Originally posted by deathscythe99:
G3? Hmmm...is the battery in good condition?

My fren looking for G3 Batteries...haha.
Mine is a new G4...yea! Just got it! It's souped up, so it's pretty good too! Plus, there's the 1GB ram to boot. It could replace my desktop, 'cept for the lack of hdd.
But that is circumvented by the fact that I store my stuff on cds, dvds and on my desktop, so...I bring the stuff I need.
But I'm still having problems sharing files bet computers in my own network

Batt in decent condition, can tahan for 3hr plus but I'm nt selling jus the batt nia.

More RAM is better than less RAM, so 1GB is good.
Did you lookup the Help files in ya Mac with regards to hooking up your own PC and the Mac? Anyway, here's a article from there which I tght may be of help to u.
Setting up a Windows computer to share files with Mac usersYou can set up a Windows computer to share files with other users on your network, including Mac users.
To let users connect to a Windows computer from a Mac computer, you need to share a folder on the Windows computer.
1.If you have never set up the Windows computer for sharing, open My Network Places and follow the onscreen instructions to set up a home or small office network.
2.To share a folder, right click the folderÂ’s icon and choose Properties. Click the Share tab and follow the onscreen instructions.
You may need to disable the Internet Connection Firewall in the Advanced pane of the device's properties.
You may need to restart the Windows computer after setting it up.
To connect to the Windows computer, users need the network address for the computer, the workgroup name, and the user name and password for the shared folder:
To see the computerÂ’s workgroup name and computer name, open the System control panel, then click the Computer Name tab.
To see the names of user accounts available on the computer, open the User and Groups control panel.
To see the IP address and DNS name of a Windows XP computer, look in the Details pane of the Explorer. You may need to open the Network Connection control panel and select the connection youÂ’re using. The information appears in the Explorer Bar.