Borrowing The Essence Of Perception To Pick Out Causal Externals
Ananda asked: If every state of my mind can be returned to its cause, why does the Buddha speak of the wondrous bright original mind which is not returnable to anywhere?
Will you be compassionate enough to enlighten me?
Setting up the essence of perception
The Buddha said: As you see me now, the essence of your seeing is originally clear. Although it is not the profound Bright Mind, it is like a second moon but is not a reflection of the moon (in water). Now listen attentively to my explanation of that which cannot return anywhere.
Picking out causal externals
Ananda, the doors and windows of this hall are wide open and face east. There is light when the sun rises in the sky and there is darkness at midnight when the moon wanes or is hidden by fog or clouds. Your seeing is unimpeded through open doors and windows but is obstructed where there are walls or houses. Where there is discrimination, you perceive the (stirring) causes and in the dull void, you only see emptiness. An unconscious condition, results from confused externals whereas an awakened state leads to clear perception. Ananda, see now how I. return each of these changing states to its causal origin. What are these original causes? Ananda, of these changing conditions, light can be returned to the sun. Why? Because there is no light without the sun and since light comes from the sun, it can be returned to it (i.e., its origin). Darkness can be returned to the waning moon; clearness to open doors and windows, obstruction to walls and houses, causes to differentiation, emptiness to relative voidness; confused externals to unconsciousness and clear perception to the awakened state. Nothing in the world goes beyond these conditions. Now when the Essence of your Perception con- fronts these eight states, where can it be returned to? If to brightness you will not see darkness when there is no light. Although these states such as light, darkness, etc., differ from one another, your seeing remains unchanged.
The nature of perception
All states that can be returned to external causes are obviously not YOU, but that which cannot be returned to anywhere, if it is not YOU, what is it? Therefore, you should know that your Mind is fundamentally wonderful, bright and pure and that because of your delusion and stupidity, you have missed it and so are caught on the wheel of transmigration, sinking and floating in the samsaric sea. This is why the Tathagata says that you are the most pitiable of men.