"行门ä¸ç‰¹åˆ«æ�·å¾„çš„è¯�是禅宗,禅宗在目å‰�讲大家都认为å�‚禅悟é�“那么是æ�·å¾„,但是特别æ�·å¾„是净土法门。æ�·å¾„就是最近的路ä¸�必绕é�“那就是禅,但是一个特别æ�·å¾„æ¯”ç¦…å®—æ›´åŽ‰å®³çš„ï¼Œé‚£ä¹ˆå°±æ˜¯æ‰€è°“å‡€åœŸã€‚å› ä¸ºæ‰€æœ‰çš„æ³•é—¨ç»Ÿç»Ÿéœ€è¦�æ–惑,å�ªæœ‰å‡€åœŸå®—çš„ï¼Œä½ å�ªè¦�ä¼�惑就好,ä¼�惑简å�•è®²å°±æ˜¯å¹³å¸¸è¦�å¦ä¹ 放得下,放得下——金钱放得下ã€�å��åˆ©æ”¾å¾—ä¸‹ï¼Œé‚£ä¹ˆä½ çš„æƒ…æ‰§ï¼Œæ„Ÿæƒ…æ”¾å¾—ä¸‹ï¼Œç‰ä¸´å‘½ç»ˆçš„æ—¶å€™ï¼Œä½ å�ªè¦�这些暂时ä¸�èµ·æ�¥ï¼Œä¸€å®šå¾€ç”Ÿæž�ä¹�世界。所以今天我们没有碰到净土宗的法门,认为è¦�了生æ»çš„机会,我认为ç‰äºŽé›¶ï¼Œå‡ 乎ä¸�å�¯èƒ½ã€‚"
So when I posted 慧律法师 view on doomsday rumor, it get deleted rightaway. (I tried at least 4 times) And this post which praise pureland practice, get to stay.
So why is it view on debunking doomsday rumor is a taboo here in this forum??? Anyone?
I have no ideas who deleted your thread on doomsday but I am pretty sure it was not deleted by the moderators of BWB. (could it be fireice? who knows)
2012 doomsday is basically bullshit, I have said since years ago that nothing will happen on December 21, 2012.
Doomsday will happen billions of years from now.
sgForums has a policy (implemented by FireIce) that is against double posting in multiple forums.
If you posted something twice, it is likely that sgForum's overseer FireIce will delete both of your posts.
My view is that there won't be doomsday this friday.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:sgForums has a policy (implemented by FireIce) that is against double posting in multiple forums.
If you posted something twice, it is likely that sgForum's overseer FireIce will delete both of your posts.
I didn't double post, nor multiple post.
I think, its probably due to some hiccup of the SgForum system. Maybe it mistaken my second youtube link post identical with the first youtube link post (which is two different youtube link). So it delete the post with the second youtube link.
Its okay, just cant share with u guys that video i edited. Nevermind, its just one clip. And the most important thing is to practice fang xia. And right now, I am carrying around 'my youtube channel', 'my youtube clip', more 'views for my youtube channel'. 修行�到家。Let me go delete my youtube account right now... (Juz kidding...)
阿弥陀佛。See u around.
Here's 慧律法师 view on 2012 doomsday rumor. In Chinese.
"最近常常看这个电视,我们最近电视上都会出现世界末日,世界末日,很多人写e-mail æ�¥é—®å¸ˆçˆ¶ï¼Œå¾ˆå¤šäººå†™e-mail æ�¥é—®å¸ˆçˆ¶è¯´ï¼šå¸ˆçˆ¶ï¼�您对世界末日有什么看法?诸ä½�ï¼�2012的今天没有世界末日,å�ªæœ‰å¿ƒç�µæœ«æ—¥ã€‚为什么没有世界末日?诸ä½�ï¼�(大众鼓掌)。讲一下,世界末日是马雅文化,其他人解读错误,玛雅文化æ¯�5126年;有的人讲5144,五å�ƒä¸€ç™¾äºŒå��å…年一个大的循环,新西元å‰�三å�ƒå¤šå¹´ï¼Œå†�åŠ ä¸Š2012ï¼ŒåŠ èµ·æ�¥åˆšå¥½æ˜¯5126年,这是玛雅文化历算的最å�Žä¸€å¹´ã€‚玛雅文化并没有说世界末日啊,没有啊,是å�Žæ�¥çš„人一直解读,玛雅文化2012,12月21,早上11点11分是世界末日。诸ä½�ï¼�人家玛雅的长è€�èµ·æ�¥è®²è¯�了,在è�”å�ˆå›½ä¹Ÿå�‘表,在全世界é€�过CNNä»–å°±å�‘表:我们玛雅文化没有说世界末日,希望大家ä¸�è¦�å†�ä»¥è®¹ä¼ è®¹ï¼Œä¸�è¦�å†�é”™è¯¯ä¸€ç›´ä¼ ã€�ä¼ ä¸‹åŽ»ï¼Œæˆ‘ä»¬çŽ›é›…æ–‡åŒ–æ²¡æœ‰è¯´ä¸–ç•Œæœ«æ—¥ã€‚"
Very interesting info sinweiy and zenist69 :) Appreciate the debunking of false concepts.
p.s. sent you a PM, zenist.