* eyeceyes waves back..
* eyeceyes hands pup a bone..
yoz death!
ici>busy day?
pup> well, as usual lor... gonna earn my keep leh... Laughing
ici>I tot Ah Mossie support u Laughing
laggy tonite eh...
pup> haha... mos? he sarport his baby, not me...
[12:55 am]
ici>not u meh? he always Embarassed when see u
v v laggy to nite... think i go off le...
pup> mos Embarassed always when he sees many pple... lots of ppl Embarassed when they c me... Laughing
ici>why Embarassed ? u too chio liao? Very Happy
pup> no lah.. coz too ugly liao.. that they Embarassed to think hw lucky they are...
ici>don't so modest la....if u not chio...why Ah mos label u as "dear" liao?
[1:01 am]
haiz... i go off le.. may be logon later.. no patience wif the laggin here... bye!
* StarPuppy waves bye to ici
pup> for goodness sake! mos has not even met me, my dear...
I'm wondering what I'm doing so early in da morning