Letting Go of Judgment and Experiencing Reality Posted by Gini Grey on November 15, 2011
Letting go of judgment allows you to experience reality as it is.
In order to experience reality as it truly is with all its vastness and richness, we need to let go of judging others, ourselves, and situations.
Judgment stems from the mind where we carry our limiting beliefs, distorted memories, and duality perspectives. Our intellect can be a handy tool when used wisely, but when we let it dominate it whittles everything down into small pieces to fit into even smaller categories so we “think” we understand things.
In reality life is too grand, too vast, and too diverse to understand, let alone judge with our analytical minds. But as we drop judgments and think less, we open up to our higher knowing and experience the vastness without needing words to explain. We feel present, clear and unlimited.
We’re rapidly evolving into higher levels of consciousness than ever before – some call it unity consciousness, Christ consciousness, or heart consciousness. The name doesn’t matter, but the experience of it does. Judgment blocks us from experiencing this higher dimension where we see all the colors of the rainbow, not just the ones we’ve been conditioned to see or expect to see or think we’re allowed to see.
Outside of judgment our energy flows with ease, our body knows how to perform at optimal levels, and the words “should or shouldn’t” don’t exist. Freedom is the only rule. And as we grant ourselves freedom, we share it with others.
How to Let Go of Judgment
Many of us on the spiritual path to awakening know it isn’t helpful to judge, yet we do it anyway, and then we judge ourselves for doing it. Or we spew our charged opinion on those who will listen with the tag line: “all judgments aside,” as though that makes a difference. Any form of judgment casts a shadow on reality so it all has to go.
Here are some suggestions for letting go of judgment.
Let go of stories. We all have our stories from our past. We carry them around in a backpack in case we need them one day to justify our current fears and limitations, or to bond with another. But all this does is weigh us down by attaching us to past painful experience, and to the shields and guards we erected to protect ourselves. We can’t see reality as it truly is if we’re looking at ourselves, other people and life situations through our stories. None of our stories shows the whole perspective, only our limited view at the time. And this is one place judgments stem from. Trust yourself that you are safe without your stories.
Drop opinions. How often do you base your opinions on what you’ve read or heard from another? Does that make it so or does it just stem from another’s perspective based on their stories and beliefs? Opinions often contain a right vs. wrong or good vs. bad perspective. When you transcend duality, you see that things are simply what they are – no bad, good, right or wrong – just experiences. The next time you are about to spout your opinion ask yourself if it comes from your experience, or higher knowing, or if it stems from fear, rumor or ignorance.
Move beyond beliefs. Beliefs are just ideas we think are real or true, yet we what we believe today is much different than several centuries ago and what we’ll understand tomorrow will look different than today. When we put our faith into a belief it gives us a sense of identity and safety, yet this is an illusion. Beliefs can’t create anything except limitation. They box us into a perspective from which we judge everything else by.
Spend some time reviewing your beliefs about men, women, different cultures, money, political parties, and anything else you judge in life. Then ask yourself if what you believe is 100% true reality. If there is even 1% you’re not sure about, you’re missing the whole picture. Then take another stance and look at the people and situations you have opinions about from the opposite perspective. Notice how your beliefs change depending on what lens you look through. If you detach from your beliefs, you’ll let go of judgment as well. Then the beauty of reality will reveal itself.
Accept yourself. Anytime you judge yourself, you slip into the ego mind and you prevent yourself from healing, growing and being the bigness that you are. We are here to experience, grow and have some fun along the way. There is no wrong way of doing life, and we are only responsible for ourselves. Even mistakes are a part of the rich experience we came here to have. Fully accept all of you and you will blossom.
As we let go of judgment we move out of the head and into the experience of our higher selves. This is a rich, clear, present space from which to experience reality as it truly is.