Senior Japanese Officials' Reckless Remarks Blasted
Pyongyang, June 21 (KCNA) -- Senior Japanese officials have recently let loose a string of reckless remarks that the DPRK should unconditionally return to the six-party talks and the abduction issue should be settled in a comprehensive manner in case the talks are resumed. Against this background, the Japanese government reportedly adopted a decision calling for not allowing even the DPRK's nuclear development for a peaceful purpose at the next round of the six-party talks. This only provokes derision among the participating nations and the international community as it is nothing but a cunning trick to deter any progress from being made in the discussion of the nuclear issue and fish in troubled waters through the six-party talks. Japan is, in fact, not qualified to participate in the talks. It is, therefore, ridiculous for it to talk about the role of a major player in choosing the main agenda items of the talks. In this regard the DPRK can not but recall the role Japan has so far played in dealing with the nuclear issue. Japan has used the nuclear issue of the Korean Peninsula for its arms buildup. Japan has taken pains to negate the self-defensive nature of the DPRK's access to missiles and nukes, claiming that its nuclear weapons are posing a great "threat" to Tokyo. Under this pretext, Japan has put spurs to the establishment of the missile defence system and to the moves to bolster up its "Self-Defence Forces". The whole course of the past six-party talks proved that Japan has stood in the way of settling the nuclear issue, far from playing a constructive role in it. At the past talks Japan vitiated the atmosphere of the talks by persistently bringing up for the discussion at the talks the abduction issue which had nothing to do with the main agenda of the talks. For this role Japan only earned curses at each round of the talks. Japan has never sincerely wished to see success of the talks. It is still today working hard to complicate the situation in a bid to drive the talks to a collapse. This is evidenced by the fact that recently Japan called for five-party talks and the referral of the nuclear issue to the UN. What Japan is seeking is not the peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue but a sinister purpose to drag on its solution and use it as a justification to emerging a military giant. As far as the nuclear issue is concerned, Japan is beset with this problem. An undeniable serious nuclear issue has existed there for several decades. Even the Japanese heavy-weights have made it clear that Japan's nuclear weaponization is incomparably graver than the uneasiness created by nukes of the DPRK. It is preposterous and disgusting for Japan to persistently raise a hue and cry over the nuclear issue of the DPRK. Japan would be well advised to cogitate about whether it is qualified to participate in the talks before saying this or that about the six-party talks. Japan had better stop going reckless, well aware of its position and the purport and objective of the talks.