Touching ! Buddha said all sentiment beings have Buddha nature.
To each his or her own. One man's meat is another man's poison.
Not possible and reasonable all must be vegetarians. Be understanding. Just like notpossible and reasonable that all human beings must be christians or must have a religion.
Originally posted by SJS6638:To each his or her own. One man's meat is another man's poison.
Not possible and reasonable all must be vegetarians. Be understanding. Just like notpossible and reasonable that all human beings must be christians or must have a religion.
I'm also not a full time vegetarian as it is not easy to find vegetarian stalls outside. I'm a vegetarian on certain days of the month. The message here is eat less meat and don't ill treat animals. They are also sentiment beings just like us.
Oh i see. Your previous message was not clear.
These days I have been practising to stop killing ants, lizards and cockroaches.
Unless one is able to balance one's diet to have all the necessary food for the basic living to maintaining good health, to go on vegetarian is not a wise choice.
Originally posted by SJS6638:Oh i see. Your previous message was not clear.
These days I have been practising to stop killing ants, lizards and cockroaches.
Great! Don't kill unnecessarily unless there's really a need to do so.
Daily living has its own bad karma generated I believe in not adding on to it, that is why I try not killing if it is not necessary. However, in the midst of catching them and letting them go later I have unintentionally killed them I will feel bad.
Originally posted by SJS6638:Daily living has its own bad karma generated I believe in not adding on to it, that is why I try not killing if it is not necessary. However, in the midst of catching them and letting them go later I have unintentionally killed them I will feel bad.
If you feel bad, it just got to show you are compassionate. There are many people out there who don't feel for them. I didn't think so much about killing animals in the past till I read about animals are also sentiment beings. I began to feel for them and aware of their feelings.