Hi peeps,
I was wondering how many of you guys been offered more then 1 Interview opportunity within a space of a week? Let me give a scenario:
Job A: Interview on Monday, but you are pretty confident that you will get hired as the company lacks serious manpower. Cons are, you have to start work immediately the following day (Tuesday) and your not too keen on the job anyway.
Job B: Interview on Friday, but the chances of entering the firm is 50% at best.
You would very much prefer Job B then A.
So, its Sunday today, what are you gonna do? Go for the Job A Interview on Monday and "risk" loosing Job B's Interview as you need to start work immediately?
Or just ignore the Job A Interview? (You might not get Job B, y'know?)

Edit: Oh yeah, and I forgot to add: You had a real tough time narrowing down and securing both Interviews, so giving either of them up is no easy task.