Academic relies on sources of earth to develop skills and materialism for living and enjoyment. Historically wars and conflicts erupted since caveman era, and modernisation also occurring wars. In the 21st century and beyond, everyone witness latent ember of conflict and war in humanity and between countries.
Religion education develops, broadens and focuses on the equal source of loving kindness inherently of all encompasses humanity, materialism, earth and cosmos :D
Religion education is older than the world, but aint outside of yourself, thus how could world beings grasped it from worldly education
According to LaoTzu, all existences under cosmos are emanated from Dao, and settled in Dao as well. Thus all beings are equally harmonious like Dao,no one is supreme of the other. Thus, Singaporeans have to be compassionate to yourself and embrace Dao of others to realise the city of garden. Be compassionate to yourself means you have the ability to defuse all negativity that trying or may be intruding upon you
According to Christianity, all is from the creation of God, which means, all is God. Thus, recognises others as God, help others when the God in them is shaken or temporarily lost. Christianity is to devote in developing the love in you and others, no one is superior nor inferior than other in the glory and honour of God within all. In this status of Christianity, everyone in their respective nationality are harnessing a community of loving among each other. Strength comes from doubting other, power comes from realising the God's love in you and others The Garden of City resurrects infinitely and everlastingly.
Religions don't just do a job, it is a peaceful bliss and resurrects the equality loving of all
Since religions are loving bliss and kindness, why middle eastern and some countries are having severe humanity conflict at home and war? Well, their loving bliss is restricted to their own interest and not based upon the truth. Secondly, their understanding of religion on cause and effect is squarely on Lord and not all living beings are equally created by God regardless of language, religions and races. And their attachment of belief for hell is certainly belonging to non faith or faith other than theirs. Theirs kind deeds doing to their own faith is true kind deeds, and their kind deeds are from command by Lord and not sincerely that all beings are creation of Lord
Religions in itself are joys and loving. It reveals the true nature beauty of each and everyone, regardless of race, language and culture. Issue erupted if the disciples dogmatically protect their religions instead of the religions had transformed them into inherent equal joys and love of all beings
How to transform Academic into Religions? The increase of knowledges correspond to the increase of humility, magnanimity, compassion and kindness
If you are embraced with a religion, generally, path to heaven, there is no other alternative besides being kind with yourself and others and spread kindness. As for enforcement officers, you have to carry out your duty to safeguard security and peace of nation with confident, patient, firmly but kind towards crime
How to build and forge a common ground in religions community. Buddhism is self explanatory and so need not have to elaborate much, all beings have a buddha nature equal to buddha himself.
For Islam, as all are from the creation of Allah, logically and truthful, all are Allah himself. And since all are Allah, Allah is also buddha reincarnation and likewise to Buddha reincarnated as Allah to liberate Allah beings.
For Christianity, just tweet the Allah is God. As all are from the creation of God, all are God himself. Thus basically female and male are equal and no different. In this understanding, diversity from unity, and unity is diversities
Originally posted by Jayden99:For Islam, as all are from the creation of Allah, logically and truthful, all are Allah himself. And since all are Allah, Allah is also buddha reincarnation and likewise to Buddha reincarnated as Allah to liberate Allah beings.
For Christianity, just tweet the Allah is God. As all are from the creation of God, all are God himself. Thus basically female and male are equal and no different. In this understanding, diversity from unity, and unity is diversities
Be careful with your form of logic about ‘all are Allah’ or ‘all are God’. You can easily get yourself into trouble on that kind of statements with the Muslims. The Muslim and Christian do not believe in the teaching of non-duality. All God’s creations are not his equal and never will.
There are universal values, and there is syncretism of beliefs.
Then we have the right view, each according to our professed faith.
We can take an overall helicopter view, or we can be down in trenches having a situational view.
We can say both views are relevant , one impersonal,emotionally detached, the other, very personal, and emotionally, very heavily invested. Both is completely irrelevant once on a different standpoint. It is all relative, is'nt it?
Very often we incorporate different systems of beliefs to make our world view more inclusive, more "complete". Perhaps more adherents may result.
But does it constitute " Right View", if you wish to adhere to Buddhist ultimate destination?
Now, my point for holding the right view is does each faith leads to the final destination?
What is the final attainment?
From my shallow understanding, there are thirty one planes of existence that are documented. These are planes of existence one can attain with achieving Nirvana.
I believe that one can achieve even the highest state sans Nirvana with many Dharmic systems with deep absorption. We can can address these beings of such attainments as paccaka buddhas.
We accrue great respect for such beings but nevertheless, it is not the our ultimate goal as a Buddhist.
Perhaps the bottom links can provide some insight on this matter.
The Thirty-one Planes of Existence
© 2005
Scattered throughout the suttas are references to as many as thirty-one distinct "planes" or "realms" of existence into which beings can be reborn during their long wandering through samsara. These range from the extraordinarily grim and painful hell realms all the way up to the most exquisitely refined and blissful heaven realms. Existence in every realm is temporary; in Buddhist cosmology there is no eternal heaven or hell. Beings are born into a particular realm according to their past kamma. When they pass away, they take rebirth once again elsewhere according to the quality of their kamma: wholesome actions bring about a favorable rebirth, while unwholesome actions lead to an unfavorable one. And so the wearisome cycle continues.
The realms of existence are customarily divided into three distinct "worlds" (loka), listed here in descending order of refinement:
The Immaterial World (arupa-loka). Consists of four realms that are accessible to those who pass away while meditating in the formless jhanas.The Fine-Material World (rupa-loka). Consists of sixteen realms whose inhabitants (the devas)experience extremely refined degrees of mental pleasure. These realms are accessible to those who have attained at least some level of jhana and who have thereby managed to (temporarily) suppress hatred and ill-will. They are said to possess extremely refined bodies of pure light. The highest of these realms, the Pure Abodes, are accessible only to those who have attained to "non-returning," the third stage of Awakening. The Fine-Material World and the Immaterial World together constitute the "heavens" (sagga).The Sensuous World (kama-loka). Consists of eleven realms in which experience — both pleasurable and not — is dominated by the five senses. Seven of these realms are favorable destinations, and include our own human realm as well as several realms occupied by devas. The lowest realms are the four "bad" destinations, which include the animal and hell realms.
The information on this page was assembled from a variety of sources. In the interests of economizing space I have not attributed each fact to its respective source.
I. The Immaterial World (arupa-loka)
RealmCommentsCause of rebirth here(31) Neither-perception-nor-non-perception (nevasaññanasaññayatanupaga deva)The inhabitants of these realms are possessed entirely of mind. Having no physical body, they are unable to hear Dhamma teachings.Fourth formless jhana(30) Nothingness (akiñcaññayatanupaga deva)Third formless jhana(29) Infinite Consciousness(viññanañcayatanupaga deva)Second formless jhana(28) Infinite Space (akasanañcayatanupaga deva)First formless jhana
II. The Fine-Material World (rupa-loka)
RealmCommentsCause of rebirth here(27) Peerless devas (akanittha deva)These are the five Pure Abodes(suddhavasa), which are accessible only tonon-returners (anagami) and arahants. Beings who become non-returners in other planes are reborn here, where they attain arahantship.
Among its inhabitants is Brahma Sahampati, who begs the Buddha to teach Dhamma to the world (SN 6.1).
Fourth jhana. (See, e.g., AN 4.123.)
(26) Clear-sighted devas (sudassi deva)(25) Beautiful devas (sudassa deva)(24) Untroubled devas (atappa deva)(23) Devas not Falling Away (aviha deva)(22) Unconscious beings (asaññasatta)Only body is present; no mind.(21) Very Fruitful devas (vehapphala deva)Beings in these planes enjoy varying degrees of jhanic bliss.(20) Devas of Refulgent Glory (subhakinna deva)
Third jhana (highest degree). (See, e.g.,AN 4.123.)
(19) Devas of Unbounded Glory(appamanasubha deva)Third jhana (medium degree)(18) Devas of Limited Glory (parittasubha deva)Third jhana (minor degree)(17) Devas of Streaming Radiance(abhassara deva)
Second jhana(highest degree). (See, e.g., AN 4.123.)
(16) Devas of Unbounded Radiance(appamanabha deva)Second jhana(medium degree)(15) Devas of Limited Radiance (parittabha deva)Second jhana (minor degree)(14) Great Brahmas (Maha brahma)One of this realm's most famous inhabitants is the Great Brahma, a deity whose delusion leads him to regard himself as the all-powerful, all-seeing creator of the universe (DN 11).First jhana (highest degree)(13) Ministers of Brahma (brahma-purohita deva)Beings in these planes enjoy varying degrees of jhanic bliss.First jhana (medium degree)(12) Retinue of Brahma (brahma-parisajja deva)
First jhana (minor degree). (See, e.g.,AN 4.123.)
III. The Sensuous World (kama-loka)
RealmCommentsCause of rebirth here(11) Devas Wielding Power over the Creation of Others (paranimmita-vasavatti deva)These devas enjoy sense pleasures created by others for them. Mara, the personification of delusion and desire, lives here.· Ten wholesome actions (MN 41)
· Generosity
· The development ofvirtue and wisdom(AN 10.177)
(10) Devas Delighting in Creation(nimmanarati deva)These devas delight in the sense objects of their own creation.(9) Contented devas (tusita deva)A realm of pure delight and gaiety. Bodhisattas abide here prior to their final human birth. This is where the bodhisatta Maitreya (Metteya), the next Buddha, is said to dwell.(8) Yama devas (yama deva)These devas live in the air, free of all difficulties.(7) The Thirty-three Gods (tavatimsa deva)Sakka, a devotee of the Buddha, presides over this realm. Many devas dwelling here live in mansions in the air.(6) Devas of the Four Great Kings(catumaharajika deva)Home of the gandhabbas, the celestial musicians, and the yakkhas, tree spirits of varying degrees of ethical purity. The latter are analogous to the goblins, trolls, and fairies of Western fairy tales.(5) Human beings (manussa loka)
You are here (for now).
Rebirth as a human being is extraordinarily rare (SN 56.48). It is also extraordinarily precious, as its unique balance of pleasure and pain (SN 35.135) facilitates the development of virtue and wisdom to the degree necessary to set one free from the entire cycle of rebirths.
· The development ofvirtue and wisdom(AN 10.177)
· The attainment ofstream-entry(sotapatti)guarantees that all future rebirths will be in the human or higher realms.

RealmCommentsCause of rebirth here(4) Asuras (asura)The demons — "titans" — that dwell here are engaged in relentless conflict with each other.· Ten unwholesome actions (MN 41)(3) Hungry Shades/Ghosts (peta loka)Ghosts and unhappy spirits wander hopelessly about this realm, searching in vain for sensual fulfillment.
Read Ajaan Lee's colorful description of this realm.
· Ten unwholesome actions (MN 41)
· Lack of virtue, holding to wrong views (AN 10.177)
(2) Animals(tiracchana yoni)This realm includes all the non-human forms of life that are visible to us under ordinary circumstances: animals, insects, fish, birds, worms, etc.· Ten unwholesome actions (MN 41)
· Lack of virtue, holding to wrong views. If one is generous to monks and nuns, however, one may be reborn as an "ornamented" animal (i.e., a bird with bright plumage; a horse with attractive markings, etc.; AN 10.177).
· Behaving like an animal (MN 57)
(1) Hell (niraya)These are realms of unimaginable suffering and anguish (described in graphic detail in MN 129 and MN 130). Should not be confused with the eternal hell found in other religious traditions, since one's time here is — as it is in every realm — temporary.· Ten unwholesome actions (MN 41)
· Lack of virtue, holding to wrong views (AN 10.177)
· Murdering your parents, murdering an arahant, injuring the Buddha, or creating a schism in the Sangha (AN 5.129)
· Being quarrelsome and annoying to others (Snp II.6)
Buddhist Dictionary, by Nyanatiloka Mahathera (Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, 1980).The Buddhist Religion: A Historical Introduction (fourth edition), by R.H. Robinson & W.L. Johnson (Belmont, California: Wadsworth, 1997).The Long Discourses of the Buddha (Introduction), translated by Maurice Walshe (Boston:Wisdom Publications, 1987).A Manual of Abhidhamma, by Ven. Narada Thera (Kuala Lumpur: Buddhist Missionary Society, 1979).The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha (Introduction), translated by Bhikkhu Ñanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 1995).Teacher of the Devas (Wheel Publication 414/416), by Susan Elbaum Jootla (Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, 1997).The Three Worlds (wall chart), compiled by Ven. Acaro Suvanno (printed for free distribution by devotees and Mr & Mrs Lim Say Hoe and family).
Originally posted by Aik TC:Be careful with your form of logic about ‘all are Allah’ or ‘all are God’. You can easily get yourself into trouble on that kind of statements with the Muslims. The Muslim and Christian do not believe in the teaching of non-duality. All God’s creations are not his equal and never will.
Thanks Indeed. Most Christians and Muslims quite staunched. Actually, I have chanced upon Christian and Muslim who attempted to impress and challenge their holy understanding. In fact, I have been even treated like extremely unwisely, sort of slave, but my doubt of themhaving same nature as Buddha never shaken abit. And I have to tweet Buddha is all and thus all is buddha, liken to All is Allah and Allah is all, never give a damn in the name of Jesus and Allah for wellness and world peace. However, I have to impress it with them on a relax, jovial and serene mindfulness. In fact, most learned buddhists aware that many muslims and Christians did not die peacefully and to desired destination.
When our vow is to liberate all beings recovering back to supreme enlightenment self, we never should give a damn to their damn on us
In academic education, no one in history always score 100 in every subject due to the nature of imperfection and inequality. Even phd are not equally on same ground. And the product resulted from academic such as prime ministers of all countries are not having equal quality. Even the kings and queens of different countries shared different value and understanding. Thus there ought to be an answer and solution to these varying degrees of intellectual ability and performance. evolution solely through academic will gradually opens door to broader heated argument, conflicting interests, political instability, illness and war. Evolution through Buddhism is applying reverse osmosis to this academic evolutions into its nurturing of loving kindness state
For governing of country and most corporate businesses, academic qualification is necessary, and for governing of heart, buddhism fit most appropriately.
The infrastructure of a country could be built but earth will one day gone when Sun collapses, thus all the arguments, conflicts, diligent, hard work and excellence achievement for human are actually a waste of time from future point of view when Sun collapses. The best doctor in history can't save a dying person or answer to why person die, and even in advance medical technology of today. And there emerges an inherent Buddha Shakyamuni 2500 years ago to tell you that you are everlast and eternal
Is so very saddening that a might be Buddha to be suicided at the age of Primary 5 just because of school result. Students should encourage to study diligently but must not be result oriented. Even the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew could not scored all subject 100 percents and no students pursuing in academic excellence scored 100 in every subjects and every years. If suicide ends suffering life or spur of unhappiness, mostly all have already enjoyed it and why mother still so happy giving birth