I think what snobbish meant was that
Her Colleague/Over-study, is a nice girl on the personal side. a nice person to be with.
On the other hand, Work Wise, her methods used to educate Snobbish is different from Snobbish Concept/Experience.
I believe its good to speak to her over a cup of coffee/tea, just share your job experience etc.
For example, on a fine weekday afternoon, u chat wif her, tell her, ur previous job was so and so, was doing this n that. when u learnt the ropes from ur colleagues, it was all on the job training.
This has trained u naturally to adapt and learn things on a much quicker pace while on the job.
Hence u are unable to cope with her teaching methods.
You find it difficult to adapt to her mesmorising way and ask her whether it is possible for her to give u on the job training with she by ur side guiding you step by step til the day u are confident of the routine.
If u online. ill tell u more lorz.