Hi all, I had just started an internship and noticed my supervisor constantly bullying my co-worker in the workplace. The abuse were often physical. I managed capture some video of him hitting my coworker. The victim is shy and doesn't want to do anything about it. There isn't anyone in the workplace that will do anything about this.
I need some advice. What should I do about this?
Everyone has a part to play, even if you are not an employer or even an employee. If you know of employers that are non-compliant, you can report by calling this hotline: 1800-221-9922, or email workright@mom.gov.sg. The identity of the caller will be kept strictly confidential.
The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board are stepping up our efforts to bring about compliance with the CPF Act and Employment Act (EA), so that employees, particularly more vulnerable groups like low-wage workers, enjoy their basic employment rights under the law. Areas of focus include payment of CPF contributions, on-time payment of salary, overtime payment, provision of paid annual and sick leave, and adherence to working-hour requirements, amongst others.
We will do this through a two-prong WorkRight initiative covering enforcement and education. Besides ramping up enforcement, we will be reaching out to the public through a publicity campaign which aims to educate workers on their employment rights under the CPF Act and the EA, as well as to educate employers about their legal obligations.
all over the news leh
u famous liao wor
so many famous people in Sgf.
dont wanna get a bad review for internship
Originally posted by FireIce:dont wanna get a bad review for internship
A video showing a man abusing a co-worker has gone viral online.
Yesterday morning, the victim and his parents went to confront the man, believed to be his supervisor.
In their hour-long meeting, the abuser apologised profusely, but the parents refused to forgive him.
The victim's father said: "He is my only son, and for him to get abused when he's being paid so little, it breaks my heart."
A police report has also been made.
Read the full report in The New Paper on May 21 (Tuesday).
no lah, he tot he is the kung fu master disciplining his disciple.
he is showing him the thunder dragon 18 palms
piak piak piak damn loud leh
Originally posted by SevenEleven:UPDATES:
According to a mainstream media report today (21 May), the firm is a software company by the name of Encore eServices. Mr Lee Yew Nam is listed as its company director.
I hope that big bully will get his retribution
Encore eServices provides end-to-end software solutions to its clients in the health care industry. Its solutions range from standalone clinic management system to full-scale integrated health care software services tailored to each of its clients' operation and decision support needs.
They support healthcare.
Sigh.. why be physical .... when u can use psychological ones. LOL
It's a slapping trend~!!!
on a side note, here is another picture of an employer slapping his staff...
cheaper better faster?
Reports say paid $500 a month.