Stages in the Bodhisattva’s Journey
August 22, 2016 by Daniel Scharpenburg Patheos
Bodhi, or awakening, is present in all of us.
In a sense it could be said that we’re all Bodhisattvas, or Enlightenment beings, because we all have this awakening as our true nature.
In the case of most of us our minds are obscured by delusion and ignorance, so we don’t see our true nature as Enlightened.
When we start to penetrate this delusion and recognize our true nature, stages of actualization appear.
Bodhicitta is where it starts. This is the mind of awakening. The mind that compels us to strive for Enlightenment to help all beings. This awakening is said to pass through stages.
We can see, on the path, that our first awakening of Bodhicitta does not transform us all at once. We have to overcome the influence of greed, hatred, and delusion on our lives.
This is a description of the stages of the Bodhisattva as described in the Avatamsaka Sutra. There are many different ‘maps to Enlightenment’ that can be found in different Buddhist lineages and texts. This is just one among many that are found in the Mahayana tradition.
1.Pramudita: This is means “joy”. This spiritual emergence
happens early on in our practice, when we first start to see the benefits of
sincere effort on the Buddhist path. It’s when we start to see the Dharma with
wonder. This is what we might call first Kensho, when we have our initial
experience of oneness.
2.Vimala: This means “purity”. At this stage we become more gentle. We have a
greater tendency for kindness and honesty. We have begun to overcome things
like ill will and jealousy, as such things are hindrance on the path.
3.Prabhakari: This means “brightness”. At this stage we start to have a deep
insight into the nature of things. We see all things as impermanent empty of
inherent selfhood. We see how much of suffering is caused by worrying over
things that are obviously transient and because we see this a great compassion
arises in us.
4.Archismati: This means “inflammation”. At this stage it’s said that the
remnants of ignorance and negative patterns are burned up in the fire of
wisdom. At this stage we can really cultivate good qualities because we aren’t
so held down by the bad ones.
5.Sudurjaya: This means “very difficult to conquer”. At this stage we penetrate
the darkness of ignorance. We have an intuitive understanding of the Four Noble
Truths and the paradox of the absolute within the relative.
6.Abhimukhi: This means “showing one’s true face”. At this stage we can intuitively
see and understand that all things arise as a result of dependent origination,
that is everything is intimately dependent on other things for it’s existence,
including us.
7.Durangama: This means “going far away”. At this stage we develop skillful
means, the ability to bring others on our journey to Enlightenment. At this
stage we have the power to counteract greed, hatred, and delusion.
8.Achala: This means “immovable”. At this stage it’s said that we can’t fall
backward to the lower stages. We are at the point where we no longer wish for
Enlightenment. Instead we are coming toward it naturally. It’s no longer a
matter of our motivation. At this stage full Enlightenment is considered within
9.Sadhumati: This means “good knowledge”. At this stage we have the Dharma of
the deepest mystery, the love of purity, and the will of freedom. We come to
understand the self essence of all beings. We come to understand that even the
teachings have no absolute reality. We see that all things are subject to the
law of impermanence, constantly coming and going. We see that there is a
fundamental oneness to all things. We understand all dharmas and are completely
able to teach others.
10.Dharmamegha: This means “clouds of Dharma”. This is the final stage. We have
practiced all virtues of purity, we have roused the mind of Awakening, we are
bolstered by diligence and vigor on the path, we practice the principles of
love and sympathy, we have penetrated into the delusion of separation, we have
dwelled in the deepest parts of our minds. Every thought now dwells in
tranquility and every action is just part of the journey to awakening for the
self and others. At this stage our lives are a manifestation of love and
These stages allow us to see what the ideal is in our journey to Enlightenment. The path of the Bodhisattva isn’t designed to make us students or teachers. It’s designed to make us Awakeners. When we are dedicated and united in the love and wisdom of Bodhicitta we are Bodhisattvas. We can stand against the flames of ignorance. Because of Bodhicitta a stream of love and compassion can flow from us.
To acquire back the path of Bodhisattva and Buddha self, you ought to understand and penetrate into bodhicitta or enlightenment nature. Reading the stages of Bodhisattva will not lead you to Bodhisavatt, you have to completely enlightened on the inherent nature state of Buddha seed of all beings and Buddha. The only sutra that provides a detailed breakdown and consistency lead of this seed is The Shurangama Sutra ( Internet has the translated version in English), it would be wonderful when hard copies are freely available, hope the well to do could compassionately fund the printout :)