Originally posted by SBS2601D:Actually the runs had stopped yesterday, and then it started again after eating an entire slab of fish last night.
That's when I raised my hands in surrender and saw the doctor.
So....I would rather be good and wait out the 3 days.
And it probably means doing a no-show for an event I agreed to help out at.
think plain porridge or oatmeal would be best. also dont forget to hydrate. speedy recovery wishes.
drink isotonics.. swallow a handful of charcoal pills, a couple of lomotil and you'll be fine..
Reminds me of StanChart a month ago.
I had the runs midway through the race, and was lucky that happened at ECP with lots of public toilets.
I was even luckier to have a 100 Plus water point just outside the toilet. I chugged down 4 cups and ran off. I made sure to force down at least two cups of 100 Plus at every subsequent water point. Without that water point, I would have given up.
All that 100 Plus had an unintentionally good side effect as well, because I didn't get the debillitating leg cramps I would get at every marathon before then. Even after losing 15 minutes at the toilet, I still ran my personal best.
After the marathon, though, my pee stank to high heaven thanks to all that stuff I drank.
Uhh..... was that TMI?
Originally posted by fudgester:After the marathon, though, my pee stank to high heaven thanks to all that stuff I drank.
Uhh..... was that TMI?
the last part was TMI
but u cant beat Fatum
Since we're on TMI topics… do you older colleagues have issues with gas? Mine seem to belch at least 3 times an hour. Hope I don't reach that stage.
Sorry, make that 4 times in the last 20 minutes.
none like that on my side... or at least I didn't notice...
on the side note, I keep thinking today is Monday >___>
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:on the side note, I keep thinking today is Monday >___>
Only you'd think it's Monday, everyone else thinks it's Tuesday.
I did a Google search for 'frequent burping in old people' and it turned up things from inactive lifestyles to acid reflux to peptic ulcers.
for laughs and this is true, i didnt make this up. shared this with AV this morning.
overheard convo on the next table during dinner 2 weeks ago
A: where are the pyramids?
B: iran
i nearly fell off my chair!
It's okay, there are ppl in US who thinks places in europe belongs to USA
I just basically KO-ed on the bed the entire afternoon.
Anyhow as 3 of us were present that day, somebody called a grasshopper, a cockroach.
And he said it so loud that the world heard him I'm sure.
Circulating on fb now...
another hour to go
Originally posted by SBS2601D:I just basically KO-ed on the bed the entire afternoon.
Anyhow as 3 of us were present that day, somebody called a grasshopper, a cockroach.
And he said it so loud that the world heard him I'm sure.
A huge green cockroach
purposely "misidentifying" something can be fun...
sort of like the little brats who turn up to places with wings.. you can say "how cute! you came dressed as a moth!"
Originally posted by cassie:for laughs and this is true, i didnt make this up. shared this with AV this morning.
overheard convo on the next table during dinner 2 weeks ago
A: where are the pyramids?
B: iran
i nearly fell off my chair!
Reminds me of one of my former tuition students. I had asked him to read The Silver Sword by Ian Serraillier and to write a review on the book.
In the very first paragraph of the book review, I knew that he had not read the book and was bullsh*tting his way through the review.
He said that the characters in the book were on a quest to find an enchanted sword at the North Pole, which was somewhere in Poland.
*bangs head against tabletop*
Begins the day at work with paper witing...
Terrible mental block and writing abilities even with coffee -___-
i started the work day hunting for an email....that was sent 2 years ago
Originally posted by fudgester:Reminds me of one of my former tuition students. I had asked him to read The Silver Sword by Ian Serraillier and to write a review on the book.
In the very first paragraph of the book review, I knew that he had not read the book and was bullsh*tting his way through the review.
He said that the characters in the book were on a quest to find an enchanted sword at the North Pole, which was somewhere in Poland.
*bangs head against tabletop*
There are lots of Poles in Poland but I'm not sure who the North Pole is.
I short 1-2 min wiki and I even had a better understanding of the story than fudge's student with the "quest for the silver sword"...
that said, when i read the words "The Silver Sword" for the first time, it keep popping into my mind as "The Sword Coast"... -____-
I think one or two here might know what the sword coast is
Originally posted by Kuali Baba:There are lots of Poles in Poland but I'm not sure who the North Pole is.
Would you believe that's not even the worst part?
He bullsh*tted through the review, saying that the story was about a bunch of kids setting out to retrieve an enchanted silver sword from the North Pole, which was in Poland.
If he had even bothered to, say, read the Wikipedia article on the book, he would have known that the story was about a bunch of Polish kids trying to reunite with their lost parents in the aftermath of WWII. The 'silver sword' was in fact a small dagger and family heirloom that the kids used as a talisman for luck.
I read the review and told him: 'If you didn't actually read the book and bluffed your way through the review, please tell me now. I promise I won't get angry'.
But he insisted (in all seriousness) that he really did read the book, and that he really did the review honestly based what he read.
I quit from the tuition assignment soon thereafter. I can't waste my time on lazy and dishonest students.
Maybe he had indeed read the whole thing, but bizarrely misunderstood everything from the get-go, no matter how remotely this is likely to occur.