elindra...we dun use torch light....we use candle
u only say hi to the guys??
elindra i need your advise
every nite candle light dinner
very luan here
i am meeting a guy soon at Orchard but not sure to meet or not?
so romantic Embarassed
splash...come join me
hudax> Shocked did u meet him here n how long have u known him
charlize...never go post and say u want to join me
what huh?
ah mos, u din make our bf, no lunch, and also don't know got diner or not, where got energy to join u le
hudax> if it is a crowded place it is ok la
wat's that jester wind huh??
tok half way then yilang?
elindra thanks do you think 6 pm will be nice?
Mos> candle light dinner issit coz u never pay yr electric bills ar mos
mozzie, u staging a backside coup? Shocked
<(o'.'o)> konnichiwa minna san (^.^)
charlize...never go post and say u want to join me > you noe it , I noe it, that's enough Mr. Green
Ah mos...and ah charlize...? Together?