The Jedi Academy is proud to announce that we will be offering a 3 years course for all jedi wannabe. If you are confident your are strong with the force and is considering a career as a jedi, come on down to the academy and take the trial. Below is the course syllabus.
Year 1

Basic lightsaber handling and swordsmanship
trainees will be taught basic lightsaber fighting technics.

Force Powers for Beginners
Learn standard force powers like Foce Jump, Force Speed, Force Push/Pull and Force Heal light Wounds etc.

Jedi Code of Conduct, Descipline and Culture
Learn the standards and behaviour required of a Jedi.
Year 2

Advance lightsaber handling and swordsmanship
trainees will be taught more advance and aggressive lightsaber fightning styles and how to block blaster/lazer shots with your lightsaber.

Advance Force Powers
Learn advance force powers like Jedi Mind Tricks, Force Detect Evil, Force Heal Serious Wounds etc.

History of the republic
Year 3

Flying Course
Learn how to pilot the Jedi Starfighter and the Jedi Interceptor.

Geography and Navigation
Learn the locations of all major planets in the galaxy and the major navigation routes.

Professional lightsaber handling and swordsmanship
Trainees will be given a choice of whether to exel in sigle lightsaber style, two lightsaber style or double lightsaber style of swordsmanship.

Introduction to the Dark Side of the Force
Learn dark force powers like Force Choke and Force Lightning. Trainees are strongly advised not to use them unless absolutely nescessary as frequent use of them might lead you seduced to the dark side.
All trainees are required to take a final trial consisting of a written exam and a practical exam in order to graduate. all trainees who graduated will be promoted to the rank of Padawan and will be assigned a jedi knight as your mentor. A lightsaber will also be issued to you. All padawans are only allowed tto go on VIP protection/rescue/escort missions or investigations unless otherwise approved by your mentor.