He needs more Yun Nan Jian Fa Zhong Xing recommendationsOriginally posted by Troy437:He is just using a different brand of batteries, dun get so worked up.
Pity the guy...so young no hair liao.
no lah..bejing101 is better...after 1 treatment then the hair lwill grow ike a bush...somemore 1st time is FOC...lolOriginally posted by deathscythe99:He needs more Yun Nan Jian Fa Zhong Xing recommendations
the purple hue from mace windu's lightsaber is the color of a crystal fixed in his lightsaber when ignited. while blue and green are the most easily found and availible crystals, purple is a rare one.Originally posted by the.raven:wtf, Mace Windu suxorz, he uses a purple lightsabre, which is gay. and everyone knows that purple is made up of blue and red, so Mace WIndu is half light side half dark side, WTF!!
Same hue as Mara Jade's lightsaber in the TPB.Originally posted by aCid_rAIn:the purple hue from mace windu's lightsaber is the color of a crystal fixed in his lightsaber when ignited. while blue and green are the most easily found and availible crystals, purple is a rare one.
Wats dat?Originally posted by LazerLordz:Same hue as Mara Jade's lightsaber in the TPB.
My bad..the purple saber appeared in Star Wars Tales comics, whereas in By The Emperor's Hand, she wields a red saber.Originally posted by SBS9828X:Wats dat?