever been observed in the first place...
So how can it then ever be 'reborn' !!!
Existence is a chain of discrete mental states (dhammas) all new yet conditioned
by the prior, both proximate and far.
Just like the pearl in a necklace is in contact with the next & next & next etc.
In that way do the prior mental moment condition the next;
Some Examples: (i like this examples)
If angry now in this moment one cannot be happy in the immediate next moment,
but is conditioned to be either angry also there or indifferent!
If glad now in this moment one cannot be angry in the immediate next moment,
but is conditioned to be either glad also there or indifferent!
One is 'reborn' in every moment of life!
Frequency = ~ billions/second!
The conditioning in the terminal life moment is crucial as it determines the next state:
If having killed many beings in life how then to die in a peaceful & calm state ?
Due to the agitation of remorse & regrets in death moment => bad state rebirth.
If having given & done much good in life it is easy to die in peaceful state !
Due to the satisfied serene content in death moment => good state rebirth.
Mind or consciousness descends & settles at a new level corresponding or fitting
to its last mixture of characteristics. Very mechanic & not metaphysical at all!
Like a protein molecule sediments in a mixed solution according to its boyancy.
Like a comet goes into a orbit around a planet according to its own speed, mass & inclination angle.
No entity or person is found:
But a Noself state1 arising and ceasing
conditioning state2 arising and ceasing
conditioning state3 arising and ceasing
conditioning state4 arising and ceasing
conditioning state5 arising and ceasing
etc ... endlessly until Nibbana ...
bhikkhu samahita : - ]
Originally posted by bycai:Probably, the film strips of the past if arise from mind should "hold filmly" as metta, even though you decided that it was not a fond memory. It's always wise to tweet the bad film strip of the past into metta memory to transform it into positive flow. Gradually, all film strips would be metta, and if the dualism of metta is forgone, it enters into non-dualism.
metta? hmm...can't relate why i would purposely convert my past negative memories into metta. past is past, just let it past? can say, convert the present into non-abiding ones.
Thank you sinweiy! I shall put my understanding of explanation in a flow chart! :- Consciousness or Mind only, a functionality or processes of the Mind eg. software instead of hardware!4 Awareness- 8th consciousness/store consciousness/ collective memories- acquired identity or I/self/soul/conceptual mind due to fundalmental clinging- attraction and aversion recieved from sensate consciousness!
Originally posted by sinweiy:i think first aspect IS phenomena itself, i.e. phenomena is manifested by the nature of the mind. Second aspect is when senses simply comes into contact with phenomena, flower, vision sensing flower. Awareness or acknowledgement of this process of sensation, eg. reifying the process, can sort of be second or third. Third aspect, can also be an overview type of awareness, as if” you”, the awareness is like a watcher monitoring the build up or unfolding of events. but who is this "you" or "watcher" that is aware. so third can be an ignorant aspect of Buddha-nature. So Dharmalaká¹£ana school thinks that the mind have another aspect to ratify this ignorance, which is the Fourth aspect of the mind. It's the Awakened Buddha-nature. So do we need another aspect to ratify the fourth? no need, Third aspect can do it. Fourth and third, ratify each other.
discriminating is at the second? not really in the Awakened perspective, as it is Simply just a contact of phenomena. 8th consciousness got all 4 aspects. 1st to 6th is more toward the second aspect. 7th consciousness only reify the second aspect and not the rests of the aspects, hence discrimination is form.
"Also, when does the association to memory of description ” flower” comes into play?"
in the Ignorance perspective or Awakened perspective? :) memory of description ” flower” is also a form of discrimination, or attachment, or wandering thoughts.
since Fourth and third, ratify each other. Ignorance and Awakened/Knowing also ratify each other. Affliction and Bodhi is one.
thoughts itself is just thoughts. Awakening is overcoming the discrimination, attachment. discrimination are thoughts wandered away.