hi metta, it has a lot to do with sustaining awareness into the sleep... i am not a dream yoga teacher so if u are interested i recommend checking out namkhai norbu rinpoche's dream yoga and the practice of natural light
The 'blue marble' of earth gets a makeover in this view of
the arctic as seen by the Suomi NPP satellite. Image released June 18,
Climate scientists who have been warning of the dangerous effects of global warming now have the World Bank on their side, after a new report from that organization calling for action to prevent climate catastrophe.
"The World Bank did a great service to society by issuing this report," said Michael Mann, a climate researcher at Pennsylvania State University and the author of "The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars" (Columbia University Press, 2012).
Climate deniers often claim that solutions to global warming are part of a "global socialist agenda," Mann told LiveScience.
"The fact that the World Bank — an entity committed to free market capitalism — has weighed in on the threat of climate change and the urgency of acting to combat it, puts the nail in the coffin of that claim," he said.
A changing world
The report, issued by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Climate Analytics for the World Bank, urges nations to work to prevent the Earth from warming 7.2 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius) past preindustrial averages. Already, global mean temperatures are running about 1.3 degrees F (0.8 degrees C) hotter than before the onset of the industrial revolution.
Likewise, carbon-dioxide concentration in the atmosphere is high and rising. As of September, the concentration was 391 parts per million, a record high, up from a preindustrial 278. That number is now rising by about 1.8 parts per million each year.
All of these changes are accompanied by ice loss, including accelerating melting in Greenland, according to research published this week. As a result, average sea level has risen between 6 and 8 inches (15 and 20 centimeters) or so on average around the world. [8 Ways Global Warming Is Already Changing the World]
Dire warnings
But what the World Bank warns of is an even bleaker future. Even if the world's nations deliver on their promises of emission limits and global warming mitigation, there is a 20 percent chance that the world will hit the 4 degrees C mark by 2100, according to the report. If emissions continue as is, the planet may reach that point by the 2060s.
International negotiators have agreed that warming should be limited to just half that, or 3.6 degrees F (2 degrees C), in that time. A world that is 2 degrees warmer would have its own consequences, but it is crucial to hold that line, the World Bank report argues. A 4-degree warming would mean a sea-level rise of 1.6 to 3.2 feet (0.5 to 1 meter) on average, with the tropics catching the brunt of the change.
Climate research also suggests tropical storms would strengthen and drought would increase across much of the tropical and subtropical world.
"A world in which warming reaches 4 degrees C above preindustrial levels (hereafter referred to as a 4 degree C world), would be one of unprecedented heat waves, severe drought, and major floods in many regions, with serious impacts on human systems, ecosystems, and associated services," the authors wrote in the World Bank report.
Climate scientists agree.
"I am inclined to think that things will break before we get there," Kevin Trenberth, a climate scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, said of a 4-degree-C world. Ecosystems would change so much and agriculture would be so disrupted that the result would likely be "major strife, conflicts and loss of population," Trenberth told LiveScience.
Among the flashpoints, according to the World Bank report, would be sparse water availability, food insecurity and loss of resources such as coral reefs, which are threatened by acidification as more carbon dioxide is dissolved in the oceans. Coral reefs provide not only food to many local economies, but also tourism dollars. Areas becoming unsustainable would likely lead to mass exodus, creating environmental refugees, Mann said. [10 Surprising Results of Global Warming]
Avoiding the 4-degree world
Avoiding the 4-degree-warmer world is a matter of political will, said Mann, who sees signs of optimism, including increased awareness and more calls to transition away from fossil fuels.
"The alternative energies (wind, solar, geothermal, etc) are there," Mann wrote in an email to LiveScience. "We just need to deploy and scale them up by investing immediately in the necessary infrastructure."
Slowing the warming may be as useful as stopping it, Trenberth said.
"It is not just the absolute amount of warming, but also the rate at which
we change things to get there," he said. "Two degrees warming in 50
years is extremely stressful, but 2 degrees warming in 500 years is
perhaps manageable through adaptation."
If the world fails to act, the world will become a more disrupted, damaged place, the World Bank concluded — and the poor will suffer most.
"The projected 4°C warming simply must not be allowed to occur — the heat must be turned down," the authors wrote. "Only early, cooperative, international actions can make that happen."
Posted this in a facebook thread in Dharma Connection:
I've had many episodes in the past where I was in conscious lucid dreams, and then the lucid dreams disappeared into pure non-dual Presence, pure knowingness, and it was profoundly blissful. Very very blissful. Samadhi like.
Last night, it was like that again, except the dreams never disappeared - I was walking to my dream bathroom in profound bliss and awareness was totally transparent and non-dual - the entire dream bathroom surroundings was experienced without subject/object dichotomy, there is no sense of a center or circumference left, only vivid transparency. The entire dream quality was pervaded by transparency, clarity, bliss. And it was intensely blissful...
The difference between this and previous experiences is that in previous instances, there was a dissolution into formless pure presence, while this time it is like non-dual clear light is experienced within dreams instead of dissolution of dream.
Just a sharing. I'm not a good practitioner, this sort of thing doesn't occur on a daily basis. I'm sure many are more experienced than I am.
I told Thusness about it, he said "I understand." "It is a good sign."
Dannon Flynn commented: This is the clear light of sleep. :)
Found a passage from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's 'The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep'' book, it is precise in description:
There is a third type of dream that occurs when one is far along the path, the clear light dream. It arises from the primordial prana in the central channel. The clear light is generally spoken of in the teachings about sleep yoga and indicates a state free from dream, thought, and image, but there is also a clear light dream in which the dreamer remains in the nature of mind. This is not an easy accomplishment; the practitioner must be very stable in non-dual awareness before the clear light dream arises. Gyalshen Milu Samleg, the author of important commentaries on the Mother Tantra, wrote that he practiced consistently for nine years before he began to have clear light dreams.
Developing the capacity for clear light dreams is similar to developing the capacity of abiding in the non-dual presence of rigpa during the day. In the beginning, rigpa and thought seem different, so that in the experience of rigpa there is no thought, and if thought arises we are distracted and lose rigpa. But
when stability in rigpa is developed, thought simply arises and dissolves without in the least obscuring rigpa; the practitioner remains in non-dual awareness. These situations are similar to learning to play the drum and bell together in ritual practice: in the beginning we can only do one at a time. If we play the bell, we lose the rhythm of the drum, and vice versa. After we are stable we can play both at the same time.
The clear light dream is not the same as the dream of clarity, which, while arising from deep and relatively pure aspects of the mind and generated from positive karmic traces, still takes place in duality. The clear light dream, while emerging from the karmic traces of the past, does not result in dualistic experience. The practitioner does not reconstitute as an observing subject in relation to the dream as an object, nor as a subject in the world of the dream, but abides wholly integrated with non-dual rigpa.
The differences in the three kinds of dreams may seem subtle. Samsaric dream arises from the individual's karmic traces and emotions, and all content of the dream is formed by those traces and emotions. The dream of clarity includes more objective knowledge, which arises from collective karmic traces and is available to consciousness when it is not entangled in personal karmic traces. The consciousness is then not bound by space and time and personal history, and the dreamer can meet with real beings, receive teachings from real teachers, and find information helpful to others as well as to him or herself.
The clear light dream is not defined by the content of the dream, but is a clear light dream because there is no subjective dreamer or dream ego, nor any self in a dualistic relationship with the dream or the dream content. Although a dream arises, it is an activity of the mind that does not disturb the practitioner's stability in clear light.
"Although we define sleep as unconsciousness, the darkness and experiential blankness are not the essence of sleep. For the pure awareness that is our basis there is no sleep. When not afflicted with obscurations, dreams, or thoughts, the moving mind dissolves into the nature of mind; then, rather than the sleep of ignorance, clarity, peacefulness, and bliss arise. When we develop the ability to abide in that awareness we find that sleep is luminous. This luminosity is the clear light. It is our true nature.
As explained in previous chapters, dreams arise from karmic traces. I used the analogy of light being projected through film to make movies, where the karmic traces are the photographs, awareness is the light that illuminates them, and the dreams are projected on the base (kunzhi*). Dream yoga develops lucidity in relationship to the dream images. But in sleep yoga there is no film and no projection. Sleep yoga is imageless. The practice is the direct recognition of awareness by awareness, light illuminating itself. It is luminosity without images of any kind. Later, when stability in the clear light is developed, even dream images will not distract the practitioner, and the dream period of sleep will also occur in the clear light. These dreams are then called clear light dreams, which are different than dreams of clarity. In clear light dreams, the clear light is not obscured.
We lose the real sense of the clear light as soon as we conceptualize it or try to imagine it. There is neither subject nor object in the clear light. If there is any identification with a subject, then there is no entry into the clear light. Actually, nothing "enters" the clear light: the clear light is the base recognizing itself. There is neither "you" nor "it." Using dualistic language to describe the non- dual necessarily results in paradox. The only way to know the clear light is to know it directly."
have lots of dreams of clarity as well (just had another one yesterday
as well)... though they often tell me very helpful information about my
practise, sometimes involve receiving teachings from teachers, and
sometimes it shows future events which are very accurate, but there is
not that sort of non-dual lucidity of clear light to those dreams.
(11:39 PM) John: that is maintaining presence
(11:39 PM) John: not sustaining the experience of anatta
(11:40 PM) John: the total transparency but as everything
(11:40 PM) AEN: icic
(11:40 PM) AEN: but anatta is also presence isnt it?
(11:40 PM) John: anatta is the experience of total presence
(11:40 PM) AEN: oic then wats the difference between maintain presence and anatta
(11:40 PM) John: in total different forms every moment
(11:41 PM) John: no... anatta is the experience of total presence.
(11:42 PM) John: manifesting in different forms from moment to moment. It is the experience of total and absolute transparency, without boundary and limit.
(11:42 PM) John: total vividness and clarity.
(11:43 PM) John: absolute transparency is difficult to maintain and can only result from increasing loosening of the bond i told u. Not the result of effort.
(11:43 PM) John: that is why this state must be completely and fully stabilized during waking state.
(11:46 PM) John: total transparent awareness is experiencing everything as awareness.
(11:46 PM) John: and during dreamstate this is the case too.
(11:47 PM) John: this is very difficult to achieve. Not maintaining wakefulness and a sense of presence during the 3 states.
Wrote this in FB:
was another more recent experience but involving sleep paralysis... you
know sometimes in sleep paralysis you may feel a bit frightened and
creeped out... or there may be a sense that there are other beings
around (called 'the intruder' according to wiki on sleep paralysis). I
felt that 'intruder' thing again but this time there was no fear and I
gave rise to the intention to pervade the whole room with its apparent
beings with the bright luminosity of mind/awareness. And because I was
conscious and kept releasing, there was no fear and instead sleep
paralysis turned into bliss and luminosity like the previous
experiences, awareness was again experienced as vivid transparency,
centerless and borderless, no observer/observed duality just vivid
transparency appearing as what appeared to be my dark room surroundings.
suddenly a weird white flash of light came, very strong and
simultaneously there was this almost frightening BOOM! like a nuclear
bomb exploded... very very loud sound. Though shocking there was not
really fear in it but a thought arose right then "what the hell
happened"... but later on I woke up... I found out later its not an
uncommon thing, think its called "Exploding head syndrome". Happens in
astral travel and sleep paralysis. Incidentally astral travel and sleep
paralysis are linked (have experienced OBE in sleep paralysis).
the main thing is that throughout the whole thing there was no fear and
it was blissful... because sleep, or rather sleep paralysis, became
clear light.
So from my experience... waking, deep sleep, dream, sleep paralysis can dawn as clear light.
I could have sworn I came across someone explaining what clear-light was, either here or on facebook. But I can't find the article anymore. Can you explain it here?
Originally posted by John lim2004:How about astral travel to that inner world, is it possible?
i heard from Ven is if one just like "walk" into it and automatically, one will be walking upside down the thickness of the earth crust. the gravity work both ways per se.
I hope no border incident occurs between S and N Korea! A few days ago I dreamt of shooting between two sides of the same people, and light blue shirt people not being able to do anything. When I woke up I realized it's about north and south korea with U.N. sitting idly.
Hope this doesn't happen and the north is simply making noise like usual.
i truly hope there is no warfare too. But i think the media is downplaying N Korea too much, they should be taken seriously
nowaday very hot. trees are the natural air-con. so many big hundred years old trees, are uprooted just like that because they need to adjust the road or build new building. actually, they can uproot to a new place. they are precious. the big trees took so long to grow until it can shade and cool the land. so easily remove, sigh.
North Korea has in the past engaged in border incidents - sinking of south korean ships, artillery strikes of south korean islands etc. In those previous cases South Korea almost turned a blind eye despite casualties amounting in the dozens - and those politicians and defense minister were severely criticized and stepped down after those incidents due to perceived incompetency. (if they retaliate too hard, they may risk the situation spiralling into full scale war and if they do not, they may be perceived as being 'weak' so such things are always a dillemma)
The difference this time is that South Korea and America have signed agreements to retaliate against North Korea. There is no way they are going to turn a blind eye now if something is going to happen.
If something even as slight as a small border incident like a random shooting across the border were to occur, that could have the potential to escalate quickly into something more severe, maybe short of a full scale war. I hope this doesn't happen. There is no room for miscalculations. May all beings find peace!
Originally posted by An Eternal Now: