Sightings of UFO :
More than 2000 years ago, Buddha said there were higher intelligence beings out there and there were many worlds 三�大�世界. It does not mean there are only 3000 worlds, it is just to symbolise that there are countless planets in this universe. Sightings of UFO has no conflict with Buddha's teachings, in fact it proves what Buddha said was correct.
you got the sutra to prove the Buddha said this?
Originally posted by Jacky Woo:you got the sutra to prove the Buddha said this?
In Buddhism, 三�大�世界 is very common, most of the true Buddhists know that it appears in many sutras to describe the universe. If I remember correctly, one of the sutra is 大智度论. I read a Buddhist book, this book is about Buddhism and Science. It wrote that Buddha said there were living things in the cup of water, this was long before the invention of microscope and Buddha said there were higher intelligence out there, this was long before the invention of telescope.
從物ç�†ä¸Šçš„ç�†è§£ï¼Œå°�日月系統(行星系統)ã€�多é‡�é‡�力çµ�構ã€�極大空間的虛空ã€�離å�風ã€�å…‰ã€�雲氣ã€�ç‰ç‰çµ„æˆ�份å�,除了用的å��è©žä¸�å�Œå¤–,å�¯ä»¥èªªå½¢å®¹çš„相當雷å�Œã€‚當然最ä¸�一樣的是,佛陀把精神å�Šå¿ƒé�ˆæˆ�份,整å�ˆåˆ°ä¸‰å�ƒå¤§å�ƒä¸–界裡é�¢ã€‚我想這是用極端物ç�†çš„天文望é� é�¡ï¼Œèˆ‡é€�é�Žç”šæ·±ç¦ªå®šï¼Œå°�宇宙觀察後,所必然會出ç�¾çš„最大差異點å�§ï¼�把人用電å�顯微é�¡ä»”細解æž�觀察,發ç�¾äººé«”也是質å�é›»å�所組æˆ�的,ä¸�é�Žé›»å�顯微é�¡ï¼Œæ‡‰è©²çœ‹ä¸�到愛是啥?智慧為何物?然而把這些心ç�†ä½œç”¨åŽ»æŽ‰ï¼Œäººå°±èˆ‡çŸ³é å·®ä¸�多ï¼�
Based on 黃念祖�居士 whose profession was science teacher and a 金刚上师,mentioned that 1000 galaxies is a buddha world.
æ ¹æ“šé»ƒå¿µç¥–è€�å±…å£«çš„ç ”ç©¶ï¼Œã€ŒéŠ€æ²³ç³»ã€�是佛經所說的「單ä½�世界ã€�。一å�ƒå€‹å–®ä½�世界是一個å°�å�ƒä¸–界;æ�›è¨€ä¹‹ï¼Œä¸€å�ƒå€‹éŠ€æ²³ç³»æ‰�是佛經所說的一個å°�å�ƒä¸–界。以å°�å�ƒ 世界為單ä½�,一å�ƒå€‹å°�å�ƒä¸–界是一個ä¸å�ƒä¸–界;然後å†�以ä¸å�ƒä¸–界為單ä½�,一å�ƒå€‹ä¸å�ƒä¸–界,這æ‰�是一個大å�ƒä¸–界。照這個算法,一個大å�ƒä¸–ç•Œå�³æ˜¯å��億個銀河系。
一個大å�ƒä¸–ç•Œå�ªæœ‰ä¸€å€‹å››ç¦ªå¤©ï¼›ä¸‹é�¢æœ‰ä¸€å�ƒå€‹ä¸‰ç¦ªå¤©ï¼Œä¸€ç™¾å€‹äºŒç¦ªå¤©ï¼Œå��億個åˆ�禪天。大å�ƒä¸–ç•Œçš„å¤©é ‚æ˜¯å››ç¦ªå¤©ï¼Œä¸å�ƒä¸–ç•Œçš„å¤©é ‚æ˜¯ä¸‰ç¦ªå¤©ï¼Œå°�å�ƒä¸–ç•Œçš„å¤©é ‚æ˜¯äºŒç¦ªå¤©ï¼Œå–®ä½�ä¸–ç•Œçš„å¤©é ‚æ˜¯åˆ�禪天。
æ ¹æ“šé»ƒå¿µç¥–è€�å±…å£«çš„ç ”ç©¶ï¼Œã€ŒéŠ€æ²³ç³»ã€�是佛經所說的「單ä½�世界ã€�。一å�ƒå€‹å–®ä½�世界是一個å°�å�ƒä¸–界;æ�›è¨€ä¹‹ï¼Œä¸€å�ƒå€‹éŠ€æ²³ç³»æ‰�是佛經所說的一個å°�å�ƒä¸–界。以å°�å�ƒ 世界為單ä½�,一å�ƒå€‹å°�å�ƒä¸–界是一個ä¸å�ƒä¸–界;然後å†�以ä¸å�ƒä¸–界為單ä½�,一å�ƒå€‹ä¸å�ƒä¸–界,這æ‰�是一個大å�ƒä¸–界。照這個算法,一個大å�ƒä¸–ç•Œå�³æ˜¯å��億個銀河系。
一個大å�ƒä¸–ç•Œå�ªæœ‰ä¸€å€‹å››ç¦ªå¤©ï¼›ä¸‹é�¢æœ‰ä¸€å�ƒå€‹ä¸‰ç¦ªå¤©ï¼Œä¸€ç™¾å€‹äºŒç¦ªå¤©ï¼Œå��億個åˆ�禪天。大å�ƒä¸–ç•Œçš„å¤©é ‚æ˜¯å››ç¦ªå¤©ï¼Œä¸å�ƒä¸–ç•Œçš„å¤©é ‚æ˜¯ä¸‰ç¦ªå¤©ï¼Œå°�å�ƒä¸–ç•Œçš„å¤©é ‚æ˜¯äºŒç¦ªå¤©ï¼Œå–®ä½�ä¸–ç•Œçš„å¤©é ‚æ˜¯åˆ�禪天。
第一���世界 以世界之數��之,謂之��世界,二禪統一��。
第二ã€�ä¸å�ƒä¸–界 以å°�å�ƒå�ƒå€�之,謂之ä¸å�ƒï¼Œä¸‰ç¦ªçµ±ä¸€ä¸å�ƒã€‚
第三ã€�大å�ƒä¸–界 å�ˆä¸å�ƒå�ƒå€�之,謂之大å�ƒï¼Œå››ç¦ªçµ±ä¸€å¤§å�ƒã€‚
ã€�法相è¾å…¸(朱芾煌編) 二Οå…é �】
二解 集論四å�·äºŒé �云:乃至一日一月周é��æµ�光所照方處,å��一世界。如是å�ƒä¸–ç•Œä¸ï¼Œæœ‰å�ƒæ—¥ï¼Œå�ƒæœˆï¼Œå�ƒè˜‡è¿·ç›§å±±çŽ‹ï¼Œå�ƒå››å¤§æ´²ï¼Œå�ƒå››å¤§çŽ‹çœ¾å¤©ï¼Œå�ƒä¸‰å��三天,å�ƒå¤œæ‘©å¤©ï¼Œå�ƒç�¹å�²å¤šå¤©ï¼Œå�ƒæ¨‚變化天,å�ƒä»–化自在天,å�ƒæ¢µä¸–天,如是總å��å°�å�ƒä¸–界。
Originally posted by Jacky Woo:you got the sutra to prove the Buddha said this?
i guess even if there is such as sutra, there are still skeptics who don't believe this. Why...? We are blurring the boundaries of religion and science here. Again this point leads to no end. Meaningless and deviating away from dharma....
why dun the UFO contact us and tell us what they want from us?
三�大� Three thousand great thousand (3 000 000 000, not 3000) is just refering to how big or number of stars in a particular universe system. not much to say about ufo. ufo is ufo, just a vehicle. so no big deal.
why they never contact, which i agreed with lated Ven Shen Kai, is becos we are too "barbaric" for them. they are more civilized. but it's a matter of time.
maybe the UFO will come when the earth stood still... and men in black busy flashing lights at unsuspecting civilians...
they were told to fly past...but was asked not to interfere with human affairs...thats y..
Originally posted by Fcukpap:they were told to fly past...but was asked not to interfere with human affairs...thats y..
Originally posted by Jacky Woo:you got the sutra to prove the Buddha said this?
Of course.
If you go and read buddhism scriptures, you will be stunned on how deep and how large the buddha teaching cover.
but then what has it got to do with one practising of the dhamma, even if you know that UFO are from other world system.
strange that those UFOs didnt pay Buddha a visit to hear his dhamma, since it is extremely rare for a Buddha to appear in this world.
Originally posted by Jacky Woo:but then what has it got to do with one practising of the dhamma, even if you know that UFO are from other world system.
that's what i meant too.
strange that those UFOs didnt pay Buddha a visit to hear his dhamma, since it is extremely rare for a Buddha to appear in this world.
u meant 2500+ yrs ago when Buddha was alive? but if they are around, i think they'd have read about Buddhism since the sutras are still around.
Originally posted by Jacky Woo:but then what has it got to do with one practising of the dhamma, even if you know that UFO are from other world system.
Yeah, it has nothing to do with practicing of the dharma. I'm just amazed by Buddha's wisdom. I used to hear comments like "Why do you choose Buddhism, you are young and educated". There are still many people who perceive Buddhism as superstitious religion. Little did they know that Buddhism is more advance than Science.
Or maybe, they have their own equivalent of what we refer to as buddhism here. Isn't it said that Amitahba Buddha isn't even a buddha from this world anyway?
Originally posted by Jui:Or maybe, they have their own equivalent of what we refer to as buddhism here. Isn't it said that Amitahba Buddha isn't even a buddha from this world anyway?
yes, IF they have yuan. Shakyamuni although parinirvana here, but He's still reborning/manifesting within our 3 000 000 000 World Systems to teach other sentient beings, for another 56 billion years, before Maitreya come to take over from Tusita heaven. - said Ven Shen Kai. the most we can said or reachable is the 4 continent in Buddhism. our earth is southern "earth". the other 3 earths are already communicating, sending goods here and there, said Ven (pusa) Shen Kai. but i don't think they encounter Buddhism, in the sense like we did 2500+ yrs ago. 4 continent/earth within One Sumeru is already very vast and is just one(?) of the 3 000 000 000 World Systems! 4 continent traveling is already not easy.
Amitahba Buddha's Pureland is beyond our 3 000 000 000 World Systems, don't know more than how many times!
Originally posted by sinweiy:
yes, IF they have yuan. Shakyamuni although parinirvana here, but He's still reborning/manifesting within our 3 000 000 000 World Systems to teach other sentient beings, for another 56 billion years, before Maitreya come to take over from Tusita heaven. - said Ven Shen Kai. the most we can said or reachable is the 4 continent in Buddhism. our earth is southern "earth". the other 3 earths are already communicating, sending goods here and there, said Ven (pusa) Shen Kai. but i don't think they encounter Buddhism, in the sense like we did 2500+ yrs ago. 4 continent/earth within One Sumeru is already very vast and is just one(?) of the 3 000 000 000 World Systems! 4 continent traveling is already not easy.Amitahba Buddha's Pureland is beyond our 3 000 000 000 World Systems, don't know more than how many times!
I think it is incorrect to say Shakyamuni Buddha exists after his Parinirvana.
so many casinoes, consperm this is a 大�世界
Originally posted by TehJarVu:so many casinoes, consperm this is a 大�世界
Originally posted by Ihatemen:
Pls be mindful of your words and respect the people who contribute to this thread.
I think Teh meant no harm....
Originally posted by Jacky Woo:I think it is incorrect to say Shakyamuni Buddha exists after his Parinirvana.
yet incorrect to say he is extinct.
Nibbana is not nothingness or extinction. Would the Buddha leave his family and kingdom and preach for 45 years, all for nothingness?
didn't use the word "exist", yet Nibbana "exists" just as fire exists.
If Nibbana is not a place, where is Nibbana then? Nibbana exists just as fire exists. However, there is no storage place for fire or for Nibbana. But when you rub pieces of wood together, then the friction and heat are the proper conditions for fire to arise. Likewise, when the nature in man's mind is such that he is free from all defilements, then Nibbanic bliss will appear.
if some place got proper conditions, fire will still arises.
Originally posted by TehJarVu:so many casinoes, consperm this is a 大�世界
ufo did not pay buddha a visit is common sense. their machine was just discovered and in the process of developing, subsequently several attempts to fly away beyond their comfort zone were not successful. Very sad for them, is karma. And after finishing their infatuation over technologies, their mind settle down, they dun want to meet buddha also cannot.
Another scenario is buddha form is extreme big, the ufo did not realize they are travelling within buddha form, like ant crawling on human feet does not realize it's human, otherwise, they will run for their life already.