One fine day, some1 high up in the organisation hierchary bad mood on that day... Then, he or she saw many people still canteen chitchatting after tea break... he or she bui song... Then, the tsunami come from the top all the way to the bottom. HR mass email curfew is "ON"... Any1 caught outside break time will be shoot down by warning letter... Regular checks by HR in snake hole is conducted...
I hate curfew... not tat I scared kana shoot down... but it is canteen dead quiet leh... Got nothing to do for that two weeks...

but after two weeks, things started to get back to control... tat some1 high up happy mood liao... HR started to relax... Mouse started to come out and play... Snake holed started to fill up...
So, how often is yr curfew ???
How long is it ???
Or, curfew doesnt matter u ... coz, u have mian shi jin pai

Share the type of curfew that you experience...