Android Karenina - Leo Tolstoy & Ben H Winters
Another of the "mash-up" novels by Quirk, this is surprisingly enjoyable as it tells of the Russian Society after the discovery of the wonder metal Groznium, which allows for almost sentient robotics to give each of the gentry a robot companion or a "Class III" while other "lower classes of robots", the Class I and Class II do all the menial work in the lives of the country.
In a society where there are alien invaders, terrorists and a political plot, the life of Anna Karenina and her Class III companion robot, Android Karenina, is embroiled in terrible events which may change the fate of Russia, all the while Anna Karenina hurtles towards her own personal tragedy as she follows her heart to horrific consequences.
Turns the almost plodding original into a silly but engrossing read, although the pace is uneven most of the time, it's still quite a good waste of time.
3 out of 5.